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Narcissa Malfoy had always wanted a big family. One of three children she had always loved the bond she had with her siblings growing up. How she knew she could count on either of her sisters for years to support her and to have her back. She had wanted to continue that on when she had her own children. Yet the struggles she had trying to conceive and the difficult pregnancy she had gone through whilst carrying Draco, had made this dream impossible. Rather she had one lone child and whilst she did everything in her capability to dote upon him and make sure he had everything he ever wanted and was cared for like no other. There was still a part of her that never felt complete. She would never feel complete whilst she continued to have that singular child. Adoption was not common in the Wizarding community. Considering, many of the children abandoned who had shown signs of magical ability were children of muggles. And her husband would never allow her to bring a child of muggles into her household. What was more common was for Wizarding families to take children in as wards. These children were normally of friends and acquaintances passed. Following the First Wizarding War, this was common place with many children being left parentless irregardless of what side they fought on.

It seemed as though Lady Magik had been listening to Narcissa after all, for all of these long years. Her yearning to have children was granted. For she had finally got three children following taking the two Nott children in as wards. The two teenagers might not be of Malfoy blood, yet when Narcissa look upon the siblings somehow her brain morphed it into thinking that yes these were her children now. Irregardless of how they came into her family, they were her children, and therefore her children to protect.

But as she had failed to protect her own son, she had failed to protect both of her new children. For shortly all three of them at just the ages of 16 would join the dangerous cult which was the Death Eaters. All three would be branded and forced to commit acts which would haunt their memories forever.

Despite the feeling of failure she felt, Narcissa knew she had to do everything in her power to ensure that at least this Yule all transitions would run smoothly. That the two Nott children would settle in and enjoy their celebrations as if they were just teenagers. And then when the time came, she would step up ready to guide Naomi into her new role. Narcissa, never wished such a role or path upon someone so young yet she had no choice, not after what the children's father had done. All she could do was be there for them both as they adjusted to what they now belonged to. She had been there for both her son and Theodore and now it was time for her to be there for Naomi.

She would take on the exact same role her older sister Bellatrix had done for Narcissa all those years ago. To others Bellatrix was nuts, a horrible and vile woman. Yet she never was like that with those she loved, Bellatrix had been the best older sister and when it was time for Narcissa to join the death eaters Bellatrix had been there every step of the way helping her transition, from the post branding pain to the first 10 missions. She had helped even when the words 'join up or die' were screamed at a much younger Narcissa, helped her to understand that despite many of the things the death eaters once stood for having completely changed, that things could be different, that they would be different.

Therefore, the second after Naomi had walked through the front door of Malfoy Manor after being collected from Kings Cross, that look of pure dread and fear plastered upon her face, Narcissa knew it was time. Time for her to act in that motherly role that the young girl so desperately needed in this moment of time. To provide the young girl with a relaxing Yule and everything she could possibly need to ensure that. 

Naomi's face was proving that a picture is worth a thousand words. The fear was evident, and Narcissa wasn't sure they young girl could look more terrified. It was unusual to see the strong heiress look this way, it was almost trained into her to not show any weakness conforming with basic pureblood upbringing, yet it was as if the grill resolve had finally broken. It tugged on Narcissa's heartstrings to see the young girl this way. She was sure it would always hurt to see the girl looking in that manner. The pseudo motherly role she had taken over both Nott heir's ensured that just like now she was feeling more protective over the children, and their looks of fear and heartbreak shook her to the core. 

Therefore, Narcissa had ensured she would spend the next couple days distracting the heiress from what was to come and to focus on instead the upcoming Yule celebrations. She was sure that this year would be memorable for the children in terms of celebrations as Narcissa had spent the last few weeks working as hard as possible to plan the best celebrations she could. No cost was spared, anything she could possibly think they would want she had ordered. Anything to hide the adult world away from them just for a couple of days. She didn't want the three who were already suffering from being thrown into the adult life too early to have to deal with the horrible world of the death eaters whilst they could avoid it. 

She hoped and prayed that she had been successful in ensuring this, and perhaps she just had been. For the morning of Yuletide, she travelled down the stairs to come across the two Nott siblings in one of the living rooms dancing around to the music coming from the record player still in their pyjamas. Gleeful sounds of laughter erupting from the pair as they spun around the room matching the wide joyful smiles upon their faces. This had to be the happiest she had seen either sibling since they had become wards back in the summer. 

"Ni stop stepping on my feet, I know you're doing it on purpose." Theodore whined at his sister though did not let up from their dance. It was no traditional dance more of a childish sway between siblings as they continued to spin around the room in circles. 

"But why brother? Are you saying I'm a bad dancer?" 

"Rather the opposite little sister, you're stepping on my toes because you want to not because you can't help yourself." 

"But I have the inability to stop as it's funny watching you stop yourself from swearing all the time." Theodore only responded by spinning his sister much faster though this was only met by possibly the happiest little giggle Narcissa had ever heard the young girl met. 

Narcissa found herself stopping for much longer than she intended to, watching the two siblings dance around her living room the crackle of the lit fire behind them adding to the sweet sounds of the muggle Christmas songs playing from the record player. She pondered if this was how the siblings would always act had they not been forced into something they had no intention of joining at such a young age. At just 17 and nearly 16 they should not have to conform to the pressures of the death eaters. Rather they should be acting just like they were in the current moment, carefree and enjoying being teenagers. Struggling more with the problems associated with falling in love for the same time, trying to successfully skip lessons and not completing homework. Not whatever they were being forced to do by some 70 year old who wanted to destroy an entire community. 

To help the siblings feel more involved in the family dynamic. Narcissa had continued the day just like any other that the Malfoy's Yule celebrations would head in. The only difference being that the family of three was now a family of five. But she wouldn't have had it any other way. And Naomi could not have agreed more with Narcissa, glad that the family who had taken her in were trying their hardest to make them feel welcome. But overall, Naomi was just glad she was not separated from her older brother, as without him she was sure that she would be incapable of going through what was to come. The year between the two siblings meant they had been close to begin with but after their father's detainment it had only increased their bond as they realised they didn't have anyone if they no longer had each other. 

She just hoped that the gift she had gotten Ginny for Christmas would leave the other girl with a final parting gift that would take some of the pain away. 


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