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Two could play at that game. If Naomi wanted to become withdrawn in their relationship and openly be more affectionate in public with a guy then so could Ginny. And she would use the exact same route that the Slytherin had chosen. Ginny would start to show her interest and be openly flirty with her brother's best friend. Why not? After all it wasn't like her girlfriend seemed overly bothered and her older brother wouldn't dare say anything. After all Harry was one of the good guys. 

Sure Harry wasn't exactly her 'type', he had never been really. Considering the variety of guys she had dated in the past and her current girlfriend Harry didn't really have many of the same traits or characteristics. Perhaps the only thing he had similar was the dark hair. The only female Weasley had come to terms with the fact that she was attracted to both genders but Harry just didn't do anything for her. Sure he was heroic and brave and embodied basically every Gryffindor quality her parents had engraved in her to ensure to show at every waking moment. The biggest thing Harry had going against him was the exact reason she picked him to go after. He was her brother's best friend. This meant that Ginny had seen him first thing in the morning when he wasn't quite as charming or put together as he was when more awake. Plus she had seen him at every possible stage of awkward teenager possible. He was also a massive risk taker and despite Ginny's love for the adrenaline she got out of taking very small risks or playing a game of quidditch, Ginny was not one for wanting to risk her life every couple of months for the fun of it. And she could not be around someone who was like that. 

She couldn't completely blame Harry for that though, it wasn't entirely his fault. It was as if he had been cursed with this kind of bad luck since he was a baby. His risk taking and overall lack of care at whether his next adventure would result in his death, was possibly the biggest turn of for Ginny. She liked a bit of stability. Just enough to know that she wouldn't be away at work one day and get notified that her spouse had died whilst at work. 

But she didn't need others to know that. She just needed them to think she had a massive crush on the boy and, hopefully, get a response from him. She could easily fake being like the rest of the female population of the student body, absolutely enamoured with the boy who lived. 

Therefore, she slowly began to hang around him more, especially when it came to dinner and lunch times where the rest of the school could see her. She would purposefully sit closer to him push him gently on the shoulder and giggle at the stupid puns he made. It was much easier when they had things like a quidditch game and the whole team sat close to one another. She would talk and tease him leaving lingering touches in the hope that this might just be noticed by her girlfriend who sat three tables away.

Ginny prayed that her latest tactic would work so they could bring it up and stop whatever nonsense they were both participating in. She found her opportunity to test the waters and see whether this plan had worked at one of their normal meet ups. The weather had been relatively calm as of recent, the snow having stopped a week or so back. Instead the air remained crisp and dew often made an appearance late at night or in the early hours of the morning. Ginny had once again recieved a letter from a very familiar owl by now, the letter containing the information that Naomi would once again be stargazing at her normal spot if Ginny wished to join her. 

At first, considering the fact that both of them were spending less time together than normal, Ginny had thought that Naomi had written to her to cancel their normal meeting. Yet upon knowing that it was to go ahead, she wasted no effort in heading to their scheduled location to prepare for something cute. Upon laying a blanket out on the grass, Ginny threw herself down onto it rather ungracefully as she waited on the other girls appearance. 20 minutes later at the exact time Naomi told Ginny to meet her, the older girl appeared. With another body pressed up against her to the point where Ginny could feel the ghosting of the girls emerald green cardigan against her thinly covered arms. 

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