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Ginny Weasley spent the first night back in her bed, in the same dorm she had stayed in for the previous four years, laying wide awake staring at the ceiling above. Once again her thoughts being taken up completely by Naomi Nott. She could not say she was surprised considering Naomi had taken up many of her thoughts during the summer holiday and none of those occasions had actually been following an interaction with the other girl. Only now her thoughts and day dreams had something to be based off. 

Ginny had not always held this adoration for the Slytherin. Rather at one point she had barely known the girl, they circulated in entirely different social circles. They were strangers in every sense of the word. They had first properly been introduced sometime during their third year. Despite being considered the 'enemies' of the school Gryffindor's and Slytherins were partnered together for many of their classes due to their abilities to bring out the best in each other. It was in one of these charm's classes held by none other than Professor Flitwick where the two had been partnered up for the first time. They were to be desk partners for the remainder of the year and were to work on the upcoming project together. Flitwick had this strange way of partnering up students many suspected it was him putting together two students he thought would look good together. The more logical reason was because their partner was on a similar level and they would be a good match to challenge the other person. He wasn't wrong considering how well the pair had gotten on after introducing. A fast friendship had blossomed between the pair as they challenged each other to be better. 

Ginny couldn't even recall when her feelings had developed from being platonic to what they were now. It must have happened just before the middle of their forth year. When she found herself staring more at Naomi than her actual surroundings choosing to admire the girl rather than read the book laid out in front of her. The two had at one point often worked together on their homework in the library. Where they would sometimes spend very little time working and rather spending it as friends, considering that friendship between the two houses was unfortunately not very common. She had spent hours just talking in what was the glory of the Slytherin Heiress, the focus upon her studies being none existent during that time. With those memories being some of which she relied upon to keep her sane during the summer she had just experienced. 

This was until the pair were caught being a little too friendly. Normally Ginny, wouldn't have given a toss that someone had seen her arm thrown other the other girl's chair, fingers playing with the ebony strands and the non existent distance between the pair. Naomi had at that point turned to the point where her shoulder and arm were pressed into Ginny's chest. In face she wanted the whole world to see the pair like that. Wanted it shouted from the top of the Astronomy tower. 

Yet maybe she didn't at the time. Considering the second she had been caught by none other than her older brother Ronald she clearly remembered jumping away from the other girl. Ron Weasley was possibly the strictest Wesley when it came to associating with families who weren't considered light. If she had been caught by either one of her older twin brothers she was sure they wouldn't have cared and carried on, in fact she probably would never have been caught as she was sure they had never stepped foot in the library in the seven years they had been students in the school. . A family that had been in Slytherin as far back as any records went and was littered with death eaters including her father was not someone his younger sister should be hanging around with, yet alone in such an intimate position. In his eyes that was. Ron had gone as far to have a go at Ginny right there in the middle of the library. 

Sure she could stand her own ground against her brother. She was more than prepared to start shouting back at him. And away from onlooking eyes she would have easily thrown a hex or jinx or two at him and sent him to the infirmary. Rather she was suddenly put off these actions following the way she saw Naomi's eyes loose the glimmer they held moments prior, before scooting away and promptly packing her stuff and leaving.

From there on out it seemed as though the Slytherin was actively avoiding her, she no longer went to the library and refused to speak to Ginny during classes they shared, even when they were still desk partners. That was the hardest hit and all because of one of her family members unkind opinion about the Nott heiress. Ginny had even taken the time, and poor effort for Errol, to send the other girl a letter during the summer holiday yet received no response. Therefore, felt as though her chances had shattered and there was no hope of even rekindling even a friendship with the other girl.

But as if this had never occurred, Ginny recalled the way the pair had acted on the train journey to Scotland. How mayhaps Naomi might have not been looking for someone else in the bathroom. How it was possible that just maybe Naomi was looking for her all along. Perhaps it wasn't all over. 


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