Season three 

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It was three months later when Tommy got let out of the hospital from his ambush from the priest,Primrose and Charlie were happy to have the dad back home with them. Primrose, Charlie were in Tommy's room playing together on his bed when Mary comes into the bedroom to take Charlie down to the kitchens to see Johnny dogs and the girls, Primrose makes her way to the dining room for her breakfast, but she patiently sits and waits for Tommy to come and join her, so they can have a father and daughter breakfast. Tommy says " he asked for me today, Mary. Not his mother for the first time.." Mary replies
" he missed you." Tommy says " where is he is he in the kitchen?" Mary replies. " yes, he is with the girls and Johnny.Did you remember your medicine? Sir.?" Tommy says. " do you ever read the Bible Mary?" Mary replies. " sometimes.." Tommy says " do you ever read it out loud while standing naked next to my bed?" Primrose start choking on some apple juice when is Tommy ask Mary his bizarre question which catches Mary and Primrose both by surprise. Tommy says " cause when I take the morphine. The doctor gave me that's what you do. I'm wide-awake, but you are standing there naked play this day reading from the book of Leviticus. Do you want to know what happens next?" Mary shakes her head know as she has no idea what time you was talking about. I didn't know how strong the morphine actually was that he was described by the doctors. Tommy says " no neither do I, that's why I thought the medicine away go and get Johnny Mary." Mary leaves the dining room to go down to the kitchens to get Johnny dogs. Primrose Lukatar me with what the heck lock Primrose just takes it off and goes off to get Charlie so they can play cars together while Tommy has his meeting with Johnny.

It was the next day when Tommy Arthur and John all went out to do Russian business for the day, which left the Young' to their own devices. Primrose was at home when she got this great idea to ask Arabella Finn and Isaiah  a question so she asked it in a WhatsApp group chat. They called the chamber of secrets and she wrote who is out for going to the Bullring and Grand Central shopping centre
Yes, why not. Bella driving
Yes,Bella is driving
Well that's makes me the driver! Prim is in charge of music. Finn and Isaiah no food in my car that going to make it smell has Arthur has my car tomorrow.
Can't promise that bell it is funny when Arthur has your car and it smell of weird food
😂😂, it's the best thing ever when Arthur has the car and it's smell his face is priceless
It's funny everyone meet at my house in 20 mins
Everyone replies ok
Arabella pick everyone up to go shopping centre, prim, and Bella, we're making Finn Isaiah  laugh by getting peoples names and making fun of people and what they had a, they also went to M&S, see what they had and got some snacks to eat and throw at people which Isaiah idea and Finn joined in they decided to go and get some proper food so they're headed to the food court which was jampacked so Isaiah  made a bunch of kids to  moves by screaming at them move by the order of the peaky fucking blinders and the kids run off scared as hell so Arabella hits him over the head for making the kids run of scared . Everyone decided they were having different foods one chose to go to McDonald's. Another chose to go to KFC. What is the decides to go to chopstix noodle bar on? One of them decided to go to Burger King when everyone is finished with the food.  Prim gets the best idea to ask Finn and Isaiah to run like captain jack sparrow out the food court. Everyone who sees them bursts out laughing. Arabella decides to go to Selfridge's and shouts "BOGIES" and runs off Isaiah Finn and prim then all start shouting bogies until Isaiah gets kicked out for pushing a man. They all then decide to go to costa and get drinks to head home as it was getting late.

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