Merry Christmas

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It was the day all the student were heading off home for Christmas. I sat on my bed watching Hermione as she folded everything neatly and placed it into her suitcase, I sighed.

"I can't believe your going home and leaving me with the boys" I grimaced, causing her to giggle.

"Well I'm sorry, but my parents want me home. Besides you'll have fun." she beamed, zipping up the case and pulling it off her bed.

"I know but I'm going to miss you, three weeks is a long time." I pouted and stared at my friend, she placed her thing on the bed and we wrapped each other in a hug.

"It'll fly by, you'll see." she murmured into my shoulder.

"It better." I replied, feeling the first of the farewell tears trickling from my eyes. She pulled away, her cheeks tear stained.

"And don't let Harry forget about Nicholas Flamel." She warned sternly and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Anna!" She gasped, smacking me playfully on the arm.

"Ok, ok. I remind him." I laughed, before following her down to the crowded common room. I scanned the heads for chestnut brown hair, but was left disappointed. Me and Hermione shoved through the crowded room, tripping over luggage and people's feed as we battled to the passageway. Once outside we breathed a sigh of relief, I accompanied her down the stairs and towards the main entrance, looking into the hall I spotted Harry and Ron.

"Hey look." I shouted over the stampede of booted feet as everyone tried to make their way out as quickly as possible. We broke off from the main traffic and steppe towards our friends.

"Knight to E-5" Harry stated, watching the table infront of him. Rom smiled smugly.

"Queen to E-5" Hermione and I watched in shock as a queen shaped chess piece moved obediently to where Harry's white knight stood. The queen halted, stood, picked up her chair ad promptly decapitated he opposing piece. I stood wide mouthed at the violent act.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione exclaimed, as Ron straightened in victory.

"That's wizard's chess." he stated, he glanced down as Hermione's bag. "I see you've packed." He said turning away.

"I see you haven't." Hermione  sneered, I chuckled lightly. Catching Harry's attention, he smiled at me before going back to studying the board.

"Change of plans," Ron began. "My parents decided to hoot Romania to cost my brother Charlie. He studying Dragons there!" His face lit up as he spoke of his brother and I couldn't help but smile at his admiration.

"Good, you can help Harry, then." Hermione smirked, "he going to the library to look for information in Nicholas Flamel." She leant towards the two boys, anticipating their reply.

"We've look a hundred times!" Ron complained, slouching in his seat.

"Not in the restricted section." She whispered before straightening "Merry Christmas." She chirped, turning towards the exit.

"I think we've been a bad influence on her" Ron said, looking in the direction he had disappeared in.

"Hey! Speak for yourself." I laughed, glancing towards the doors I spotted who I had been looking for earlier.

"Bye guys." I said quickly taking off out of the door.

"Oliver!" I called over the bobbing crowd, I could see him laughing with his friends as they made their way out side into the snow.

"Oliver!" I shouted again once outside, he stopped half way across the courtyard. Looking round in confusion.

"Oliver!" His eyes found mine and his face broke out into a wide smile.  He began to make his way towards me as I stepped carefully down the steps.

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