15- Two shots of vodka

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Almost five minutes after Aether and Paimon parted ways to let you train, you had come to an unfortunate realization. You had no memories of what you did back when you were apparently in Khaenri'ah, meaning you had no idea where the Abyss actually was. If you didn't know it's location, you couldn't teleport to it. Hell, you didn't even know HOW to teleport in the first place.

Thankfully, you had Leiptr to help out. You were no longer afraid of him turning on you suddenly thanks to the effects of your Abyss Authority, so there was no reason for you to not ask. "Leiptr, I have some questions for you. Firstly, do you know where the Abyss is?"

"I do. However, it is my humble opinion that you remain here for the time being," Leiptr raised a hand to his chest, "I wish to ensure your safety, and I believe the most efficient way of keeping you safe would be for you to devise a plan. If I were to lead you there and you became injured, whether it be from an ankle sprain or an enemy attack, I would not be able to forgive myself."

So you just needed a plan then. Hopefully over time you'd get more used to Leiptr's dedication. He seemed to mean well. You moved on to your second question, "Do you know where my mage staff went? I can't find it."

"The staves wielded by the Mages are meant to focus their power. Since you and I have both ascended to Herald and Lector respectively, there is no need for a weapon as weak as that," Leiptr summoned his tome, letting it levitate just above his outstretched hand, "This weapon is capable of unleashing the wicked power of the Abyss, unlike those... sticks."

So your beloved staff really was gone then. You tried not to let it bother you, but you had gotten oddly attached to the staff. You even had the holster from Childe to carry it around... "W-well.. that's fine, I guess..."

... Maybe you'd go with the polearm after all, just as a tribute to your beloved staff. Not wanting to pout too long over what was apparently a pretty worthless stick, you moved on to your third and final question, "My final question is... how do you feel about the world around you?"

You knew that those of the Abyss felt a deep hatred for humanity and likely the world they created, but you were unsure if your resistance dealt with those thoughts or not. Leiptr appeared to be confused and contemplated your words for a while. So, it looks like you'd have to work on changing the thought process of the Abyss. Although, you did kind of expect that.

"Although I once despised this world, I now know better. This world shines very brightly," Leiptr stated. Maybe your resistance did change his thought process. "I believe that this world shines as it does for the sole purpose of looking presentable when you claim it for yourself."

Oh, he was thinking world domination. You put a stop to that one immediately, "Leiptr, I'm just going to take control of the Abyss, not the entire world."

"I understand," Hopefully he did. You had a sinking feeling that he probably didn't, but hopefully he'd get it through his head eventually. Either way, it wasn't like he could betray you or disobey one of your orders. Still, you doubted that you'd be able to get him into Mondstadt. It'd likely be difficult enough walking into the city while looking like a space wizard, bringing Leiptr with you would only get you arrested by the gate guards, or into some other type of trouble.

Diluc seemed somewhat fine with Leiptr's presence, mostly because he was under your control. You could certainly tell that Diluc absolutely did not trust Leiptr in the slightest, so that tolerance would thin enough for him to kick both of you out if Leiptr caused problems in Mondstadt. Although you felt kind of bad you were just going to leave him here, it wasn't like there was really anything else for Leiptr to do in the meantime.

"Leiptr, I'm going into the city today, so I need you to stay here," you informed him. Hopefully he wouldn't be offended.

"Your wish is my command, milady," Contrary to that, Leiptr seemed relieved at your orders, "In the meantime, I shall do what I must to further improve my abilities as your servant."

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