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Upon returning to Hogwarts in January, Naomi felt as though everything including the atmosphere had changed. Nothing was the same as it had been when she left barely two weeks prior. 

She had returned sixteen with a hatred for herself and a pile of homework bigger than the pressing headache she couldn't shake. Her friendship group had been completely cut to only include the other teens she had seen at her birthday party. She was forbidden to even talk to those outside of her side unless absolutely necessary. Yet she felt even more alienated amongst the other teens as only three of them held the mark. The mark was supposed to be something to be proud of, or so she had been told. For only those considered to be in the close inner circle of the Dark Lord were allowed to have them, yet here she was only just joining the ranks and already given the branding. Yet Naomi knew that she had only received the branding due to her father's part in the cause and his promise. It wasn't something she was proud of.

It never would be.

Along with the pile of uncompleted homework, she also returned with a bundle of unopened letters from non other than, what she supposed now, her ex girlfriend. Naomi had not had the heart to open the letters having instantly recognise the handwriting. She didn't want to be presented with something so joyful, so bright. Not when she felt as though she had hit the darkest depth of her depression. She couldn't bring herself to see the kind, love filled words of Ginny. Not knowing the instant she saw the other girl that she would have to break her heart. 

Naomi's biggest fear however, was to be used by both sides as some sort of James Bond super spy. It would be her worst case scenario. She didn't want to have to attend more meetings than she had already done so, she didn't want to become more involved in the Death Eater campaign. She only wished to attend meetings when she was personally summoned. Though Naomi prayed that this would never happen. And considering the strange conversation with Professor Snape where he had informed Naomi he knew about the relationship between the two girls. Where he offered her a chance to work for both sides like he did. She also added this as a reason to end the relationship between the two girls. She didn't want to have to do that and put Ginny through the effects of choosing to date someone who was working as a spy. 

Naomi had to make the decision to actively hunt out the other girl to approach her. She had hoped that through the lack of communication over two weeks that it would have hinted at something to Ginny. But she wasn't sure it had after all. She hoped that Ginny would have started to figure out that Naomi had, in the end had no choice but to, joined the death eaters in her ritualistic ceremony on the 28th. Not that Naomi was without reminder of that event considering the mark she was given did not like any type of clothing at present. It continued to itch no matter what material her clothing was made out of. She was promised that over time the itching would eventually stop as her body eventually got used to the mark. But until then as she was stuck in her shirt and jumper she would have to put up with the itching. And along with the itching would eventually come with the heat and overheating as the weather continue to get warmer. As Naomi would forever have to wear a jumper over her school shirt as the material was not thick enough to cover the mark with the black ink showing through the cotton material of her shirt. For no concealment charm worked, the mark had been made in order to evade this so all fellow supporters could be easily identified. And it wasn't something small and unrecognisable either it was bold, dark and very much publicly known and she hated it.

If she was truly going to be conceited, one of her least favourite things about returning to Hogwarts was the fact that in order to now accommodate the only mark on her skin she didn't create herself, was that she had to leave every short sleeved item behind. This included the dress she had worn on the first date, well it wasn't really a date you could argue, with Ginny. And even though she knew she could no longer continue to safely date the girl Naomi still wanted something to remember that night by. But she couldn't wear it around with the risk of someone potentially seeing her mark. 

Bringing it back to the main topic at present which was how Naomi was going to go around ending the relationship with the other girl. She knew she had no choice, not considering how her brother had stressed the importance of her cutting all ties with those not involved with the cause or children of those involved with the cause. He had after all repeated the words 'Anyone who is not the child of a death eater or is not one themselves you cannot be around' to her both before they had bordered the train and once again before they separated into their different dorms after arriving. Naomi was just puzzled as to how exactly she was going to do so. Her brother had it easy, nearly all of his friends had been involved in the cause and he only had to cut out one or two people. None of which he had been romantically involved with. 

Therefore, instead of asking him for help. Naomi had turned to Astoria's older sister Daphne, for advice. Daphne's words were harsh but the easiest way to ensure that both parties only retained minimal hurt regarding the events. Her advice was to just cut them out swiftly, stop all forms of engagement from talking to spending time with them and even to acknowledging their existence. It hurt to do so but Daphne had said that in the long run it had meant the minimal amount of hurt for both her and the friends, and even boyfriend, that did not meet the criteria. 

Naomi's plan would be simple, she hoped, and clear enough to the other girl. For despite it being so short lived, the relationship had had no success, considering how it was just constantly full of others trying to tear the pair apart. It had also been ladled with Naomi wanting to conform to what the masses wanted and Ginny being the only one fighting against everyone else for the relationship. Perhaps this final time of wanting to conform to the masses would be enough for Ginny to stop fighting and just let Naomi go. After all who would want to be in a relationship with someone who wasn't willing to fight as much as you were for it?

Her plan was genius, in her own head, for she would return the stack of letters to the girl with one enclosed at the very bottom which was not from the original author. The letter slipped at the bottom of the pile would be from Naomi herself. A final farewell, considering her other attempts had been unsuccessful. In the mean time she had been following the advice of the older members of her now incredibly small group, avoiding everything including eye contact, both in and outside lesson. This obviously was hard in the lessons such as charms where they were paired together. But it was necessary.

Naomi had to repeat that this was necessary every single time she got a glimpse of the other girl. It was all necessary to keep Ginny safe. Breaking her heart in the process would have to be worth it if Ginny remained safe. 


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