45- Legendary Treasures

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It felt nice waking up in a bed that you owned for once. Though you didn't approve of the whole thievery thing, you had to admit that the stolen mattress was extremely comfortable to sleep on, especially with the silken sheets. The Homu plushie you'd been given had been propped up on the little wooden table you'd been provided with, having been cleaned and polished. Remembering the rattling noise from within the Homu's head, you sat up, all the remaining sleepiness drowned out by newfound curiosity.

Shuffling over, you reached out and snatched the Homu plushie, bringing it into your arms. Hearing the rattling noise again, you inspected the head to see if there was any way to open it. Spotting a little zipper on its mouth, you unzipped it and frowned at the sight within.

"Is this a peanut...?" You asked aloud, tilting your head while holding the nut. You weren't afraid of any sort of allergic reaction, since you had a skill to counter any sort of poison. You assumed it translated over to allergic reactions, just for convenience's sake. You used your Details skill to confirm what you pretty much already knew.

[Peanut, legendary]

... Legendary???

Curious as to what made the peanut legendary, you checked out another peanut.

[Peanut, legendary]

Why did you have legendary peanuts???

You sighed and leaned back on your bed, gripping onto the silk sheets.

[Bed, common]

You blinked, a blank expression on your face. Oh, right. It was rarity. You stared at the two peanuts in your hand, and then the others shoved inside of the Homu plushie's head. Why were the peanuts considered legendary rarity, though? Weren't they fairly common? Well, they were in your old world... but maybe not in Teyvat. You the peanuts back and zipped up the Homu's head. They'd be fine, you'd figure out what to do with 'em later.

"Good morning, your Highness," twin voices from beside you called. You turned to see Ithunn and Idunn standing there, wearing their new uniforms instead of the respective Cryo and Hydro Mage robes. You gave a bashful nod. Even after the two days that had passed since you being crowned as Khaenri'ah's new queen, you still weren't used to the treatment. With time, you supposed.

Ithunn and Idunn guided you to the washroom, waiting by the newly-installed door while you soaked in heated, crystal clear water from Enkanomiya's springs. Thankfully, most of the innards of the Dainichi Mikoshi had either been left intact or were otherwise easily repaired. After thoroughly cleaning yourself with hand-made soap from one of your new subjects, you dried off and got dressed into some of the new clothes Ithunn and Idunn had made for you. Despite the fact it'd only been a whopping two days since you'd been crowned, they'd managed to whip up a lot of new outfits for you to wear, enough to fill an entire wardrobe. You certainly admired their strong work ethic.

The clothing they'd supplied you with today was a slender dress that went halfway down your calves. It kept true to the color scheme of your Herald's armor, mostly black and accented with blue and gold. A thin line of gold around your neck led to sheer black fabric that went just under halfway down your chest. The rest of the dress was black silk, fading to a dark blue at the end, lined with golden trimming. The sleeves were dark blue and patterned with golden four-pointed stars. The fabric of the sleeves ended in a gentle frill at your wrist, tied with black lace and small white silken inteyvats.

"Your Majesty, may we enter?" Ithunn asked, interrupting your little session of admiring the twins' handiwork.

The moment they entered when given permission, the twins immediately began to straighten everything out for you, smoothing out your clothes and brushing and styling your hair for you. The two clipped twin hairpieces onto your head, both in the shape of three interlocked four-point stars made of solid gold. How they managed to not only unearth the metal but craft these so quickly was beyond you.

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