The Confession

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~Anthony's POV~

You know what, I decided that I want to confess to Minx...I just can't hold it any more but I-I don't know, but then again I won't have to go through it. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair as I walked to school and thought over it. I then soon realized that I made it to school as my closest friend Ze waved at me "Hello!", he said. I laughed and said 'hello' back. Hm should I tell him that I like our friend Minx? I mean I already told Cry, it would be wrong of me to not tell the rest of my friends. "Hey um Ze, I..urm how should I say this.." "Yeah Anthony, its ok dude, just chill haha." "I-I like Minx, like in that gushy little crush thing." I could tell Ze was trying to hold back a smile. "You should confess to her bro!" "Haha that's what I was thinking, but after I tell all of my friends." "Or how about you confess to her now and tell us what happened?" "Heh I'm thinking." I grinned and walked to class. We can always go inside of class early and with no surprise I see Krism, Marzia, Minx, and the rest of their friends chatting and laughing. "Hey now is your chance!", Ze whispered in my ear. "What? I don't want to confront with the rest of her friends too!", I whispered back. If I was going to confess to Minx it was definitely not going to be in front of her friends. "Hey she might tell her friends too you might not know so just tell her now when you have the chance." Ze did made a point. I then noticed Minx waved at me like usual. Ugh this is going to be nerve wrecking! I was not up for this. "Ok I'm going to try!", I told Ze with confident. "Then go!", Ze chuckled as he gently pushed me towards them. I pulled on the collar of my shirt trying to release some heat. I took a deep breath and puffed my chest. Ugh I'm so weak I feel like a teenage girl with a stupid crush. I walked towards Minx as her friends stared at me. I didn't like lots of attention towards me but I have to right? "Hi um, Minx, I, ever since we met I developed a small crush on you and yeah, you probably don't like me but I hope we can still be friends.", I said.

~Minx's POV~

Wait, are my ears just hearing things. Did Anthony just confess to me?! Um, I don't know if I feel the same for him. Like I don't know if I like girls or boys. I don't know what to say. "Let's just stay as friends.", I said as nicely as I can. "Oh ok, I'm chill with that haha.", do I see sweat? "OOOH BURN!", hollered Scribbly (Scribble Netty) "well bye", said Anthony quickly as he shuffled away. "Minx did you just friend zoned him!", said Girl Shadow (her name will be changed to lady shadow, since they are just kids I will call her Girl for now) "wait what? What is friend zone?", I asked. I honestly have no idea what friend zone means. Is that a bad thing? "Friend zone means when someone says they like you but then you just want to stay friends with them.", explained Krism. Oooh, so it is technically bad but then ok for Anthony's case. Should I just tell him that I don't know if I feel the same since I don't know which gender I like?

~Anthony's POV~

I groaned as I walked back to Ze. "so how did it go bud? don't seem well tho." "Minx said she just wants to be friends only." "Oooh friend zoned." "Yeah I know, but I'm chilled with it so its alright." "I'm starting to realize ou seem always chill and you always say the word too." Heh Ze is right I do feel chilled and I do say the word alot. "That should be your name from now on!", Ze said. "Really?" "Yeah I mean why not haha." Hm...Chilled is a nice name to have. "I will think about it kay?" "Haha but so you can get used to it I will tell the rest of our friends to call you Chilled from now on." Oh crap I just realized that I have to tell them that I confessed to Minx. Oh well there is no harm to it right?

~Jess' POV~ (remember this blondie?)

I couldn't believe what I was fricking hearing right now. The love of my life loves this new girl Minx?! I thought we were the best of all friends. I felt my heart shatter and anger building up inside of me. Though I did hear that Minx friend zoned him, good! At lease she won't be in my way of taking Anthony away from me! I stomped off to my friends and tried calming myself down. But what if he still likes her? He just has to get used to it! And I don't even want to even think about Minx and Anthony being together! Keep calm Jess...its not like they will be boyfriend and girlfriend right? I mean come on I am much more than that Minx girl. "Hey Jess!", said my friends. "Anthony confessed to Minx that he likes her!", I said trying not to sound all that angry. "Ooh girl did Minx say she likes him?" "Haha nah she friend zoned him, which gives me a chance to be Anthony's girlfriend.", I laughed. "ooh girl! We know that you deserve Anthony more than Anthony likes Minx.", they said. But then it hit me, Anthony did confess to Minx but not me..I mean I'm the most popular girl that everyone likes! But not Anthony?! Mixture of sadness and anger bubbled inside me.

END OF CHAPTER CUT! (Stop the story please just stop) I hope you guys enjoyed reading this story, since it is the weekend I am trying to write more! Stay awesome guys, psh who am I kidding, you guys have been awesome since the very start when you guys were born!


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