The trip to Mona's went rather smoothly, after a quick stop to pick up a satisfying salad from Good Hunter as a gift. You were a bit excited to see Mona, which Aether interpreted as you being excited to learn more about where you came from. Needless to say, your good mood definitely rubbed off on him.
Aether knocked a few times on Mona's door, then took a few courtesy steps backwards. Paimon waited impatiently for a whopping four seconds, before turning to ask, "Paimon's wondering- what do we do if she's not here?"
"Come back later, I suppose," Aether shrugged. He reached up to give you a quick pat on the head, making you grumble at being treated like a pet. "I want to stop by the Adventurer's Guild and let them know about (Name)'s... predicament. That way, in case they uncover something relating to her or how to help her, they'll know to contact us."
"Sounds good to me," you said, ears flicking slightly, "But why are you so interested in helping me? I'm curious."
Aether thought for a moment, trying to find a way to word out his intentions with you. Before he could, the door opened to reveal a slightly tired Mona.
"What in the world could-" Mona stopped at the sight of Aether, then looked at the boxed food he had brought. It seemed like she completely missed you. After collecting herself some, Mona stood up straight and rephrased her annoyed greeting, "Your arrival is... most unexpected."
Aether flashed a small apologetic smile, "Sorry. But it's important. We brought food?"
Mona looked like she was about to dismiss the food, but then realized it was free and ushered the three of you inside. You immediately took to looking around her house, finding that it was every bit as full of knickknacks as you suspected. Did she even use half this stuff? Your eyes locked onto what looked like a blue glass gem shaped like a large dinner plate.
"Ah, I see that your newest companion has discovered my focusing gem," Mona said, pleased to have the chance to talk about one of her purchases, "I acquired it from a merchant hailing from Liyue. It is a precious gem, made from clear noctilucous jade."
You had a sinking feeling that she was scammed and just nodded politely, choosing to focus on her tacky indigo-and-white tablecloth instead. Aether was a bit curious as to why you were looking at the tablecloth so intensely, but decided it could wait for later.
"So then, you all came here for a reason, did you not?" Mona's eyes flickered over to you, "No doubt, you wish for me to uncover the fate of your newest traveling companion."
Aether seemed a bit surprised she knew exactly what he came here for, but then remembered that it was Mona and relaxed. "Yes, if it's no trouble."
Mona sighed, "It's good that you came as early as you did. If you had come just a bit later, when the stars have faded, I would not be able to help. Although, I would've preferred it if you had come during the night, when the stars are at their brightest."
Despite her slight annoyance, Mona began to hurriedly prepare her equipment. You watched with interest, equal parts excited and nervous for what her scrying would reveal about you. Once she was finally settled, Mona looked at you with a serious expression, "Do keep in mind that the fate revealed to you cannot be changed, nor can it be avoided."
"I'm at peace with that," you said. Actually, you weren't really at peace with it, it was scary to know that what might happen to you couldn't be avoided, but you didn't want to get lectured by Mona.
Mona began her scrying, using pure water from a crystal bowl to peer into the remaining stars from the early dawn sky. You squirmed in Aether's hold, impatiently awaiting your fate. The astrologist's eyebrows furrowed, a deep frown on her face as she looked up at the three of you to report her findings.

Taking over the Abyss
Fanfiction[genshin various x fem!abyss mage!reader] Due to your untimely and rather unfortunate death, the universe takes pity on you and reincarnates you into the world of your favorite game. But... your body seems a lot smaller, and a lot fluffier than you...