42- Bury the Light

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You groaned, the sound muffled by the hardwood of the table you were laying face down against. If you had to rate the worst part of this whole experience in Inazuma, you'd say that the waiting part was the worst. You were supposed to wait for the signal to get everyone to leave and charge towards Tenshukaku, and had tried various means to kill time. 

You'd taken care of any official Abyss business you'd yet to do, namely giving Sindri the task of gathering some of the other Mages who'd been converted. Yae's light novels were good, but you got tired of them quickly. If only you'd been reborn as the Raiden Shogun.

You were broken from your thoughts by the sound of a cup being set next to your head, looking up to see Leiptr smiling while pouring some tea for you. You sat up like a normal person, pulling the cup towards you but not lifting it off the table, staring at your reflection in the drink. "Thank you, Leiptr. I'm declaring you a national treasure."

"Your kindness truly knows no bounds, milady," he commented, raising a hand to his chest and giving a short bow, all the while nearly missing pouring tea into Segrimr's cup, "Of course, I need no reward. The greatest reward is simply to stay by your side and serve you."

Osial and Segrimr both eyed the butler warily, the former making use of his hair tendrils to subtly snatch away Segrimr's colorful assortment of tea biscuits. If Segrimr noticed, he didn't say anything, electing to ignore it to avoid having to deal with people he considered annoying. While Osial snacked on his stolen goods, and Leiptr poured tea for everybody else, Segrimr just sighed and relaxed back in his chair.

"I don't understand why we must wait for the humans to act," Segrimr voiced his thoughts on the matter, "Honestly, they're not very strong. Are they just here to act as cannon fodder?"

You thought for a moment. Yeah, they... didn't really do anything at all, did they? They didn't stand a chance against the Shogun without a Vision, and even if they had one, a mortal going against a god was almost comically stupid. Sadly, they were kinda cannon fodder. "... Well, it'd still suck if they died."

"Mm. Wasted efforts," Segrimr hummed in agreement, closing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest like he was about to try and take a nap. You gently blew on the tea Leiptr had poured for you to try and cool it off before taking a hesitant sip. Thankfully, it had been heated to perfection and didn't melt your tongue off.

A knock resounded from the door, making you sigh and place your teacup down with a little more force than necessary. Annoyed that your peace was about to be interrupted with some stupid issue, you got up to check to the door. Frustrated, you swung open the door, completely deadpan with your greeting of, "What."

Kujou Sara seemed surprised by both your greeting and your sudden appearance here, her composure breaking for just a moment as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "... What are you doing here?"

"I work here," you replied dryly. Sara waited for a more elaborate explanation, which she did not receive. When it was abundantly clear that you didn't want to chit-chat with her, she pretended to clear her throat and got down to business.

"One of my associates informed me of the large amount of boxes seen being loaded into here," she said. You noticed that when she said 'associates', she sounded slightly annoyed. "I came here to investigate."

"Do you have a warrant?" You asked, shifting your weight onto one foot and giving her an unamused look.

"I don't need one," she replied, "I am a general of the Tenryou Commission."

"And I'm a part time worker at the Yae Publishing House, and I say you need a warrant if you want to come in here," you argued stubbornly. You didn't actually know if she required one or not, but you also didn't care either way. Sara sighed in frustration, annoyed with your refusal to let her in.

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