23rd July - injuries Part 3

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Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate all of you who are constantly supporting me and this book and always voting and commenting on the chapters!

I would also like to thank you guys for being patient with me, especially at the moment, when I'm so behind with the chapters.


Word Count: 517



Jason brushed his fingers against the bruises gently, causing Dick to gasp in pain and grab his boyfriend's wrist tightly, tugging it away from the injury. "Don't touch it. Please."

The anti-hero pulled the waistband back up softly and dropped Dick's shirt back down over the bruises.


He furrowed his eyebrows with concern as he brushed his thumb gently against Dick's cheek. "Do you want me to take you to hospital?" Jason pressed a soft kiss to his boyfriend's forehead. "It looks really bad, Dickie."

Dick hesitantly nudged Jason away a little. "No, no I'm fine. I don't need to go to the hospital."

"Dick, I think it needs to be checked out. What if it's broken?"

"It's not broken. I wouldn't be able to walk if it were."

"You don't know that." Jason urged. He truly was worried about his older boyfriend.

Just like last time, Jason ended up losing that argument. He couldn't force Dick to go and get his hip checked out by a professional, no matter how much he wanted to.

Dick had always been stubborn, especially when it came to injuries, which made Jason believe that it was going to be particularly difficult to get his boyfriend to comply. But in Jason's mind, Dick always came first. His health was important and if he refused to get examined, Jason would just have to help out by himself and take care of Dick.

Dick continued to struggle around by himself for the rest of the day. No matter how hard Jason tried to help, Dick just kept shoving him away or simply replying with "I don't need your help!" Even if he really did.

Dick awoke in a cold sweat early the next morning. His hip was in an uncomfortable position but he just couldn't seem to get into a place where there was no discomfort, despite how many times he twisted and turned. Not only that but every time he moved even an inch, an aching pain spread throughout his hip. He found himself hissing under his breath a few times as quietly as he could as to not wake up his peacefully sleeping boyfriend.

After tossing and turning in bed for over half an hour and not being able to sleep with the pain, Dick finally crept out of bed. When he first put pressure on his sore side, he nearly cried out. A newfound level of pain exploded in his hip. It was worse than before. He found himself gripping the dresser tightly in his right hand, taking some of the pressure off of his injured side.

Dick took in a deep breath, preparing himself before letting go of the cabinet and putting some weight slowly on his right foot.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now