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Naomi panicked at the sudden arrival of her elder brother. He was accompanied by the few approved students that he was allowed to socialise with. These being none other than Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson, with the Parkinsons being another death eater family yet Pansy was only to join upon her 18th birthday, that was if the war ever got postponed that late. 

"Theo I promise, this is nothing like what it looks like. Flitwick partnered us together again this year. I'm sharing the half of the project I did and then I was going back to Astoria." Naomi was able to spew out an excuse before she froze and made it completely unbelievable. And it seemed for a second that it worked and convinced her brother. Yet it would also seem that he was not finished in his lecture to his younger sister. 

"Don't let this blood traitor become a disruption. He will not be impressed to know this is who you have been spending your free time with." Theodore sneered his words as he looked at Ginny rather than his younger sister. Before going to steer his younger sister away from the girl in the red and gold tie who had also stood from her seated position ready to give the boy a piece of her own mind. Naomi did not make any effort to fight against her brothers actions thankful for the ability to postpone the conversation she was just having.

She could only hope and pray that Ginny had no clue of who this man was that her brother had mentioned twice now. That it had flown over Ginny's head and she just assumed it was her father. Because if Ginny was able to connect the dots, this meant the other students could and then it would be the end for the group of heirs. 

That night, Naomi was restless. Sleep would not come to her and she tossed and turned in her bed for what felt like hours. She should be thanking her brother for preventing her from hearing the words which would end the relationship between her and her firecracker of a Gryffindor. But her thoughts were plagued with the idea that Ginny had worked out who her brother was talking about. That the siblings little gig was over and soon enough they would be thrown out of the school, the only safe place to them, and into cells right beside their father. She was aware that Ginny was one of the smartest witches in their year, and the girl could easily work out what was going on. 

And therefore, Naomi was prepared to never see Ginny again, to never hear from her again. That a radio silence would be the official end to their relationship. That they would have to deal with an awkward tension when in class together, or that the shorter girl would request a seat change and then they would only just catch a glimpse of each other when they were in the same room. 

Hence when she was on one of her nightly wanders around the hallways of Hogwarts just two days later she was surprised. For the second she was suddenly yanked away from the corridor and into the dark, dusty and cobweb ridden abandoned classroom only to come face to face with said red head she found herself bracing. She expected to be met with a nasty hex or gut-wrenching hex that would leave her limping in the direction of the medical wing. She clutched her fists in apprehension of what was to come and screwed her eyes shut so she couldn't see the witch perform the spell. She made no attempt to move in the direction of her wand, finding it impossible to even consider the possibility of pulling her wand on the other girl. 

Yet as she stood there and minutes were allowed to pass, no action was made. No forward attack occurred and suddenly Naomi was confused. Ginny made no effort to release the obvious tension she was feeling regarding the other girl. Instead of what Naomi was expecting, Ginny moved in her direction only to take hold of Naomi's clenched fists. The younger girl actually made an effort to unfold her fingers before taking one in her own and joining them together. Instead of the aggression Naomi was expecting she was being met with intimacy and she had never been more confused when in the vicinity of the other girl. 

"I need to see your left forearm Ni." Ginny spoke her words being a command and allowing no room for Naomi to argue. However, they were also unusually soft, possibly the softest Naomi had ever heard Ginny speak in. It reminded her of the same tone that her mother used to use when Naomi was younger and in distress. Naomi did not fight the girls actions allowing her to roll up the sleeve of both her jumper and long-sleeved shirt in order to see the pale unmarked skin that laid beneath. 

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