1st July - Get a Room

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It's the first of July already?!

Alrighty, something cute-ish (? Yeah okay it actually didn't turn out as cute as I thought it would. It is a lil funny though) to start off the month and the start of a new book!

These will all most likely be 1000 words or less as I don't really have the time to write longer ones every single day, but hey at least you all get some good Jaydick content to fuel your addiction for 31 days straight 😩

You can make requests! I take them! Just no smut cause I don't write that :D

Happy July!

Word Count: 1043


Tim groaned when he heard giggling coming from the dining room as he walked down the stairs. This had happened every single day since Dick and Jason had come to stay at the manor for a week.

He debated going back up to his room and eating in there instead so he wouldn't have to face the 'cute' couple downstairs. Damian, however, was not going in there alone and dragged Tim along with him down the stairs after rolling his eyes. Tim complained and whined the whole way down.

Damn demon spawn. Forcing him to eat breakfast with his overly adorable older brothers.

The 16-year-old braced himself as he walked slowly into the dining room, waiting for the displays of affection from the couple.

Surely enough, Jason was sitting on one of the dining chairs with Dick sitting on his lap, a red tint to the latter's face.

Jason pulled a mouthful of scrambled eggs onto his fork and brought it to Dick's lips, his boyfriend accepting the food with a flirtatious grin.

Then Dick grabbed either side of Jason's face with his palms and pulled him in for a kiss, locking lips and pushing some of the breakfast into the younger's mouth with his tongue. Dick then pulled back and giggled, yes giggled, before pressing another short kiss to his boyfriend's soft lips.

Tim's jaw dropped open and his face was disgusted.

"You are not a fucking bird. That's actually disgusting."

He received something like "shove off Tim." From one of them. He wasn't sure which one, but it was probably Dick, considering there was no swearing in the response.

Tim reached for his coffee from the kitchen bench muttering "it's too early for this shit" under his breath. Sure, in a way they were birds, as Robin. But they weren't legitimately birds and they certainly didn't need to feed each other through their mouths.

Damian came and sat at the kitchen bench next to Tim, facing away from Jason and Dick so he wouldn't have to see the... affectionate display...

Tim copied Damian and faced the other way, sipping his coffee. Boy, did he need that coffee. The 13-year-old sitting next to him also had a hot beverage. Only it was tea, not coffee. Bruce would never in a million years allow Damian to have coffee. He was 'too young' and it was 'unhealthy for a growing boy'.

Damian was staring into his drink, trying desperately to ignore the noises of his brothers behind him. Tim tried to copy his actions but it wasn't very successful.

The 16-year-old vigilante grimaced when he started hearing smacking noises coming from behind him. They seriously couldn't keep their mouths apart for more than five minutes and Tim was sick of it, as was Damian.

He turned around to see Dick straddling Jason's lap and deep in a make out session with his boyfriend. You could physically hear the sounds of their tongues sliding together roughly and Tim absolutely hated every second of it. They were obsessed. Addicted even. He didn't have anything against them as a couple, or even about them in general, but he just couldn't stand the constant kissing and making out. Nobody wants to see their brother kissing their partner or in this case, their other brother.

Tim squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed a hand over his face. "Can you guys like do... this... elsewhere?" The couple untwined and both stared at Tim. "Please get a room. I'm begging you." He took a big swig of his coffee. "You do realise that public displays of affection are illegal in more than nine countries, and homosexual relationships are also illegal in over seventy?"

Jason narrowed his eyes at the teenager. He gently lifted his boyfriend off his lap and stood up from the dining chair. Dick tugged on his arm. "Jason, don't." He whispered.

"No, you know what Timbo? If you don't like it, you can go elsewhere. Bruce invited us for the week and we're staying for the week. We used to live here too, you know. We were here long before you and demon." Jason said. He didn't sound angry, just a little pissed off.

"Oh, and don't think we didn't hear you with Stephanie last night." Jason placed a hand on his forehead like a damsel in distress. "Mmmm, ohhhh Steph!" Dick smacked a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing as Tim's face turned bright red and coffee sprayed out of his mouth like a fire hose.

Damian covered his hands with his ears. He definitely did not want to hear about his older brother's sex life.

"We have thin walls, Timmy. Thin walls... I mean it's great and all that you're finally having sex with your girlfriend but me and Dickie really don't need to hear you moaning at three in the morning."

Dick erupted into laughter and Alfred shook his head disapprovingly at Jason from the doorway.

Tim buried his face in his hands, cheeks burning tomato red from embarrassment. He didn't realise that they were being so loud that his older brothers could hear them. This was going to traumatise him forever. His older brothers heard him having sex. His older brothers heard him having sex for Christ's sake!

Tim just hoped with everything he had that they wouldn't use this as blackmail material in the future. He also prayed that they hadn't filmed it, well Jason hadn't filmed it. Dick would never do that, but he wouldn't put it past Jason.

God, he would never live this down. Ever.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now