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Naomi weaved her way through the castle much quicker than she had ever done in her life. It was the fastest she had ever travelled from the dungeons to the Great Hall hoping that she could get there before everyone dispersed. As Naomi reached the Great Hall the doors swung open again and Professor McGonagall headed towards the courtyard a familiar head of hair flanking her on one side. Naomi slowed down her pace in order to follow the group outside. She hangs back far enough that she can't hear what the group are talking about, waiting for the moment that the group split from the staff and she could possibly get to her girlfriend.

It didn't take long for the group to split into two halves, one half student one half staff. Naomi went to follow the students in the direction they were heading. It took her very little time to reach the group from the small start they had on her. Ginny was to the back of the group which allowed Naomi to easily grasp onto her arm and pull her away from the group and to a more secluded area of the courtyard. 

"Naomi what on earth do you think you're doing." Ginny hissed at the other girl going to point at her left arm as she spoke.

"What I should do. It's time Ginny." Naomi was adamant with her words as she stared the other girl down. 

"Okay so it's time. What do you intend to do?"

"I dunno, never had to leave a cult before." Naomi shrugged at her words trying to portray that she was a lot more calm about what she was going to do then she currently was. Honestly Naomi was not sure how she was going to go about anything at the moment, she just knew not for even a second would she fight for the Death Eaters. 

"I don't know go and hide or find something to do in the mean time. Try not to let anyone in on your mark." Ginny seemed to want to brush Naomi off at the moment and the brunette realised she probably was getting in the way. But she needed to just see her one more time. She actually hoped that maybe Ginny would be a little more giddy at the fact that Naomi was finally defecting. But the stress of what was to come probably had ruined what could have been a rather exciting moment. They were finally going to fight alongside eachother. Pretty sweet if you asked Naomi. 

"Okay I'll try to make myself useful. I love you and I will see you soon." Naomi left conviction in her voice when she spoke to Ginny, scared it would be the last time. 

"I love you too. I'll see you in a little while." And with that Ginny was off going to catch up with the rest of her little group. 

Naomi starts darting her way through the school grounds trying to find anywhere she could go to help. It didn't take her long to stumble across her ex Professor and a man she knew of for wizarding politics. Kingsley Shacklebolt was someone Naomi had never met but had heard about and she hoped it wasn't the same way around. 

"Miss Nott, looks like you finally made your choice." Naomi was noticed almost instantly as if her school uniform with its standout green piping hadn't given her away. She was the only Slytherin student on the field considering many of them were locked away in the dungeon. 

"It wasn't a hard one Professor." Naomi spoke back as she walked towards the two men. Taking her time to look over the castle wall Naomi could see the mass amount of wizards gathering on the other side of the blue whispy shield which had formed around them. The three of them weren't alone for long as the sound of apiration fired off and Naomi turned around to see three Weasley men staring at her. The two twins and the father.

"It's the quality of one's conviction that determines success, not the number of ones followers." Professor Lupin declared to those around him. 

"Who said that?" Kingsley Shacklebolt fired back at him.


"Speaking of quality." Another pop was heard as the group grew again in numbers this time only by a single unit. Naomi turned to look at Nymphadora Tonks and she knew in an instant the woman recognised her and not for a good reason. 

"You shouldn't have. It's Teddy who needs you." Lupin addressed who Naomi assumed was his wife. Strange she had never gotten very straight vibes off the man whilst he had taught her. And she was nearly always right. But she must have been off. 

"He'll sleep till midnight and snore like his father. It's you who needs me tonight." Naomi thought the little interaction was cute. But she was concerned for the moment the woman turned around and saw her. 

She had a right to be concerned. 

"Naomi Nott, what do you think you're doing here. Working as a double agent." Tonks all but sneered at her. Moving over to the younger woman and reaching to her jumper sleeve. Tonks didn't hesitate to pull the left sleeve up to show off the branding to everyone surrounding her. 

"Some of us are aware of our mistakes. Let me do something right in my life for once." Naomi hissed going to pull her sleeve back down hating the sight of the mark on her arm and how everyone around her had turned their concentration to it. But Tonks wasn't letting it go immediately the Auror training in her too strong. 

"I don't believe that for a second."

"Yeah because I wear green I want to kill innocent people right? Not all of us are given a choice in life. I joined a cult so what. I'm here now ready to protect my school and the people I care about. That should be what matters. Not what I've got on my arm." Naomi continued her defensive tone she didn't want those around her to have known. She made her choice they should leave her to it. After all she was stood here ready to die for a side she wasn't branded to. 

"I will believe it when I see it." Tonks had turned her attention back to her husband and suddenly Naomi was flanked on either side by rather tall ginger boys. 

"I think it's pretty cool you've come over. Pretty brave too." Said the one she thought was Fred, she didn't know them well enough to be definitively able to tell them apart but she was pretty sure. After all Fred was always the leader and George the follower out of the pair. 

"Yeah as Freddie said. Pretty brave I wouldn't want to go against my family. Kudos to you."

"Not my family if they're willing to end innocent lives for some stupid agenda." Naomi remarked as they all turned their attention to the troops that were waiting on the other side of the shield. Naomi soon realised this shield wasn't going to hold forever, and as she heard the sounds of explosions in the background she wondered just how long she had. 

It would appear she didn't have long as Naomi tracked the spells coming from a short distance away as they landed on the shield. Once a single one landed hundreds more followed it and the next thing Naomi knew was that the shield was crumbling around her and another explosion had rung out, this time just much much closer to her than the previous ones. 


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