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Ginny could fondly recall waving Naomi goodbye at the platform before heading down to her own carriage to head home. It had been a rather last minute decision for her family to return for Christmas considering there was the possibility they were going to go into hiding at any given point. For a family so involved with the light side of the war it would only make sense that they would be a pivotal point for the opposite side to target. 

And she had to admit, there was something just so comforting about being in her childhood home surrounded by her favourite people. Her mother's hug was tighter and more constricting than it had ever been. Ginny pondered why for a short period of time, considering that Hogwarts was deemed as the safest place for them all to be at this current moment in time. After all Dumbledore the old fool was still headmaster and until the moment when he ceased to be, Hogwarts would remain safe and away from the influence of the other side. But the way her mother had always hugged Ginny was the young girls favourite thing about her mother it was so tight, yet held this overall tone of care and had the ability to soothe you no matter what. 

Therefore, when the family all sat around the table on Christmas morning with their partners by their side, if that was applicable, it felt right. Like nothing negative was going on outside of their home. A little bit of peace and tranquility. A calm before the storm she supposed. But Ginny's mind remained elsewhere for the entire dinner. No matter how much she tried to listen to the twins go on about their bumper sales before shutting for Christmas Day, her mind remained thinking of someone else she could only wish would be able to join them around the table. But Ginny wondered if she would ever be able to bring her girlfriend around for Christmas dinner to if that would never be a possibility. Knowing her family it would never be a possibility. 

The only thing she had to think about in a positive manner to distract herself from what would be. Was that strange little silver package she had been handed by the other girl. The expensive looking wrapping paper had alerted Ginny into knowing that Naomi had spent way more than she had on the present. But by merlin was Ginny intrigued by what the other girl could have possibly gotten her. 

And that was the only thing getting her through Ron's unnecessary chatter and hatred for those students outside of Gryffindor. And some of the boys he roomed with. So what if Dean and Seamus were together? Ginny thought the pair were adorable to be frank. The way that Dean's careful and protective eyes watched over everything Seamus did as he was clumsy and often walked into furniture the Irish boy swore was moving. Or the way that Seamus would defend Dean until the ends of time. It was just a perfect pairing really, and Ginny could feel herself wanting to just have a go at her brother. How could he be mad at people for loving who they want to love. It wasn't a choice that both boys were attracted to their own gender, but their love was just as valid as the strange obsession he had with Hermione. At least they had the guts to act out on it unlike her brother who had instead started some sort of weird relationship with Lavender Brown instead of the girl he legitimately liked. 

By 11pm Ginny had enough of the constant thoughts about opening the present. And therefore, excused herself to her room for bed. Her excuse about being tired could have been legit, considering she had been woken at around 6am by George who didn't even live there anymore. But it wasn't, rather the pure intent to retire to her room was for that silver parcel she had hidden in her sock draw. Sitting crossed legged on her bed the parcel resting on the bed sheets she at first just stared at it. Trying to will into her mind just what it could contain. The parcel wasn't overly big the size of maybe a very Diddy notebook at most and she couldn't think what would be inside. It had caused her to think back to what she had gotten the Nott girl, would it be anything like she had received?

She knew that money was nothing to the other girl, and that she tended to shower her close friends and those she cared about in expensive gifts as she was unsure if her other actions would ever be enough to show them what she truly felt. But still Ginny was worried what she had got the other girl was not enough. Sur she had an excuse that she had actually had to get two presents at the same time as the girl's birthday was only a few days away but nevertheless. 

Deciding that she had put off opening it for long enough now, Ginny wasted no time at ripping into the present. At first she was careful in removing the tape that had been holding it shut. Until she gave up and made a mess with the silver wrapping paper. Picking up the box inside she automatically recognised it as a jewellery box from a rather posh looking shop that she had only ever window shopped at. She could not take time to really admire the outside of the box for she was ever more curious as to what was on the inside. For that was where her real interest piqued. Naomi had once again not disappointed for there sat the most beautiful bracelet she had probably ever known. It was intricately made and the engraving brought tears to her eyes. It was possibly the nicest thing anyone other than her parents had ever gotten her and she marvelled the bracelet for a while. Just taking her time to run her fingers over the engraving and to feel its weight for this was proper silver and not just silver plated. After slipping it onto her right wrist, where she felt it belonged, she took a second before closing the lid of the box.

Sure part of her at the moment was very happy she took a second look at the box in that second. For there was a hand written note slipped into the top of the jewellery box. But after finding that piece of parchment she was sure that future Ginny would hate her for what she had done. 

'Dear Ginevra,

I'm sorry.


Future her did hate past Ginny. For she spent the night in her own bed crying in confusion. What was to come for the young couple. 

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