Elementary Disaster

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~Minx's POV~ (she is 9 years old)

My first time in 4th grade yay! I got dropped off by the nurse who always took care of me. It's my first time in school, but I got little knowledge from the nurse teaching me. I walked to the office, "oh you're the new student? Oh you look so cute!", the office lady squeezed my cheek, is this what they do to their students? "I-I'm Minx." Yeah I changed my name, I was kinda getting tired of my last name. "What's your last name dear?" "Manga." "Ok Minx your classroom will be room 45." I nodded and said my good bye. I walked through the hallway and I can feel many eyes staring at me and I hear whispers go out through echoing. Then I saw Anthony talking to a group of guys, some were wearing glasses and some were not. He saw me and called me over, I walked to him and hid behind him. "Aw is this your girl friend Anthony?", said one of his friends. "What? Nah!", Anthony said. "Well anyway this is Michelle! Michelle meet Ze, GaLm, Smarty, by the way he isn't as smart..." "Hello.", I said shyly kicking the floor. "But you can call me Minx.", I added. "Sup Minx.", they all said. The bell rang and I looked around the hall hoping to find my room number. "Hey Minx what room are you?", asked Anthony. "Room 45." "That's my room woo! There are some classes that teaches 4th and 5th grade haha." I followed Anthony to the room and I walked next to the teacher, she seems very nice and a little old, she probably teaches here for a long time. "Ok ok settle down class settle down haha. We have a new student! Her name is Minx, now say hi to Minx!" "Hello Minx", everyone said. "H-Hi I'm the new student Minx and...yeah", I said shyly, some people giggled which made me embarrassed "now now let's not have that behavior in this room, ok Minx sit down next to Krism and Marzia over there!", she pointed to 2 girls and I scurried to my seat. Krism had one red eye and one normal brown eye, Marzia looks so cute, almost like a kid! Well we are kids haha. "Hi I'm Krism! I hope we can be good friends!", said Krism and hugged me. Well heh Krism is very friendly. "I'm Marzia, we can be the best of friends!", said Marzia and smiled at me. Elementary might not be that bad haha. After class ended we went off to lunch, well, I have to go to the cafeteria to buy lunch. "Hey Minx, we will be waiting at this table ok?" "Ok.", I walked inside the cafeteria and I tripped on something. I got up and I was face to face with this blonde girl. "Hey I saw you talking to Anthony! Is he your boyfriend or something?!", jeez this girl is annoying and is making me mad. "I'm his friend ok? And by the way don't ruin your pretty face by making that ugly face at me k?", I said and went in line. "EXCUSE ME BITCH BUT YOU CAN NOT TAKK TO ME LIKE THAT!", she threw her fist at me and I caught her wrist. I then punched her in the face. What is this?! I swear I'm not doing anything! But the feeling..it felt so..awesome! Wait Minx, don't go crazy..you have to relax. All of a sudden a group of girls started kicking and punching me, I fell to the floor and they kicked me in the stomach, I coughed and tried to cry for help but my throat felt sore. "HEY STOP HURTING OUR FRIEND!", said a familiar voice. Then all the girls fled away leaving me injured. "Minx are you ok?!", said Marzia and Krism. They took me to the nurse's office and stayed with me. I was given an ice pack and a plastic water bottle, the nurse bandaged my wounds and gave me a thumbs up with a smile. Great..I made a new enemy.

~Chilled's POV~

I forgot to pack lunch so I have to go to the cafeteria. I then got in line and I saw Minx talking to my friend Jess. Then I saw Jess throw a punch at Minx but Minx caught it and punched Jess. "Holy crap holy crap!", I said to myself. I walked over to them but then a group of girls got in my way as another group of girls beat up Minx. "Sorry Anthony but we need to borrow Minx for a sec.", a girl said. I tried to push through but man, these girls are working as a team to not let me get through. "HEY STOP HURTING OUR FRIEND!", I looked over and saw my classmate Krism and Mariza. The group of girls fled except for the ones pushing me back. They then took Minx to the nurse's office I believe. Man she got beat up..I should visit her..after I get all these girls out of my way. "AUGH!", I yelled as I pushed them out of my way and ran to the nurse's office.

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