The beginning

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On a cold snowy day on the 6th January 1997 about 5:30am Arthur was wake from his sleep with a heavy bang from his mum, as Arthur was getting out of his bed , he when to see what his mum needed him for this early in morning. Arthur ask "mum was going on?" His mum replied " Arthur Cat has gone into Labour about 2am this morning." Arthur look at his mum with a blank look on his face, his mum said " come on Arthur get some clothing on get to the hospital now." Arthur grabbed his tuning and ran to the Front door to get to the hospital to see this baby.
As Arthur got to the hospital just has Cat had finish giving birth to there small baby girl, Cat was sat look at there daughter then Arthur came into the room Cat see Arthur and welcome him in and shows him there daughter, as Arthur was take his daughter to hold Cat started to fall asleep as she did the machines started to go off, The nurses and doctors came running into the room one of the nurses tell Arthur to take his daughter out of the room. As Arthur was sat down waiting to here from the doctor about his ex wife with his daughter in his arms about 45min waiting for a doctor, a doctor come out to tell Arthur that Cat has sadly has passed away of a haemorrhage and they tried to stop it but they were too lat. Arthur look at his sleeping daughter in his arms and said " my sweet daughter I promise you that I will take good care and cherish you until my heart stops beating." After Arthur make his promise and nurse comes to him and say " hey I'm nurse lee I here to check your daughter and register her then you can take her home." Arthur let nurse lee look at his daughter then Arthur say " her name is Arabella Shopia Shelby."
About two hours after Cat had pass a way Arthur got to take Arabella home to meet her new family and her new home. As Arthur got to the house he was meat by his brother Tommy at the door, Tommy look at Arthur then he look Arabella and said "Arthur were is Cat." Arthur look down and he replied " Tommy Cat has pass a way when I got to the hospital, I'm all Arabella has now ." Jut then his mum come out and said " no Arthur Arabella as the full Shelby family helping her and look out of her." When the clock shuck 3pm John and Ada come ran into the house to see there mum with a sleeping baby in her arms. John look at her then ask " mum who is this baby." Ada then said " is this my new niece." Then there mum laughed out loud and said " yes came and meet Arabella." As John and Ada were say they hello Arthur and Tommy come in with Polly so she can meet the new member of the family. Jut then Arthur sr come home to see all the family in the living room meet the new baby Arthur sr was not the bothered about the baby and said " I'm going out to the pud.".

Time skip
It now was the 2000 Mrs Shelby has just gone into labour with her last Child, as mrs Shelby was about to push these nurse lee and nurse Leanne were with ever step of the way, when mrs Shelby has finished pushing nurse Lee handed her a baby boy mrs Shelby was so happy to hold her baby, just as she was going tell the nurse the name mrs Shelby started to feel sick and light headed all mrs Shelby could say was " Finn Shelby." Then mrs Shelby sadly pass a way from a terrible seizure. What all the Shelby kids were told they were all numb and stunned lost and confused on what happened to the mum. Then Arthur sr was tell about this wife all he said was " I'm going out to the pud ." At was the last time the Shelby kids saw they dad, from then on Polly took all the Shelby kids in and look out for all of them.

Time skip
The yeah was late 2004 when Tommy decided to  go for a drink with Arthur and John to their the garrison, when they got to the pub Harry was speaking to some woman with dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. About five whiskeys in Arthur and John were tipsy and Tommy went to the woman and said " hello my i ask  your name." The woman looked at Tommy and said " my name is Roseann, what about you." Tommy replied "Thomas but you can call me Tommy." Roseann smiled, they were talking until Tommy ask Roseann to come with him. That was the night Tommy had one night stand with Roseann, what Tommy did not now was that Roseann was pregnant with his kid but Roseann was tell herself that the baby has to go to Tommy as she no way of look after a kid. When the nine months where over Roseann gave birth to a baby girl on a early sunny morning on the 6th July 2005. Roseanne look at the baby and said " I'm sorry I have to do this." Just then nurse Leanne come into the room and ask "what is the baby name so we can register her and so I can check her over so you can go home." Roseann replied " her name is Primrose April Shelby."Nurse Leanne smiled and nodded, the nurse did all her check on the baby, Roseann when was a allowed to go home with the baby and when she got home she got a pen and paper to write Tommy a letter. Dear Tommy I know this is a lot to take in right now when we met nine months ago I had never slept with a man before two weeks after I found out that I was pregnant with your kid, I know it is your kid because I have not slept with a man since that day. I want you to know because I cannot look after her I'm going away , I'm not coming back at all , she's all yours, The name is Primrose April Shelby her birthday is today so that's the 6th of July. Promise you will take good care of her for me, when you see I have gone to see my mother who has passed away just before Christmas , she all I had and I need to did with her . Your sincerely Roseann.
Roseann took the letter and Primrose to the Shelby home, Roseann put Primrose in a small pink blanket with the letter on top. Roseann took one last look at Primrose then ran off, just then Polly come to the door to see if the milkman had Bin with the milk, what she saw was alarming to see the baby on her doorstep. She look around to see if the mother was there but there was no one so she could see , she took Primrose in and read the letter. She called Tommy on her phone to come home when he did he read the letter and said " well it look like I a dad and I going to keep her." Polly replied saying " ok we will all help you like we did with Arabella and Finn." Tommy nodded his head and told the rest of family about Primrose.

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