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Ginevra Weasley didn't have many expectations for her summer holiday that year. She wasn't really sure if she would have been informed of anything going on anyways. But the one thing she did not expect was that the summer holiday would contain quite as much teenaged rivalry as it did. She wasn't sure how it had all started really, or how long this had been going on. But she was sure the second Harry stepped foot into her childhood home, he started up with his hypothesising for certain students they all knew. She thought perhaps, at first, it was just a distraction from everything else going on around him. But it had been weeks since Harry had started accusing, yes she was going to call it accusing, certain students of being Death Eaters undercover as normal students.

And she supposed that in some aspects he wasn't wrong. Ginny knew full well that there was a small group of students who were Death Eaters. After all Naomi hadnt upright told her who the others were but considering that the other girl wasn't allowed contact with many people other than a select few, it became easy guess work. If Harry had come to her for answers, and she was easily as misguided and whipped as she had been as a young girl, he might have got them. But she wouldn't betray her girlfriend like that not when their relationship was suddenly becoming much more stable.

Of course Ginny didn't mind him bad mouthing some of the students, all in Slytherin she might hasten to add, in particular Draco Malfoy. She hadn't quite gotten over how close he was to Naomi and had a small dislike towards him which was obviously all jealousy based, not like she'd admit it. For Harry had changed the dynamic between Draco and himself from a small school rivalry between the most famous boy in the two houses to what Ginny would argue as the Boy who lived being hopelessly in love with the Malfoy Heir. Harry would rant for hours upon hours about how Draco was obviously a Death Eater and nothing but pure evil, considering Harry had seen witnessed him at the tower on the night of Professor Dumbledore's death. How he had seen a small struggle in the completion of some sort of task, but how at the end of it Draco was still pure evil. Talking about the blonde heir seemed to be the only thing the seventeen year old could talk about, or would talk about, considering everything else that was going on around them.

Ginny thought it would probably be best to just bang her head against the wall until she was unconscious, to avoid having to listen to Harry go on and on and on about the Malfoy Heir. It would probably make very little difference as Harry wouldn't notice she was not listening, as she would be unconscious, and would continue to rant on irregardless. For Ginny was not sure how many times more she could hear about how Malfoy's 'toned arms quivered in anticipation' or how his 'slicked back blonde hair reflected the moonlight like a crystal ball' before she jumped out of her bedroom window.

It would honestly be best if Harry got over this strange desire by either having a very heated make out session with the Malfoy boy or going even further. A one night stand would probably make everyone's lives around them much much easier. But she wouldn't dare voice this out loud jut in case she was taken as feeling sorry for the boy or anyone else their age who had joined the other side of the war. Not that the other's were aware that most of the people their age who had joined the Death Eaters were forced into it. But considering that didn't fit most of their narratives they wouldn't listen to her anyways.

"Thinking back to that night, Malfoy wasn't the only student I saw. I'm sure there was another in the tower." Harry had finally changed the topic, if only slightly. And Ginny found herself suddenly very anxious. She could clearly remember the panic Naomi had gone through about having both been spotted by the ex professor and what she also believed to have been spotted by Harry. Until this moment it would seem that Harry had completely forgotten about Naomi's presence that night and have never mentioned it to anybody if he had seen her. But it would appear that the luck they had up to this moment was all gone. The karma they had gathered had run out.

"Who else do you think was there Harry? We need to pass it onto the Order." It was Hermione who was the first one to back this new information. Surprising Ginny, who had thought the other girl was just as fed up as she was hearing about that night over and over again. Whereas her brother, Ron, had been more than eager to hear every small detail Harry could recall, Hermione seemed less bothered. Until now that is.

"I've got many guesses, dirty the lot of them." Ron had chimed his way into the conversation with his normal dulcet tones. It always shocked Ginny that Hermione could find someone who seemed always so disinterested in everything and dull so attractive. If Hermione wanted to date one of her brothers, which Ginny thought would be inevitable at this rate, Fred would be a much better option than Ron was.

"It was Nott." Harry was certain with his words and Ginny knew that the gig was up. He had seen Naomi and he knew who he had seen.

"Theodore? Not a surprise considering his father." Hermione voiced and Ginny had to give her credit considering the most logical conclusion when given the Nott surname was Theodore. After all he was Draco's best friend. Even though Ginny knew the truth, she probably would have thought Theodore Nott had she been out of the loop like the others.

"No, the younger one. Naomi I think her name is." Ginny felt conflicted for a moment. She didn't know whether to be upset because he had recognised Naomi that night at the tower and now the other girl would be in much more trouble. Or if she was agitated towards him because he didn't really know who Naomi was. It was confusing considering Naomi held a level of popularity which was on par with Hermione if not a little higher.

"I always knew that she was no good. There's a reason I told you to stay away from her Ginny." Ron's dislike to the girl had been unfounded before now and now he had a reason to share his dislike about her much more. She was sure had she not really got to actually know Naomi that she would have drawn the same conclusion. Had she not known that Naomi ironed her socks she might have been thinking she was evil. But no evil person ironed their socks before folding and putting them away.

But Ginny knew that despite knowing Naomi differently and knowing that the other girl had no intent to do such harm, that she could never voice this to her family. That if she even tried to say these things out loud she would end up having to admit knowing that Naomi was indeed a Death Eater and then everything would be up for the other girl. She would cause more harm then good by saying something now. Even if she really wanted to bash her brother's head in. Why did she have to be cursed with six older brothers? Why couldn't her parents have just found a hobby?

 Why did she have to be cursed with six older brothers? Why couldn't her parents have just found a hobby?

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