All The Nomming

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Alright you guys asked for updates, the update fairy will give you an update, oh and yeah I have no idea why I called this chapter All The Nomming but I promise you I will make something out of the nomming XD

~Minx's POV~

I woke up smiling back from my dream but then frowned. This is now reality, I tried to stretch my arms then realizing that I can't since I was still chained by Chilled. I looked to my right and saw him smiling as well, probably having a dream about Mario Kart or something, I really don't know. I just stood there staring blankly at the ceiling. Ugh I hate silence. I then rolled over a little bit to Chilled's side and I held up my left hand. Ok 1..2..."oh hey Minx.." 3! I then slapped him as his eyes then opened. "Hey what the hell I'm awake already!!!" I just snickered as he rolled his eyes. "These chains are annoying.." I mumbled as my right hand weighs down from the weight of Chilled's hand and the chains. "Yeah..lets go to Pewds' place and fix this..I mean it has been a day right?" "Yep." We then did the same routine as to climbing back in my van and yep.


We then made it to Pewds' place as we both slowly climbed off from my van. We both walked up to his doorway as Chilled rang the doorbell while I knocked on the door making he same rhythm as last time as we laugh. We then heard someone groaning from the other side as Pewds' came out with a shirt that has the letter P with a brofist and..pug boxers? "O-oh! You guys, anything wrong?" He asked, as we both showed him the chains, "this!" We both said as Pewds' looked at us confused, "oh the chains, the dare IS today still." I snapped, first taking a shower, and then having to sleep next to him.."please Pewds we don't want to be chained!" He then tapped his chin with his index finger as we both waited. "Um..ok, since you guys had to shower, which was pretty funny." We stood there with poker faces as he quickly went upstairs and downstairs to unlock our chains, oh my gosh..FREEDOM. "Yay!" I cheered as Pewds said goodbye as he locked his door and Chilled flailing both arms.  "Alright you drive back to my place cause I'm tired." I quickly said as I got in the passenger's seat as he mumbled and went in driver's seat. I then turned on the radio but it was all morning shows so I hesitantly turned it off. "Minx we can make a new song." "Nom!" " you even KNOW what nom means?" "Well yeah its a cute way to eat, well..a sound you make when you eat, for example, Minx noms a sandwich." Chilled looked back at the road. Wait..there is another definition for nom? We then made it back to my place as we hopped off my van, I walked over, made Chilled go inside, ladies first right? As I swiftly walked in. "Sooo..want to eat breakfast at my place?" I rolled my eyes. "We could've went to your place first! But nah lets eat here, want cereal?" Chilled chuckles as he sat down as I got two bowls, milk, and lucky charms..shh cereal is the best.

~Chilled's POV~

I just ate my cereal as Minx gladly eats hers, she doesn't know nom? I see Minx as she looked at me still eating, "Chilled what does nom, mean?" She said still eating as I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Wow such lady like to talk while eating huh Minx?" She just nodded. "Do you..really want to know?" "Yeah!" She said finishing her cereal, and drinking the milk from her bowl. "Well nom, is a sexual way to, well I don't know what they meant from sexual, probably kissing, but it doesn't involve the mouth, I mean..well its like biting someone but without the teeth nor tongue." She just stood here thinking probably as she just looked back at me. "I don't get it." I sighed, "want me to show you?" "Ok but on a different person." I rolled my eyes. "I promise I won't bite." "But you said it is biting!" "Its an exaggeration!" "Fine." I then leaned over to her as she slowly inches away from my face. "Minx, you know I can't do it if you keep doing that." "Thats the point." I sighed as I sat back down on my seat. (Aw guess no Chinx moments here muwahahaha!)

Yep ending that chapter here, laziness overload but its close to 1K words. Sorta but anyway XD this is a throwaway chapter but I promise..3K words on next one, you will see =D but anyway stay awesome and goodbye!


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