Season one 

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Tommy and Primrose when to Charlie's yard to see the new horses and how the horses was doing, then they got to the yard Primrose ran to Charlie. Tommy says " get me down a Spanish saddle,Curly." Curly replies " yes,Tommy, a Spanish saddle. He's a beaty ,yeah, yeah beautiful, yeah." Primrose was set with Charlie when he says " a fine beast you got there, Thomas, but is he worth failing out with the lee family over? I'm just passing it on, a declaration of war. The whole lee clan, the  guns and now this? Tommy go over to Charlie and pick up Primrose and set down with her on his lap, Tommy says " the guns are not spoken of. Right?" Charlie replies " Tommy ... Tommy! You mind now you speak to me." Tommy says " forgive me, uncle." Tommy get on the horses and then Charlie help Primrose to get on the horses with Tommy, Charlie says " it's Thomas Shelby against the whole bloody world, right?" Tommy look at Charlie and says nothing to him, he tap the horses to move and Primrose waves bye to Charlie, he do the same to Primrose. Tommy and Primrose are going there town, the horses start to freak out with all the nose just then the horses stand up, Tommy says " easy, easy, easy...easy boy. Prim it ok." Primrose says " daddy get me down, I don't like it." Tommy get Primrose down from the house and says " ok, Prim look at me or ok, I'm not going to let the horses hurt you. In France they us to say ... it's just the music hall and tubas, that all." Primrose says " ok, daddy not more horses for me ." Tommy replies " ok, daddy will not put you on a horses, some pain there, boy?" Tommy take the rinse of the horses in one hand and take Primrose hand and start to walk back to the yard when they see the barmaid out Side the pud thing out side, Grace says " l'm so sorry, mr Shelby. I'm Grace, by the way." Tommy replies " I know how you are." Grace says " what's his name?" Tommy replies " he doesn't have a name." Grace says " poor boy deserves a name, how is this little sweet?" Primrose hide behind Tommy's leg and Tommy replies " this is Primrose, she my daughter. You have something to say to me ?" Grace says " the other night you come into the pub when I was singing, you said singing wasn't allowed. I'd like there to be one night a week when there is singing, I think it would be good for everyone. Saturday night, Harry was to after to ask you so..." Tommy says " but you're not." Grace replies " I am ... but I love to sing." Tommy says " you sound like one of those rick girl who come over for Dublin, for the races. Do you like horses? How do you fancy earning some extra money?" Grace replies " what?" Tommy put Primrose back on the horses, then Tommy get back up and says " Dig out a nice dress. I want to take you to the races." Tommy tap the horses to move when primrose says " daddy, I don't like it when to get down." Tommy replies " Rose let get to Charlie then we can go home and play with Bella and Finn." Primrose says " ok, daddy then no more horses." When Tommy and Primrose get to yard they get get down and let Curly put the horses a way and they go home. Primrose run put to Arabella's room to tell her something, primrose says " Bella, can I tell you about this women today?" Arabella replies " what women. Rose?" Primrose says " the woman at the pub ." Arabella replies " what about her Rose?" Primrose says " she odd, I don't like her ." Just did for Arabella had chance to says a Word Tommy come in to put Primrose to bed for the night.

2 day after Tommy's run with his new horse have a curse, the betting shop was doing good and had a lost for money come in. Boy come ran in the the betting shop to make a bet just did for the rates start, the was some trouble with a men that what to make a bet was too late as the rates had started, as the man was make a seen the boy was able to sneak past and hide in the kitchen cupboard, as all this was happening Arabella was upstairs in her room do some last mint work, then she here all the over Shelby go out the door. Just the Arabella here people down stairs when she get into the kitchen she see lost of men, she get scared and hides in the kitchen cupboard, Arabella stays in the kitchen cupboard until her family come back home, all the girls Shelby come run into the shop and seen the mess, John says " Jesus Christ." Arthur says " what the bloody hell happened here?" Scudboat replies "the lee, all of them ... cousins, nephews, even their bastards..." Polly says " they're take 4 cash box." Tommy says " they left these." Polly replies " wire cutters. Why would they leave that?" Arthur says " nobody move." Tommy says " I think our friends are play the game." Polly replies " what games?" John says " aunt pol, don't touch anything." Tommy says " Erasmus lee was in Afghanistan." Scudboat says " shit ..." Tommy says " when ever we gave up ground to the lsiamic we'd leave behind bloody traps, set up with wires... we'd leave wire cutters as part of the joke." John says " some where, in here there's a hand grenade." Polly says " holy Jesus." Arthur says " attached to wire, where the hell is Bella." Scudboat replies " don't now." Arthur shouts " Arabella we're the hell are you?" Arabella her her dad and open the cup and says " daddy I'm here in the kitchen cupboard." Arthur replies " dymove any chair or open any doors, go easy, John boy, go easy. Arabella come to me very easy." Arabella slowly go to the door of the betting shop, Tommy says " no, boys no, it's not in here. If it was in here, it would have blown by now, it was my name on the bullet Erasmus sent, he's set up a trap for me." Tommy run out the door but no one now way he going. Arthur says " Bella come here, are you hurt?" Arabella replies " dad I was hiding when I herd all the noise." Arthur says " good girl, come on and help us." Polly says " we're is primrose and Finn?" Arabella says " oh no, they when to Tommy's car to play." Polly replies " why oh no Arabella?" Arable a says " when I here Tommy say that trap was for him, the first thing come to maid his car." John says " shit Arabella, if that right I god hope Tommy get to them." Arthur replies " shut up John, don't think  like that., just don't fucking think like that at all." Arabella says " dad... dad but what if?" Polly replies Arabella, come look at me Tommy not go to let nothing go wrong." Arabella nod her head and help the over to clean up the mess. At the car Finn and Primrose are laughing to each other and have fun when Tommy come run to the car, Tommy says " Finn, prim. Finn stay exactly where you are, prim look at me." Finn replies" we are pretending we are you." Tommy says " which door did you open to come in?" Finn replies "I didn't I climbed in, I help pull up prim." Tommy says " I want you to climb out exactly the same way you climbed in okay?" Finn opens the door and ran out but primrose was still sat in the car Tommy shouted " no, Finn prim get here to daddy as Quick as possible." Tommy run to the car to get primrose and the grenade, Tommy shouted " now! Clear!" He look at Finn and Primrose and says " that's why you should never pretend to be me? Okay? Prim look at daddy don't play pretend daddy and don't play a away from the house and make sure you're with an adult." Primrose replies " daddy... I'm sorry i'll stay with an adult, I promise. Daddy I when to go home." Finn says " I'm so sorry Tommy I will not put me or prim in danger again." After all the lee drama was down tommy take primrose and Finn home to bed as it was very let now they got back. Tommy was carrying primrose as she was crying all the way home, Finn was quiet as well, Finn when to his room but just be for he did he when to see Arabella. Finn says " Bella, are you ok?" Arabella replies " yes, how about you and prim?" Finn says " I'm ok but prim was cry all the way home, Tommy out her to bed." Arabella replies " I hard Tommy say it was the lee family how did it." Finn says " Arabella don't tell the over what you now." Arabella nod her Head and Finn when to bed as well did Arabella, as Arabella was going to sleep she wondering how was Tommy going to fix this now.

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