You still couldn't run very fast. By the time you stopped, you had only made it to the woods just past Springvale. By this point, you had realized it was far too naïve to say you were 'safe' here. There really wasn't anywhere you didn't have the risk of being attacked, and the longer it took for you to learn how to use your innate abilities, the more the odds were stacked against you.
Firstly, you had to find a place to practice in. The woods outside Springvale was just a temporarily hiding spot, but you couldn't stay here for long. For now you could stay hidden in a tree, but when it became night you would have to move somewhere else. Had the Dawn Winery not existed, you would've gladly continued your merry way down the path you took, but considering Diluc was effectively death himself for you, you knew better than to go throw rocks at a hornet's nest.
The absolute best place you could reside in would be near the Thousand Wind Temple. The hard was that you were currently on the wrong side of Mondstadt. With a sigh, you laid down in the grass and moved the leaves of the bush you were in to try and cover you body better.
Staying in place for a couple hours was not an experience you'd recommend. Seriously, it sucked. If you weren't terrified of somebody finding the exact bush you were in, you were completely bored out of your mind. But thankfully, night had fallen over Teyvat, and you were given the exact cover of darkness you needed.
You were still worried about Rosaria tracking you down at night, you knew that there was a low chance of her actually you. Well, assuming you had found proper cover. Since there was no way to get into higher ground without trekking right into Springvale or closer to the Dawn Winery, you decided to backtrack and climb onto the fruit stand stationed on the outskirts of Springvale.
Soon, you found yourself wandering towards Wolvendom. Maybe you weren't taking the most efficient route, but you could always slide down into the more wooded area and hide in one of the many large trees around. Then, you could rest, and make a plan for how you'd get towards the Thousand Wind Temple...
For now you could try to raise Details' level. Whenever you saw a mushroom or a pinecone, you'd make a beeline for it. The trees worked fairly well, too. Hopefully it'd level up, you really really didn't want to be stuck with such a shitty ability. Soon, you slid down into the bottom part of Wolvendom, near that big-ass rock that spawned crystal ores every now and then.
You tapped a lamp grass with your staff.
[Small Lamp Grass, uncommon.]
Uncommon? It leveled up? Scaling the nearest tree, you nestled yourself into the higher branches, opening your menu and going into your talents section.
[Sight Beyond Vision]
[Lvl. 2]
Yep, it leveled up. It didn't display that much, but it at least told you a little bit more. Hopefully. Hopefully, hopefully you wouldn't need quite as much EXP to get to level 3. You closed your menu and breathed a long sigh. Using your staff, you pulled down a bundle of leaves and snapped them off of the tree, draping them over your body.
As fluffy and thick as your mage robes were, you still liked a blanket. Even if the blanket was made of leaves and had a little bit of tree sap on them. Additionally, it functioned as camouflage. Your genius was, to say the least, relatively unmatched.
Waking up was either the best or the worst part. Today was looking extra terrible, given the large canine snarling up at you. Although not the ideal start to the day, and you wished your reaction was anything but horrified screeching, you had woken up. Climbing a bit higher into the tree, you comforted yourself with the fact that wolves can't climb trees.

Taking over the Abyss
Fanfiction[genshin various x fem!abyss mage!reader] Due to your untimely and rather unfortunate death, the universe takes pity on you and reincarnates you into the world of your favorite game. But... your body seems a lot smaller, and a lot fluffier than you...