The Dark Lords Daughter

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Hi guys, MadelineHatterxox here. So I finally decided to post my PktWriters story on here as well, hope you like it, please comment below, I would love to here your suggestions.

I stared down at the age yellowed parchment in my hands, my eyes repeatedly tracing over the lettering. Not believing what I saw,

"Eruanna Riddle, The Hay Loft, Brookfarm Manor, Yorkshire." The writing was by hand and scratched deeply into the rough surface of the paper. Turning it around the back held the seal that was unmistakable to my eyes, I had waited my whole life for this. Pealing open the envelope I carefully removed the letter and unfolded each end and gasped.

"Dear Miss Eruanna Riddle,

It is with great delight that I inform you of your acceptance to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we look forward to welcoming you to our school at the beginning of term (1st of September) and watching you achieve great things

Yours expectantly

Albus Dumbledore


My heart soared as I clutched the letter to my chest, this was my ticket out of here, this was my chance to redeem myself.

A low whicker from below woke me from my joy induced daze, Grace. My heart sank, scrambling from the hayloft I rocketed down the wooden ladders and landed softly on my feet. I froze, my chance for happiness seemed to have faded. Many students at Hogwarts took pets such as cats, owls and even toads, but as far as I know no one has ever taken a horse with them. I sighed slumping down onto the swept concrete floor and tears began to leak from my icy blue eyes, they ran ferociously down my pale cheeks. My skin created a stark contrast to my mass of dark brown unruly curls, I looked up as warm air was blown down upon me. Grace. She was the horse in question a present from my birth mother when I was but six years old, I could remember opening the heavy barn doors on my sixth birthday after hearing one of my uncles dogs barking in the house and there she lay, a beautiful black and white filly foal. I took her in and bottle fed her every two hours, she grew strong and loyal and became my only friend in the world. Looking at her now you would never had recognised her from the quivering ball of gangly legs and showing ribs. She reached out her long neck and nuzzles my already messy hair, I giggled my tears stopping as I smiled at her. I could never leave her, I can never go. The doors of the barn suddenly swung open and the figure of my uncle showed in the morning light, he looked most un-pleased. He glared down at me in annoyance as I scrambled to my feet trying to brush the hay and straw from my clothes.

"What is this?" His voice was cold and stern and I cowered into Grace's door I glanced at where his eyes were pinpointed. Laying on the ground next to the ladder a strand of straw lay helplessly.

"I-I'm sorry Uncle" I stuttered, running quickly to remove the offending mess. His nostrils flared and I could hear his restrained breath,

" I give you shelter, food, I allow you to keep this beast on my property," he waved his arm forward gesturing towards my beautiful horse.

" and all I ask in return is that you keep this place tidy." He was shouting his grey eyes gleamed, his black hair falling slightly out of style. I bowed my head unable to keep eye contact anymore.

"I'm sorry, I will try to do better." My voice was small and timid, when all I really wanted to do was scream an shout back, though I had learnt quickly that back talk was not accepted in the Scullard household. His let out a huff of annoyance before turning back to the door, he glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Make sure you do."With that he left, back to the manor house from which I was refused entry.

They were not my real family, or at least I didn't think so. I couldn't see how I could be related to someone so malicious, no it did not make sense. I know who my parents are although fear to admit it, my father had once been a student at the school where I had just been accepted. In his younger years he was know to his teachers and classmates as Thomas Riddle, though now no one dare speak his name. Known to some as "The Dark Lord", to most "You Know Who", to me...Father.

My mother worshipped at my father's feet, to her her life and world revolved around him. His accomplishments, his desires. Enough so that when ordered she would give up her only child, leave her with muggles and hope she would grow and learn of the magical world. My mother had of course intervened in my life on some occasions, each birthday having a gift delivered, having someone check up on me every few months. She thought I didn't notice, but I did. Though this caring side was seen by few most knew her for her vicious temper and alarming madness and he name became known throughout the wizarding world for being a famous "Deatheater". Bellatrix Lestrange. I learnt of the magical world through a family who lived not far away. The mother and son had been blessed with the gift of magic. Rose was the one to teach me about Hogwarts, the different houses, the legends and of "You Know Who". She had gone to school with my father and immediately recognised his features in me. Their family did not last long after "he" discovered them. I could remember it so clearly. Only seven years old I had walked the gravel road to towards their house, as I had so many times before, only this time there would be no warm greeting.
I ran when I saw the smoke, huge thick suffocating clouds of it. The entire property had been scorched. The once white picket fence surrounding the gardens now lay crumbled still glowing with embers. The perfectly manicured lawn looked like a black carpet. The rose bushes and flower beds, gone. I remembered so vividly my shoes kicking up ash as I entered the hallway and into the kitchen...that's where I found them. Their bodies blackened. Roses husband Eric lay over his wife and son, Roberts, body. I had cried harder than I ever had that day. The closest thing I had ever had to a family ripped from my life in seconds. Robert would have been sixteen this year.
My "uncle" and his wife and daughter, we're muggles and one of the worst types, rich, arrogant and incapable of imagination. I knew they knew of my talent and of the attack on our neighbours and it scared them, so they kept me at arms length and in constant fear so to quell any possible attack on their family and their fortune. I am nothing like my father and I do not relish in the thought of destroying another's life in vengeance.

I decided to ignore the acceptance letter, for I knew if I left my "uncle" would sell my precious Grace in a heartbeat and that was something that I would never let happen. Though I could not keep my head in the sand forever.

Ok guys, please comment, like and carry on reading! Adios x

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