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(By the way this is a couple days after the whole Chinx sleepover and poop)

~Minx's POV~

I woke up laying down on the floor scrambled in my pillow and blanket, I'm always like this and never end up getting up since I am too lazy. Sometimes I even sleep for hours until my mum comes to check on me. I then heard my phone's ringtone go off, I groaned and stood up, I grabbed my phone, I turned it on and got blinded by the light, I squinted my eyes and rubbed them, man that hurts a was a text from Krism. I smiled and read the text.

Krism The Bae: Hello Minxy! I was wondering if we can go to the mall just us, and maybe some of the girls?

TheRPGMinx: maybe Krism, but it is so early in the morning 。・゜・(ノД')・゜・。

Krism The Bae: puh-lease Minx, it is like 11!!!

TheRPGMinx: I know right?! It's so early.

Krism The Bae: haha ok, oh and I got a text from Anthony or Chilled, so confuzzling! (>人<;)

TheRPGMinx: oh what does it say?! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Krism The Bae: it says 'sup Krism, so um I might have a sleepover with the guys, do you think you girls want to have a sleepover as well?' So what should I tell him??

TheRPGMinx: ok, don't tell him its me but put 'I don't know, why? You just want, you, guys, to get us girls in your pants'

Krism The Bae: annnd..sent!

TheRPGMinx: now we wait, oh um can you text me later, I'm going to eat breakfast, I am hungry!

Krism The Bae: ok, I will text you what he wrote..unless its something boring then nah.

TheRPGMinx: ok bye~ ^_^

Krism The Bae: (≧∇≦)

I turned off my phone and shuffled over to the kitchen not bothering to fix myself up or fix my bed..after I eat, food is calling me, they need my help to eat them! I opened the cabinet and grabbed a cereal box of Cocoa Pebbles (it tastes good shhh) I then grabbed a bowl, dumped the cereal in their, and poured some milk afterwards. I took a spoon and started eating the cereal. I then heard my mum walk in, "morning darling Minx." "Morning mum." I heard her yawn as she made her coffee. "Hey sweetie I have to run some errands I will be back probably around evening ok?" "Ok mum, oh and if it's ok with you can I probably, hang out with my friends?" "Sure, but please make sure to text me or call me that you are going! I don't want anything to happen." "Haha ok mum." My mum checked the clock on the wall and had a nervous look on her face. "Oh dear I have to go now! Bye sweetie!" She walked over to me and kissed my cheek and ran out the door closing it. I laughed. Ah, mum is always, sometimes, late for things like this, it just became her habit or something. I finished my cereal and placed the bowl and spoon in the sink, I will wash the dishes later..I then went to bathroom and brushed my teeth. After I'm done I then headed over to my room and watched some cartoons in T.V, yes Ido have a T.V in my room. I then came across Regular Show again and smiled. I watched a couple episodes and then I got a text from Krism. I checked my messages..

Krism The Bae: Omg omg omg, I am laughing so much right now!

TheRPGMinx: lol what did he put?

Krism The Bae: he said 'what the hell Krism I thought we were tomadachi's! You are starting to sound like Minx!' and he also sent a pic of him with a pouty face/angry face idk!

TheRPGMinx: niiice haha, oh tell him that it was me that wanted you to text him that.

Krism The Bae: haha ok.

I then continued watching Regular Show, hm..this episode is actually cute. So the raccoon and blue jay and the white gorilla? I have no idea, but they peeked inside the red jay's diary..and then the person of that diary, was a guardian of that diary. I continued watching as they were confessing their deepest secrets then when the raccoon was telling his secrets, he stopped the guardian by saying how he thinks that the beaver is hot without her glasses. I chuckled then got another text.

Krism The Bae: it took a while but he said this 'tell Minx that she can go get f'ed, by me'

TheRPGMinx: tell him that, that is rape.

Krism The Bae: thats what I was going to put, annnd...sent!

TheRPGMinx: and if he replies back, lets not respond back to him =P he might just get blow up

Krism The Bae: haha ok.

TheRPGMinx: oh and we can go to the mall with the girls.

Krism The Bae: yay! I wuv chu.

TheRPGMinx: wuv chu too, nom

Krism The Bae: nom nom <3

TheRPGMinx: so should we send them a message?

Krism The Bae: oh I already did it, however most of them can't go which is only me, you, and Marzia.

TheRPGMinx: haha my very first friends ^_^

Krism The Bae: ikr! Too bad we couldn't have everyone with us, they were all busy :(

TheRPGMinx: yeah..

Krism The Bae: should we go now?

TheRPGMinx: if Marzia is says yes, and I need to text my mum anyway, she needed to runs errands so she went out with a dash =P

Krism The Bae: ok I will ask her, you ask your mum.

I then decided to call my mum, she picked up, "hi, is something wrong??" "No nothing is wrong, I was just wondering if I can hang out with my friends to the mall?" "Oh ok, be careful, I love you." "Love you too." We both hung up and then I went back to my messages again. Krism said that Marzia said yes, I told them both that I will pick them up. They both said yes, and..whoosh! I then grabbed the house keys and ran out locking the doors. I went inside my car and turned on the engine, first is Krism, since she is closer to me..and then Marzia which is second...(time skip) "alright girls which store should we go to first?" "Um you guys can go I don't like to shop for clothes, maybe by GameStop?" I said, they then both stared at me as both of them held my hand. "Come on Minx it will be fun!", Krism said, "and we can pick out the dresses or other clothes for you!", said Marzia, oh this is going to be a long day isn't it?

~Marzia's POV~

Me and Krism decided to go to this store called Forever 21, and we promised Minx that we can go to GameStop after a couple of stores. While we were searching around, Minx was just standing there by us looking at all the clothes. "Oh this would look so cute on Minx!" I said, I then saw her get startled, she looked at me and looked at the dress I was holding. It was a white summer dress with flowers covering it, and it felt comfortable too, it had a ribbon above the waist which was a bright yellow ribbon, at the back showed the ribbon itself, which has a crystal at the middle. "Um, I don't know Marzia..I'm not into dresses." "Then what do you wear for church?" "..never mind then." "Please Minx just this dress!!" "Only one?" "What? You want me to look for some more?" "No no I'm good!" "Wait, but do you think it looks cute, or at least think it looks good?" "Heh, I guess it looks ok.." "Ok then lets see it!" I wanted Krism to check but I think she is in the fitting rooms, she always finds something she likes haha. "Ok here ya go Minx!" I gave her the dress and she went to the fitting rooms, after a while she then came out, "no way am I wearing this, this seems to..much for me.." I stared in awe, Minx is sooo cute!!! I then saw as Krism came out of a fitting room and she looked at Minx, "MINX YOU ARE SO CUTE! SO MUCH NOM!" Krism looks cute too! She is wearing a tank top that said 'I came here on my unicorn' and a blue short. "Krism I picked the dress for her." "That's a nice choice Marzia! But how did you get her in a fitting room?" "I have no idea." "I went in cause I thought it looked O K." "Haha come on Minx you are a girl and you should like cute things at least." "I guess so." "So how do I look?" Minx looked at Krism, "you look great, nice shirt by the way haha."

(Time skip after a couple of stores they met with the guys at GameStop)

AND CUT! What ending the chapter now?! Yes..nom. Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I put a little of Krinx and a reference..nom..haha I got the nom, which was from Minx's video with her cute waifu Krism <3


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