All aboard

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I was amazed by the sheer size of King's Cross the huge green archways which lined each side of the platforms, Minerva seemed oblivious to all the stares she was getting from the muggle folk. Approaching the one of the bridges across one of the lines I quickly spotted a familiar form.

"Hagrid!" I called through the crowd, he was stood with his back to us his form crouched down over something. As we got closer I realised it was a boy, his round spectacles covered his blue eyes and a scruffy mop of black hair covered his head. They were talking,

"Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore'll be wanting his...well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, you train leaves in ten minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick to it, Harry that's very important, Stick to your-"

"Hi Hagrid" I said cheerfully, deciding to intervene as the poor boy, Harry, looked as terrified as I felt.

"Ah Anna, Professor." he straightened still clutching the golden ticket within his hand.

"Good to see your on time, Rubeus." Minerva smiled, as Hagrid began to murmur, something about always being on time, just slightly late. I chuckled drawing their attention to me and Harry. They smiled,

"Perhaps you two could find the train together while myself and Hagrid finish up some chores." McGonagall beamed her emerald eyed shining at us. She reached into her cloak and carefully retrieved a golden rectangle of shimmering paper and handed it to me. Hagrid did the same with Harry's.

"Stick to it, right Hagrid?" I said playfully, winking at him. He suddenly seemed to be pulled out of his daze and continued with his speech.

"Yes," He said pointing at both me and the skinny boy next to me "Stick to your ticket." I turned to Harry who was reading his,

"Platform 9 3/4? But Hagrid there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9 3/4. There's no such there?" He looked up and gasped, following his line of sight I found that both Hagrid and Professor McGonagall had vanished. I sighed turning my trolley round I began to push it away from where they had both stood moments ago. Harry followed, his face bewildered.

We pushed and shoved our way through the crowd of people until we reached platform 9. A man walked past swiftly knocking Harry's trolley into mine

"Sorry!" The man called behind him as he ran on. I was watching the signs on the pillars waiting for some sign as to where our train may be, when Harry spotted a Trainmaster directing some muggles onwards.

"Excuse me, Sir. Can you tell us where we might find Platform 9 3/4?" Harry asked, his voice polite and respectful. However the Trainmaster's face screwed up in anger. He lowered his round face towards us and sneered.

"9 3/4? Think you being funny, do ya?" Shaking his head he strode off into the crowd. We both slumped onto our trollies and Harry let out a heavy sigh. When, out of the corner of my eye I spotted something, a flash of red, then another and another. A voice rose from the crowd,

"It's the same year after year. Always packed with muggles, of course." I looked to Harry and saw that he too had spotted the red haired woman. Behind her trailed four boys varying in age, all pushing trollies ladened with similar items as our own. Harry smiled at me

"Muggles?" He whispered before quickly setting off in pursuit, as I followed after.

"Platform 9 3/4, this way!" She called again and group suddenly ground to a halt in front of one of the brick pillars. I watched confused as the woman gestured to the eldest boy.

"All right Percy, you first." He began to push his trolley towards the wall and I watched in amazement as he slipped effortlessly through the hard stone. The woman gestured again and called another name, but I was to in shock to hear what they were saying. Another of the boys ran through followed closely by his twin, I glanced at Harry to find him shaking his head in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" He said quickly capturing the woman's attention.

"Could you tell me- us," he amended quickly waving his hand between our trollies,"how to..."

"Get onto the Platform?" The red-head offered,a kind smile gracing her face.

"Yes not to worry, dears. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." Glancing to my left I spotted another auburn hair boy around the same age as both me and Harry, he smiled shyly and I beamed back (after all I wasnt going to make friends quickly if I scowled at them). My attention was returned to whom I presumed was Ron's mother.

"Now," she said glancing between Harry and me, "All you've got I do is walk straight at the wall between platform 9 and 10." She paused smiling, "best to do it at abit of a run if your nervous." She added, Harry gulped and looked over to me.

"Ladies first," he said a sheepish smile on his face, as I rolled my eyes.

"Good luck." A small girl with strawberry-blond hair whispered, I hadn't noticed her before. She clung to her mother's sleeve peeking out at me from behind the shawl wrapped around the woman's shoulder's, I smiled. Gripping the handles of my trolley tighter I set off, gathering speed slightly till I was jogging. I watched in pure elation as the front end of my trolly slipped past the barrier and closing my eyes I felt the cool of the brick against my skin. Suddenly it was gone and the sounds of a bustling platform replaced it. I walked a few steps forward, above me hung a old fashion sign "9 3/4" was written in curling numbers. I swung the trolly round to my right and froze before me stood a huge steam engine, a red plaque took pride of place upon it's face, "Hogwarts Express" it read. I began following the heaving crowd, I looked behind me and sighed in relief as Harry emerged into the same place I had just been standing, followed by Ron, his mother and little sister. His mum quickly shooed us down the platform and showed us where to put our trunks and Harry's snowy owl, Hedwig, before pushing us into one of the carriages. She and Ron's sister,Ginny, waved at us as me and Harry found a seat and placed our carry on bags into the over head storage. Ron continued down the line of carriages, leaving me and Harry alone. I searched the crowd for Mrs Weasley and finally made eye contact, mouthing the words "thank you" through the glass I watched as her lips curved into a smile.

"Your welcome." She replied and lifted her hand in a small waved, which I mirrored.

I rocked slightly in my seat as the train began to move, a loud whistle pierced the air and a huge puff of smoke billowed into the Platform. I could ear the voices of hundreds of parents and children shouting their final goodbyes, as the train began its long journey to Hogwarts school and to the beginning of my new life.

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