Chapter 8: Good Duck, Bad Duck

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New Yolk Police Department. Where all criminals and one villain end up for a life time or depending how long in bars. One policeman walks at the hallway releasing every single prisoners handcuffed. "Outta your cells" the policeman said. In the cafeteria, the men were having a discussion.

"Hey hey" said Prisoner 1. "Check out the skinny bald man." Prisoner 2 looks at the person sitting by himself at the big table. "So" he said. "So.... I hate new people and weaklings" said Prisoner 1. "Why don't we teach him a lesson?" He walks up to the bald man right behind him without causing a scene. He cracks his knuckles as he's preparing himself to give the bald man a knuckle sandwich. "Hey baldy! There's a rule for prisoners like us. 1. Whoever is the skinniest, gets beat up. 2. Whoever doesn't have hair gets beat up. And 3. Whoever is as size as a marshmallow gets beat up. So why don't you do me a favor and show me how tough you are."

The bald man gets up and turns around giving prisoner 1 a glare. "Frank Geesness?" He steps back quickly in fear. "Here's a new rule, never underestimate me" said Frank. The prisoners turns around with a shocked expression. "No way" said Prisoner 3. "That's him" said Prisoner 4. Prisoner 2 screams in happiness. "Can I get your autograph?" The prisoners looked at him with confusion. "Back off rejection" said Frank pushing him away.

Prisoner 2 went back to his seat, but someone stole it. "What gives" he said. "Sorry" said Prisoner 1. "But it turns out, you're not very manly for someone who squeals like a dog." Frank stood behind Prisoner 1's back. He turns around as he felt fear knowing he's watching. "On second thought, welcome back." Frank pushes the other prisoner with his foot while being tied with rubber cuffs to prevent electricity.

"So Frank" said Prisoner 2. "What brings you here. I heard you try to kill a kid for interfering with your plans, but won by a cheap punch in.....the....face.... *GULP! Sorry." "Oh no no" said Frank. "It's quite all right. In fact, since you're a big fan, I'm happy to tell you that you're correct." "You look terrible" said Prisoner 1. "You don't get to comment" said Frank. "Sorry" said Prisoner 1 in fear. "So get this rumor" said Prisoner 3. "You got lighting powers from Zeus that you stole which cause a swarm of Harpies to go after Duckburg." "No" said Prisoner 1. "I heard that Zeus called the Harpies because his son Storkules was not mature." "You also wanted to kill Scrooge McDuck because he made you bald" said Prisoner 2. "Can I touch it?" "You children are all so adorable" said Frank. "And don't think about it. All of them are correct except my backstory." "Can we hear the true story" said Prisoner 2. "Can we get rid of this moron" said Prisoner 1. "Can we get rid of you" said Frank.

"So it all started the day I became a youngster. However, I'm not in your universe." "What are you talking about" Prisoner 1 questioned. "You'll see" said Frank. "I wasn't part of a race I like to call ducks. But I was part of a race called humans. All I ever wanted in life was spend time with my own folks I hate to call, family." "Mommy" said Young Frank. "What is it" said his mother in a bad mood. "Can we go to the park" Young Frank questioned. "Why should we" his mother question. "I wanna be pushed in the swings." "What's wrong with your room" she questioned. "I don't want to play by myself" said Young Frank. "I wanna do something together." "Ugh, okay fine" said his mother. "You can play with bowls Hank." "It's Frank" he said. The door opens as his father returned from work. "Daddy!" "What is it" he questioned. "Can we go to the park today" he asked again. "How's this" said his father. "Television! It keeps you entertained twenty four seven. That helps you use your imagination. Isn't that fun?" "No" said Frank in frustration. "Then stop acting like a brat and leave me alone. Isn't the house worth it? Who are you?" "I'm your son daddy, it's Frank." "Whatever Marissa." "It's not even close." He runs to his room while tearing are running down in his face.

"My parents are the type of people I wish they never exist in my life. They never want to do anything with me but focus on their lives more. I hang out with cousins and friends who I thought to be part of my own family." "Guys" yelled Young Frank. "Help me! There's a big guy trying to come after me and I need protection." "Gotcha" yelled the bully. Young Frank's friend stands in fear as Frank is getting tortured. "Hey kid" said the bully. "Do you know him?" Frank's friend turns around as everyone is watching him and said, "No. I don't know him." Young Frank was surprised and hurt who he has betrayed by his own friend. "Uncle! Uncle" yelled Frank.

"Nobody even my family were there to support and helped me as I'm a rejection. But I wouldn't give up to be the best person I'm trying to be for my family. During my high school years, I was preparing myself to have a great future as I'm getting ready to graduate. "Hi mom" said Teen Frank. "Who are you" she questioned. "I told you a million times, it's Dennis" he lied. "I'm just letting you know that today is graduation day." "Oh yeah, thank you" she said. "I'll be there as soon as I'm doing cleaning around the house." "Sometimes, I changed my name as my parents won't stopped calling me names as I've gotten used to it over the years. I had a beautiful girlfriend in high school named Carla. She has beautiful brown hair and amazing accent. We planned to have our own future together after we're done with high school. During the ceremony, my parents, my cousins, my family, they're not here. Before I come up, I called them on the phone to know when they're almost here." "Who is it" said Frank's father. "Where are you guys" said Teen Frank. "Do we know you" said his father. "Dad, I'm so sick of you guys treating me like garbage ever since I was born" said Teen Frank emotionally. "I've tried to spend time with you guys, but never shown support or careness whatsoever. Are you guys almost here to my graduation or not?!" "Dad" his father questioned. "We don't have a son." He throws the phone on the ground and smashes it with his foot. He comes up to the stage and gives his speech. He looks around at everyone and leaves in shame.

"My hatred grew overtime and see a lot of families being so happy. Playing board games, having supper together, show much affection, everything. I started leaving my wife and my child. I never called, I never spoken, I never see myself. It was raining very hard, until the lightning bolt struck a broken tv that was left outside of a resident's trash can. It opened a portal to another dimension. It lead me to Duckburg and I never knew how beautiful this city and universe really is. It wasn't enough to erase my hatred for others. The portal closes as I am trapped here forever. That wasn't the case until I met Scrooge McDuck. He was my hero to say the least. He showed me everything. Lost treasures, ancient statues, maps and the thing that gave me the idea to show how families can ruin your life. The papyrus of binding. A mystical artifact that anyone can rewrite history or change anything they like. I made Gold Goose Industries and New Yolk City into a reality. I erased Scrooge and everyone's memories to remember why I exist until we met face to face again. I afford a replica with millions of dollars I wrote on paper. I never wanted to be the bad guy, but the kid forced me to become one and made me lose my mind..."

"All right" said the officer. "Time to head back to your cell". "Bite me" said Frank. "Until we meet again. Or never." "He scares me" said Prisoner 1.

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