Season three 

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Everyone was in the betting shop kitchen, wondering why they had all been called and what was really going on since John was sat there very quietly not seeing a single word and looks very suspicious. Tommy then walks in lighting a cigarette Arthur says "all right, Finn,prim thanks for coming.fuck off" Finn and primrose then start to leave to kitchen to leave through the betting shop. Tommy says "Finn,prim you can stay. Sit down John sit down. John, you cut angel Changretta bell says "fottuto idiota" Tommy says "even though Arthur told you to apologise" John says "mmm-hmm" Tommy says "Polly told you to compromise" John "mmm-hmm" Tommy says "you chose not to listen to me apologise or mrs compromise. And now I have an Italian walking around my back yard saying he's going to kill my brother. So what do we do. John. Do we apologise or do we compromise" Arthur says " oh it was just something John said as a joke" Tommy replies "yeah but he's your brother as well Arthur" prim says "who knew you learn something new everyday" Finn replied to her "shut up, not the time" Arthur says "yeah I know I didn't wanna start a war over something John said without meaning it." Tommy says " so, should he apologise in Italian or in English" Bell says "scusi, your welcome" Tommy says "or should we ask them which fucking language do they prefer? I'm not clear?" Polly "you said while this business was going on in london. You wanted peace at home" Tommy says "and the only way to guarantee pieces by making the prospect of war hopeless. If you apologise once you do it again and again and again. Like taking breaks out of wall of your fucking house. Do you want to bring the house down Arthur if you're going to be soft on, it'll grow" Arthur "bloody soft on rebellious" Tommy says "you did the right thing,John,now we go on the offensive we take two of the changrettas pubs,and we take tonight.that's it" Tommy says "hey" Polly "why?" Tommy says "why? Because we fucking can and if we can we do. And if we lift out heel off their necks now ,they" just come at us remember thaws diesel busters that wanted daddy whizbang dead you're getting soft brother softer week said bibles for Sunday,eh. Finn? I need to get it to get to hockley and then home- it's been to a long day . You take the Wrexham. You take the five Bells, you get them signed, stay away. Don't use the fucking phones, alright? There is someone listening. Prim come on now." Arthur says "well done Bella we're going home now" the next day. Tell me decides to have a family day. With just Grace ,Charlie ,Primrose to show them the horses they got and everything about them. Primrose was on TikTok and taking pictures of all the fun and laughing. As Charlie plays with the fish little. Did everyone know that everything was going to change that night everyone was getting ready the charity dinner, Grace had arranged for everyone everything was going well people were making donations for the charity, when the dong went off to tell everybody that dinner was ready, when a man pulled out a gun and fired it at Tommy but instead it got Grace right on the chest. Everyone was running about and Arthur took then man to the floor Finn grabs prim back, bell get her phone out to call 999 and tell them everything while Arthur,Finn and John were beating to man to death, Esme had hold off Linda to stop her from getting to Arthur while Arabella had hold of prim who was crying her eyes out at the sight of Grace, Tommy had hold of Grace trying to keep her alive but when help came it was already to late she has passed away on Tommy's arms.

It had been a few days since Grace had passed away, who was the day of the funeral no one knew what to say to Tommy or Primrose about what happened at the charity dinner, Tommy had of been himself. The funeral was had everything Grace love some things her from her home in Ireland and somewhere from Birmingham, all of Grace's family attended but did not say a single word to any of the Shelby family,they kept the distances until everything was over so they could leave,  they all left and never said a word to Tommy, they blamed him for her death. The funeral week was decorated in Grace's favourite colours, which were gold,white and silver,everyone celebrated the moment they shared with her, and all the things Grace had done to them what they about her missing,during all of this Tommy had not did seen as he was gone,he had not over the fact he just lost his wife is one true love in this world.He had a really spend time with his horses or his children, he just wanted to be on his own away from the world, for Primrose, she must have a for Dad around. She would listen every night to her little brother crying for his mum, but no one come into him to comfort him. Except from the mid. Can you try to help Primrose and Charlie out as much as possible. Arabella had also been spending a lot more time at Tom's house and she had been at home as her and Linda weren't getting along, and it was a lot of fighting and arguing corner between the two about how she should behave how she should be dressing how she needs to watch her manners. Time for all the Shelbys, let's get it simply harder to be around each other as Arthur wasn't being himself. John was becoming a reckless, Finn was trying to make his own mark in the business. Everything was going wrong while Tommy wasn't paying attention.

 Everything was going wrong while Tommy wasn't paying attention

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(Arabella's outfit for the charity dinner.)

(primrose's outfit for the charity dinner)

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(primrose's outfit for the charity dinner)

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