Chapter 9: A better cure

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Back at the Feathersons house, Erynn was more worried than she was ever before. And a bit hurt too from her previous argument with Alex. Her leg was healed afterwards. She's in her room talking to her pet dragon as it was sleeping. "What am I going to do Peeko" she said. "It's like I don't even recognize him anymore. From what Curtis said has really got me anxious. I can't even sleep just thinking about what Alex is going to turn." Peeko stretched its arms and legs and moves on Erynn's shoulder for a comfortable sleeping place. "I've trusted too much on everyone, but I'm starting to feel afraid being around him. His partner is afraid him too." "Zzz..." Peeko sleeps like an adorable little baby. "I'm talking to myself and that's not a healthy activity. I might need some help."

Erynn walks to McDuck manor to get professional help from none other than Webby Vanderquack. "Erynn" yelled Webby. They started hugging, but Erynn doesn't feel well. "Are you okay? You look like if you've broken up with Dewey." "He" said Erynn. "It's more like an argument and somewhat of a friendship breakup." "Oh no, that's horrible" said Webby. "Want me to talk to Dewey?" "What, no" said Erynn. "It's not about Dewey. I just needed your help." "Help is my middle name" said Webby. "I thought it was "Expert" said Erynn. "Right" she yelled. "But it's also "Help". I'll get granny to get you something." "Oh no thanks" said Erynn. "I'll be okay." "Suit yourself" said Webby.

They head on over to Webby's room to talk in private. "Do you know anything about shadows" questioned Erynn. "I've known almost a lot about shadows" said Webby. "For example, Lena. She's a shadow, but she's also part of my shadow for life." "Aw..." said Erynn. "So what kinds of shadow you want to talk about" Webby continued. "Well..." Erynn explains. "Do you know one shadow that possesses a host and take over their body until the host's emotions starts to feel rage and not feel like theirselves anymore until it takes over one hundred percent?" "I think I know what you're talking about" said Webby.

She flips pages to find what they're looking for. "Not every shadow can do that unless they can perfect it. It says here that the shadow allows itself to enter a person's body when the person feels angry or lose hope in some sort of ways. Thus, allowing it to take control of a person's anger or upset emotions. By the time when it reaches to its seventy five percent power as the person starts to feel more rage, it takes control of the host complete. When it reaches to one hundred, the shadow takes over the body completely as it becomes a new person of it's own. When it's out of the body before one hundred percent, it gains knowledge and memories from the host it once took possession before taking over."

"Oh no" said Erynn. "What, what is it" said Webby. "Did one of your family has a shadow inside of them." "No" said Erynn in fear. "It's Alex. He has that shadow inside of him." "Wait, you had an argument with Alex" said Webby. "What happen?" "I...... I don't know" said Erynn. "So that explains his amazing abs and muscle as what Lena was describing him" said Webby. "Wait what" said Erynn. "I know" Webby chuckled. "She send me a photo when she noticed Alex walking past right next to her. She told me how she wanted to feel his....uh... wow. Whew! Is it really hot in her?" Erynn starts to feel uncomfortable.

"Anyways, Lena told me she has this strange connection that's surrounding her whenever she walks pass by your friend. So uh.... you didn't make him mad, did you?" "Kinda...maybe.......I don't know" Erynn whimpered. "And I think I drove him away." *SOB! *SOB! *SOB! "Hey hey hey, it's okay" said Webby. "No...*SOB its not" said Erynn. "I'm trying my best to give him the help he needed and now I'm actually scared that the shadow is going to turn Alex into a demonic monster. *SOB! I don't know what else I can do to save him."

Webby flips pages again to find a cure. "Do you know if Alex still has that friendship bracelet I gave him before" she questioned. "Yeah...*SNIFF! Why" said Erynn. Webby starts to explains the cure. "According to this page, when holding hands with your loved ones by four friends, family or both, it drags the shadow out of its host. Or simply get a shadow gauntlet that would be somewhat painful to do." "But I don't want to hurt him" said Erynn. "But I'm afraid I might get hurt from him." "Well that's not a problem at all" said Webby. "Friendship magic is a better way to not hurt your friends in anyway. All though, you got to place him still otherwise it won't work. Erynn, it's never too late to resolve your issues with your relationship. There's always time to make up everything you guys done. Just do me a favor and don't lose hope. Ever." "You're right" said Erynn. "Maybe he's still mad at me, but there's never a chance to bring in someone else to talk for you." "That's the spirit....I think" said Webby. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I was wondering if you would be interested for a sleepover after you make up?" Erynn looks up and think to make up her mind. "We'll see" said Erynn. "I can't promise anything, but I'll try to be here. Thanks for everything." "Good luck" yelled Webby. Erynn run towards Dewey and Carrie's and spin him around with joy. "What just happened" Dewey questioned while blushing. "I'm gonna go save a friend in need" said Erynn. She ran out the door of McDuck manor.

Meanwhile at the Feathersons house, Ben and Fawn were having a weird discussion. "You know what's confusing" Ben questioned. "Magic." "Why is it confusing" said Fawn. "From what I've seen on TV, there's people who does magic scam tricks while the other is a super power ability." "Well I don't think tricks are scams" said Fawn. "People who do tricks helps entertain and steal stuff from people. Like this one time, a clown pulls out so many scarfs right out of his mouth, nose, ear and a place that should be left unsaid and made a kid's juice box disappeared, but caught him drinking it. The only trick I love is the quarter in the ear trick. I wonder how much money I got from my ears." "Wait, we don't have ears" said Fawn. "Then how can we hear" Ben questioned. Erynn slams the door open. "Guys, I need you" she said.

The four walked outside while having chat to form a plan. "So you want us to try to calm Alex down until you have a chance to strike him down" Mary questioned. "Okay, what you're trying to do was having us killed" said Ben. "If I die, then this is the worst idea you ever had on making her part of our family Fawn." "Don't blame me" said Fawn. "Maybe it's Erynn's fault for meeting Alex in the first place." "All right, everyone, calm down" yelled Mary. "I'm just as afraid as you all are, but we're trying to show him how much we care. Plus, none of you have caused his anger. I've been wanting to have a good relationship with Alex ever since we threw him a party. When I see him, it's like I actually have a long lost brother I never met. If they do anything that will try to make him mad, he'll start to change more. Erynn, we'll do our best to not trigger him." Ben and Fawn looks at each other with a concern expression. "Fine" said Ben. "Thank you" said Erynn. "Ben, why don't you go first?" "Wait, why me" he said. "Because I saw how you really talked to him before since the party and how you guys spend time together at the park. You two have a nice relationship." "Oh okay." "Don't worry, I'll follow you in case things get out of hand."

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