Season three ending

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The day started out with Tommy ring around to make show that everyone was ready for the grand opening of Grace Shelby orphanage. which was open in the memory of her. Everybody gathered outside the building to have a quick family portrait before everybody was rushed off to the seats. Polly says "welcome to the opening of the Grace Shelby institute for the non-in sired children of the poor.I would very much like you to join me in thanking the man that made the founding of this establishment actually possible.ladies and Thomas Shelby
Arthur shout "speech! Come on,speech! Say it,tom say it to em!"
John shouts "lay the foundation!"
Tommy says "um,I didn't come here today to make a speech, but I will say this.these children are now our care, they won't be shipped away to the colonies or separated for kin or made to for men in their various ways. They will grow up here. At home, Birmingham because this is our city."
Arthur shouts "by order of the peaky blinders.Get up."
Polly says "now let us sing "immortal invisible"
When everybody was finished singing, they all gathered into another room for drinks and canapés. Primrose was playing on her phone doing TikTok's with John's children. Arabella was talking to some people. Esme was in her own little world with Linda, not paying attention to anything or anyone as they felt very comfortable being so far along in the pregnancies.
Ada says "Tommy say mingle and smile"
Polly replies "it must be the trains"
Ada says "no Ruben?"
Polly replies "do you know any other guest from London not turned up"
Ada says "some, I think,yeah.pol,I'm paid by the company I have to talk to others"
Some women come over to have a quick chat with him and ask him to have a photo with him, Charles and primrose.
Tommy says " Primrose come here please"
Primrose replies "ok ,coming." Charles, got a bit upset and started to cry, so tell me a passing him over to a woman, who was a nurse who is suspiciously disappeared with Charles Primrose noticed this a run out of the room to try and catch up with the woman and her little brother.
Tommy says "where's Charles,Ada?"
Ada replies "I have him to you."
Tommy says " where is he?"
Ada replies "I don't know"
Tommy says "boys,have you seen Charlie?"
Arthur replies "eh...I don't know.he playing ain't he?"
Tommy says "pol,where's Charles? Lizzie where is Charlie?"
Lizzie replies " I don't know"
Tommy says "where is he? Back door,kitchen get to Blake street where the cars are."
Ada replies "Tommy someone said they saw a nurse take him through the back door"
Bella says "prims gone as well"
Finn replies " what,where?"
Bella says " I don't know Finn"
Finn replies "help me look for her ok"
Bella says " ok,you go to the back door, I will look at the front door"
Arabella runs through the corridor downstairs and just about reaches the front door when she sees some people trying to get her cousin Charles in the car. She runs over to try and grab him from Porsche Jones who pushes her over she then get up off the floor dust herself off, runs to her car, start the engine as fast as she can to chase down the people that had taken Charles as this was happening for Finn found Primrose on the bottom of the back stairwell with a very swollen and twisted ankle.
Finn says "little bud what happened"
Prim replies " fin fin a nurse took him so I ran out the door and tripped and twisted my ankle"
Finn says "come everyone is out front"
Finn helps Primrose to stand up and help her out of the building to meet up with Arthur and Thomas, who are both out front panicking about what happened to Charles, who had took him, that Tommy and Arthur had not realised Arabella's car was missing until Primrose came out front.
Primrose says "dad,i tried stopping them."
Tommy replies "come here rose,thanks for trying next time shout me first"
Prim says "ok,where is Bella's was right here"
Arthur replies "what? Fuck.what if she when after them?
Tommy says"if she did let's hope she gets him"
Tommy came running from the car to meet Ada at the door
Tommy says "where is he?"
Ada replies "he's upstairs with prim"
Tommy runs upstairs to Charles and primrose to see primrose playing with him and her ankle support on to help her Tommy grabs both of them and hugs them

The next day Tommy called a family meeting with everyone in the family Bella and prim where sat at the back of second row with Finn and Isaiah when Tommy started the meeting.
Tommy says "before I begin, I want to let you know I made a mistake and I want to apologise to all of you. Arthur, do you want me to go to getting involved in Russian business?. and you were right. I doubted your wife. For that, I'm sorry, Linda, I have added £ 300,000 here in hope that you will forgive me."
Linda replies "apology accepted"
Tommy says " Esme,I doubted you as well"
Esme replies "now johns innocent lives on his conscience.ordinary working men"
John replies "yeah,all right Esme,got it"
Tommy  says "no, she's right. You and Arthur are going to share that burden, but I hope the house that you can buy with this can become a place of contemplation. Perhaps redemption. Charlie, for lots of tools, dangerous goods, and Curleys, wise, words, John for  board and lodging. Lizzie. Michael for the killing £ 500 each for cutting and the shooting"
Polly replies " no, Tommy"
Tommy replies " what? Tell me eh! This is who I am! And this is all I can give you for what you've given me. Your hearts and your souls yesterday I nearly lost my son. You should fucking understand that. For what,eh? For what? for this for this how do I know you are want me to say I'll change. That this fucking business will change. But I want something in the last few days those bastards, those bastards are worse than us! Politicians fucking judges, lords and ladies. They are worse than. And they will never admit it us to the place is no matter how would you feel we become, because of who we are. Because of who we fucking where we're fucking from. Isn't that right? Ada? Our ada knows. She got a smart about the revolution. And she knows you have to get what you want your own way. Lizzie, I want ignored that money was for you because some nights it was you restart my heart from breaking. No one else. And the rest of you, took the King's pounds . You took the Kings fucking pounds. When you take the Kings pounds.the kings expect you to kill right, Arthur? Yeah. That's how it works right, John?"
Michael replies " that's right"
Tommy says " that's right, Pol,that's fucking right."
Polly replies "Tommy,you've had a bad time.we at an alternative time,when we have all recovered, I would like to put before the family an alternative view of the future of the Shelby company Limited. I'm a hopeful view,"
Ada says " which I, for one would quite like to hear"
Esme replies " as would I"
Lizzie replies " as would I"
Linda says "come on Arthur Arabella, the train to the docks leaves in one hour.then get the boat to New York and it'll all be in the past"
Arabella "I'm not coming Linda, I'm staying  here"
Linda "yes,you re now come"
Arabella "I'm really not coming with you"
Arthur says "I'll be off then, Tom I'll see you,eh?
I'll see you, brother.Bella I'm going to miss you so fucking much"
Arabella "same here dad,same here"
Tommy says " you can go, but you won't get far, Arthur"
Arthur replies  " you're, all right, Tom"
Tommy says " I spoke to Moss last night, the chief constable of Birmingham has issued a warrant for your arrest. Murder sedition, conspiracy to cause explosion. John they are coming for you as well. Murder conspiracy to cause explosion, Michael..."
Arthur says  " what the fuck?"
Tommy says  " for the murder of Hughes, Polly"
Arthur says " wait a minute. what  the fuck are you talking..."
Tommy says " the murder of chief inspector, Chester Campbell. The people that we betrayed last night, they want to bring us down. They control the police... they control the judges, they control the jury, they control the jails, but they do not control the elected government. Listen to me!
Arthur replies " why didn't you tell us before?"
There was a knock on the door, and the police came barging through the door to arrest Arthur, John, Polly, Michael. Linda and Esme were restrained by some police when everyone was arrested Linda grabbed Arabella and walked out of Tommy's house with Esme.that was the end for everyone's relationships with Tommy. Arabella and Primrose and Ada were the only ones still in contact with Tommy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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