While you were walking up to the stairs leading to the church, you noticed something appear in the shadows behind a tall bush. Recognizing the hulking figure instantly, you sighed and addressed him, "Leiptr... what are you doing here?"
"Apologies, milady. I could not restrain myself from checking on you," Leiptr was fuming about something, barely able to restrain his rage, "To think they would force you to wield that unsightly... thing. Preposterous."
You frowned, "It was just a practice weapon, don't worry. I wouldn't have taken that thing into battle with me anyway."
"Still, to have to sully your hands with something as disgraceful as that," Leiptr trailed off. You looked around to see if anybody had seen him yet, anxious about your... servant being spotted by random people. Before you could ask him to go back, he turned to you with a new revelation, "There are a series of sacred weapons held inside of the Abyss. Those are the only weapons in this world that deserve to be wielded by you. Would you have me retrieve one for you?"
You were a bit taken aback, "Are you sure? Won't that be dangerous?"
Leiptr bowed, making you fret and glance around hurriedly to make sure nobody came to examine the sudden thumping noise that came from the bushes, "There is no danger in this world that can stop me from preforming my sacred duties. You wield the polearm, yes? I shall retrieve that one for you."
Well, he made it sound like they were just being held, and not used... and you didn't want to pass up a potentially OP weapon. You nodded, "Alright. But please try to stay safe."
"I will not fail you," Leiptr said, then sunk into a shadowy portal. You watched the portal fade away into nothing, then sighed again. Hopefully he would return quickly. Now you had to find Rosaria and convince her to teach you. Marching up the steps with a renewed determination, you opened one of the heavy cathedral doors and stepped inside. She was probably lurking around somewhere inside here.
You began to glance around to try and find the nun, admiring the church's beautiful interior as you went. As you stepped into the center of the cathedral, you were approached by one of the nuns, her ash blonde pigtails bobbing with each step. With a bright smile befitting of Mondstadt's idol, Barbara greeted you happily, "Welcome! I haven't seen you around before, is this your first time in the church?"
The bright, happy look in her eyes was a bit overwhelming, but you managed to respond, "Y-yes, it's my first time here."
"Oh, wonderful!" Barbara clapped her hands together, "Is there anything you're looking for? I'd be happy to help!"
"I'm actually looking for sister Rosaria," you said. Barbara blinked, shocked to hear that. After a moment, she just assumed that you and her were friends and turned her smile up a few watts.
"Well, Rosaria can be a bit tricky to find sometimes, buuuut," Barbara trailed off and began to think, then gasped, "Oh! That's right, I think she went outside just a bit ago, probably to slack off again, geez..."
Finding the cute pout on Barbara's face endearing, you laughed softly and thanked her, "Well, thank you for your help."
Barbara's face flushed pink, embarrassed that she let her slight annoyance show, "O-oh, well! When you're done with whatever you needed her for, can you remind her of tomorrow's choir event?"
"Yeah, sure," Although you knew telling Rosaria would just cause her to try and get out of it, you promised anyway.
Barbara reached out to clasp your hands gently, chanting, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Her positive energy was almost blinding. You felt a little bad about not being to properly match it. Barbara let go of your hands and gestured to towards the large exit door on the left side of the building, "I saw her leave through that door, she's probably still over there. I mean, I hope!"

Taking over the Abyss
Fanfiction[genshin various x fem!abyss mage!reader] Due to your untimely and rather unfortunate death, the universe takes pity on you and reincarnates you into the world of your favorite game. But... your body seems a lot smaller, and a lot fluffier than you...