A Horrid Life

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~Minx's POV~ (by the way she is 5 years old)

I fell to the floor and coughed off red liquid after daddy pushed me. Why daddy? I though you loved me? "Daddy stop please", I begged hoping daddy will still like me. "NO! You're the reason why she died! Your mother died Michelle! Ever since you were given birth your mother died, you piece of shit!", daddy yelled. He picked me up with his hand and threw me across the room. Owch! My back..it hurts. I cried as more red liquid trickled down my head. "YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF A SHIT DAUGHTER! I LOVED YOUR MOTHER!", he ran up to me. I couldn't do anything. I coughed again as more red liquid came out of my mouth. Daddy was the only thing I saw before I closed my eyes.

~Time Skipping Powers~

~Minx's POV~ (still 5)

I woke up in a bed and what seemed like a room. I looked over and saw some tools I saw from a cartoon I watched. Then someone came into a room and I saw a woman. She looked very pretty, and she was wearing what seemed like white clothing. "It's a miracle you're alive!", the lady smiled at me, and I smiled. "Dear..what is your name?" "I'm Michelle..wait where is daddy?", I asked. The lady frowned "he is in jail now sweet heart" daddy in jail? I started crying, the lady then gave me a teddy bear. I stopped crying as I held the bear close to me. "You are in a hospital..luckily some young boy saw what happened and went to tell his parents and they called us.", she said. "He also brought that toy teddy bear just for you." I smiled as I fell asleep.

~More Time Skipping Powers later~

~???'s POV~ (this person is 6 years old)

Will that girl be ok? Why would her dad beat her up like that? "Do you think she will be ok mommy?", I asked. "I'm sure she will dear.". The nurse lady came back and told us that she is ok and fell asleep. "So she will be sent to an orphanage and if you want you can sometimes visit her." An orphanage? What is that? "Mommy what is an orphanage?" "A place where kids have no home or parents looking after them, but she will be alright honey." Mommy then asked if we can see the girl. The nurse lady said "yes" and we followed her into a room.

~Minx's POV~

(Minx's dream) I was stuck in a room and saw daddy charging at me with a shiny thing in his hand "you will pay!" He screamed. (Minx wakes up) "WAH!", I cried. The lady then came in and ran to me and calmed me down as she pat my head. "Dear is there anything wrong??" "I had a bad dream", I whimpered. Then a boy and another lady walked in. The boy was wearing a red hat that had the letter "M" in the middle hehe. "Michelle..this young boy saw what happened and his parents dialed up the hospital number.", the lady said. I smiled "thank you." The boy's face started turning red, is he ok? "I-I'm Anthony.", the boy said.

~Anthony's POV~

Michelle looked pretty I have to admit, rather than the other girls in my school. She had brown hair that had a little purple and has yellow eyes. "Thank you, Anthony." She thanked me again. "You're welcome" "and thank you Anthony's mommy." "It's a pleasure dear." (Some time later) I watched with mommy as Michelle got into a car with the nurse. The nurse said that she will be taking Michelle to the orphanage. "Will we still see her mommy?" "Yes dear..maybe when you get older.." I walked with mommy as we go back home.

DONE! Chapter 1 complete woop woop! Hope you guys like it so far!


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