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Ginny's words were accompanied by an almost roar of a vocal tone. Naomi had never been scared of Ginny before that moment in time, but she suddenly felt as though nothing would ever be scarier than a Weasley woman scorned. The Dark Lord had no power over the witch stood in front of her. 

"Um." Naomi Nott was never one to be unsure of what to say to someone else. She had the ability to white lie like it was her entire lifeline. But the second she had to use it to avoid Ginny's wrath she felt unable to do so. This was a situation she wasn't sure she would ever be able to talk herself out of. 

"Using the words 'I'm sorry for everything this is what's best for you'. What's best for me? Who stated you could decided that huh?"  Ginevra Weasley was now the one thing that Naomi was most scared of. A boggart would take the appearance of Ginny in this moment, Naomi was sure of it. The way the younger girls hands started to wave in the air as she spoke each work with the power Naomi wasn't even sure non magical influenced words could hold, was terrifying. How Ginny took a step closer with every word, and the way Naomi could physically feel the venom drip from Ginny's words. If Ginny's hair could be in the air due to her pure anger it would have been. Naomi was sure this could be the one moment in her life when she had been truly terrified. More than the first time her father had hit her. More than the moment when she had been branded with the dark mark. 

She was sure the only time she had been this terrified was during the time when she knew she was only moments away from getting a beating from her father. How he had behaved when she had acted out, acted more like the child of a muggle than that of a wizard. Or the time when he had found out that she didn't want to marry a boy, that she wanted to marry and have a family with a girl. 

But Naomi needed to snap herself out of it. She needed to be back in the room and her attention needed to be back on the situation at hand. She desperately tried to remind herself that this was Ginny in front of her, the girl who never made any indication she was going to be like her father. The girl that would never unjustly raise a hand against someone. Ginny might have been feisty but she would never ever unlawfully hit someone. She wasn't violent. So why could Naomi not shake the feeling that she was going to get hit again. Was it perhaps the guilt Naomi felt, knowing that she had given the other girl a reason to hit her. 

Naomi had given Ginny a reason to hit her. She was going to get hit. Getting ready for the pain she had wished to never feel again. Therefore, all she could do was revert to the girl she had been just before her father was sent away. She closed her eyes and braced for the blow she was almost certain was going to occur. During this, Naomi was more than aware that she had started to cry. But crying was a sign of weakness, Nott's were not weak and therefore, this lead to her clamping her eyes down even harder. The Nott family did not cry. That was the one thing she had always remember being taught. Nott's did not cry.

Naomi's response had triggered some sort of response in Ginny. She found all the anger she held towards the older girl suddenly dissipate. Was she still upset that the girl had been avoiding her all this time to just break up with her through a letter with no just reason? Yes. But despite all of this, she was never prepared to see her girl crying and stood in a manner as if she suspected she was going to be hit. Ginny could never ever bring herself to hit someone she loved. Never. But it did hurt her knowing that Naomi thought she might be hit by Ginny. Did the other girl really think of her in that manner? Ginny was not sure but at the moment in time she needed answers and unless she made sure Naomi knew she wasn't going to be physically harmed Ginny was sure she wouldn't get those answers. 

"Naomi, I'm not going to hit you, I'd never hit you. Ni look at me please." Ginny took a moment to attempt to reach out to hold one of Naomi's hands in such a manner to physically tell the other girl she was not going to be hurt. However, Naomi flinched away, and this hurt Ginny more than she thought it ever would. However, during a small moment where no words were spoken Ginny watched on as the slightly taller girl seemed to slowly open her eyes to look at Ginny and the shock the younger girl felt to see that Naomi's eyes had almost gone cloudy as tears continued to roll down her face. Was something she wasn't sure she was prepared to ever see nor wanted to ever see again. 

"I didn't want to do it in a letter, but I had no choice." Naomi's first words of explanation made Ginny want to scoff yet she didn't want to ruin the calmer atmosphere they had created. Not if she wanted answers. 

"You always have a choice Naomi, you just didn't pick the right one."


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