Season one

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The day started with Polly get everyone up and get Primrose pick her toys,Arabella doing the pot and Finn help in the betting shop. Tommy come in to tell Polly to get the all kids in they best clothes and where to meet him and what time, Polly help primrose why Arabella and Finn got themselves ready, Polly meet with Ada with all the kids at the lee family camp. Where Walked to the side to watch the bride walk down the muddy pathway, the ceremony started with Johnny dogs says " we're here today to join in matrimony, this man and this woman." Tommy was taking to Ada he says " you look well." Primrose was not paying attention to the ceremony we are playing well attended she had thoughts are with her, Johnny dogs says in the back background " and harmony and togetherness. Which is sanctioned and honoured by the presence, and power of these two families around us, do you John Michael Shelby take Esme Martha lee to be your beautiful wife." As Johnny dogs was saying this Primrose take it on herself to make Arabella to smirk by pretending to shoot her teddy as this was going on Tommy was says " you get imitation" Ada replies " Grace said there's a tria." Tommy says " family day, you're husband couldn't make it?" Ada replies " he's not speaking to me and when he does, he calls me a fuck Shelby, even though I'm Thorne." Tommy says " Thorne in my side that's for sure." As this was going on Polly look at primrose and Arabella to see what they were doing when Polly saw primrose was shorting her teddy, Polly tap her on the head to says stop it now. Johnny dogs says in the background " to have holod" Ada says to Tommy " my gif, Tommy. You admire him don't you?" Then Johnny dogs " the remains one move part of the ceremony. That's the mingling become the one family.I now pronounce you man and wife! Come on, John, kiss the bride, will you?" Everyone cheers and the party starts, Ada was get to much for everyone, Ada says " spin me round again." Polly go over to Tommy and says " tell Ada to slow down." Tommy replies " you think she listen to me?" Polly says " I tried to stop her but she's been drinking. She's been stack in that basement apartment for week, what do you expect? She's going off like a fine cracker, oh, Christ, Tommy place." Arthur says " come here enough now, enough, Ada, come on." Tommy says " Ada, come on, have a rest, sit down. Ada replies " come and look Eame! Look at the family you're joined! Come, look at the man who runs it! He chooses his brother's wife's! He hunts his own sister down like a rat and tries to kill his own brother-in-low. As all this is going on primrose, Arabella and Finn were sat ratting cake watching the show. Arthur says " Ada, that's enough." Ada replies " now he won't even let me fucking dance! Not even at a fucking wedding." John says " sit her down.@ Polly says " calm down, Ada, Ada, you must calm down." Just then Ada water broke Polly says " holy shit, water. Right." Arthur says " bloody hell Ada, you do pick you times." Everyone ran to the car and when home so Ada can have her baby, Arthur says " stop! Stop! Come here enough now enough. Slow her up nice and easy." John says " story of you like, Arthur." Arthur says helping Eame out the car " right we here, come." Tommy says " nice car, John, how's she running?" John replies " beautiful, really smooth." Polly come out the house to see all the gays taking about a car, she says " your sister giving birth and you're taking about a car." Tommy replies " not much us men can do now, pol." Arthur says " except go get drunk." Tommy replies " right, come on." Polly says " there's one man who should be here." Tommy replies " you are right, pol, Freddie should here." Polly says " is that a heart beat I hear in side that chest?" Tommy replies " the truce lasts safe." Polly Ada! Oh Tommy what about the girls." Tommy replies " what about the girls." Polly says " what we going to do with them?" Arthur says @ we'll send them to bed." Arabella says " hell no dad, can we come with you as Ada have a baby and Prim is 5 years old come on have a brain." Primrose says " we'll she has a good point Arthur." Tommy says " primrose stop with that sassy attitude." John says " Tommy since when did primrose get sassy?" Tommy replies " I have no idea." Primrose says " well?" Arthur says " come on Bella." Tommy says " come on primrose, right boys, let's wet the baby's head." Primrose says " what wet the head?" Arabella replies " is just a saying prim that all." They all when to the pub to drink and Arabella, primrose we're having fun, Arthur raises is glass and says " to beautiful women." John says " I should go, it's my wedding night." Arthur replies " you sit down." Grace come in the room with some more drinks, primrose says " hey, bye." Tommy replies " primrose, shut up." Arthur says " you don't want to be among women when there's a baby coming." Grace replies " you think her husband will stay a way?" Arabella says " how put a penny in you?" Arthur says " Arabella." John says " Freddie will be there, nothing will keep him away. Tommy said it's all right for him to be there. It's that right." Primrose whispers to Arabella " no one likes him." Arabella smiles and nods her head, Tommy  says " that's right, I'm all heart tonight." Grace smiles and leave the room, Arthur says " you know what, John boy? I think it's that lovely barmaid, that pretty one that just walked out. That's made our brother go all soft." John replies " drunk to that." Primrose starts to sing " daddy like the barmaid, daddy like the barmaid." Tommy says " Arthur look what you just do Prim going keep sing lat all night now." Arabella says " Prim why you so happy?" Primrose replies " I had a lot of cake why everyone was shouting, Arabella you had some to with Finn." John says " my fuck wedding cake?" Arabella says " yes you're fuck wedding cake." Primrose says " and it was fucking good." Everyone was laughing about what primroses was saying, Tommy when out the bar when Polly come through the door shouting " it's a boy." Polly go up to Tommy started hit him, Tommy says " pol? Polly? Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Arthur says " Polly! Polly!" Polly says " but the police come and took his father away, don't you dare look at me like that. You liar! Arabella, primrose come on now!" Arabella replies " why?, we when to stay here." Polly says " I don't care what you when, move now." Primrose says " no I Staying with daddy, go a way." Arthur says " Bella take primrose home with you." Arabella replies " ok, prim come, you can stay in my room." Primrose says " Bella I when to stay here." Tommy says " Rose go with Bella please." Primrose replies " ok, daddy I will." Primrose was so sad that when they got home she cry her self to sleep wit Arabella to Comfort her.

1 week later Polly was trying to get Ada to come and see everyone but she never answered the door or Came round, primrose, Arabella were at the table doing some art when Arthur, John come home with a man, Polly take primrose and Arabella over to the Side with her, Arthur jr give his a sandwich, Arthur sr says " thank you, you are a good. Bless thee, father, for these bounties we are about to receive..." Polly says " Jesus Christ." Arthur sr replies " please, woman, not in vain." Polly says " finish you sandwich and sling you hook."Arthur sr says " Pollyanna, I'm the guest of head of family. So why don't you may be tend to your laundry or cook, how are his two girls?" Arabella replies "my name is Arabella." Arthur sr says " last time I saw you, you were running around." Arable a replies " how time fly, when you're have fun." Arthur sr says " and who is this."  John says " the head of the family ain't here." Arthur jr says " Tommy, he sometimes help me with .. with business, dad." Tommy come in just as Arthur sr says "aye, we'll, speak of the devil. How are you son?" Tommy says " get out." Arthur sr replies " come, son I'm a changed man." Tommy says " this family needed you ten years ago and you walked out on us .not now, get out of this house." Arthur jr says "Tommy he's different nt..." Tommy says " shut up." Arthur sr says " it's all right, son. Arthur Shelby never stays where he's not welcome. Quite something you've become, bye, son." Arthur says " he's or dad." Tommy says " he's a selfish bustard." Arthur says " you calling someone a selfish bustard that a bit rich. Tommy." Arabella says " primrose, come with me and we can play with your dolls." Primrose replies " ok, Bella let go play." Polly look at Arabella and says " thank you, primrose just a kid  she don't need to be here right now." Arabella and primrose go upstairs when primrose says " Bella, who was that man?" Arabella replies " prim, he are granddad but he when a way a long time a go, you're daddy don't it when us near him or taking to him." Primrose says" ok, Bella I will promise not to go to him or take to him." Arabella replies " that a good thing prim we stay together for ever and ever, ok." Primrose says " ever and ever Bella." Arable and Primrose play together all night until Polly come to tell them time for bed and that was the last time Arthur sr was seen by the Shelby girl.

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