16th July - Dates come first, medical attention comes second Part 3

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^^ I found this and I'm a little concerned...

Hello there and here is the last part to the "dates come first, medical attention comes second" plot requested by the amazing McBrube

Dude, we're over half way through the month! Isn't that crazy!?

Also I'm very sorry that I forgot to put a TW/CW on the last chapter so don't worry ima go change that now and here ya go-


Word Count: 1456



"Dickie, why are you bleeding?!"

Dick cracked an eye open and gave a side glance to his boyfriend, smiling painfully, yet sheepishly.

"I got stabbed."


Jason's eyes nearly popped out his head and he looked like he was about to have an aneurysm. He wanted to shriek. But they were in the middle of a restaurant, so he had to resort to whisper-yelling. "Why didn't you tell me?!?"

"Wasn't important." Dick mumbled, his eyes drooping closed again.

"Wasn't- Holy fuck, Dick, of course it was!" He whisper-yelled. "You could've died!"

Jason immediately tried to move Dick's palm away from the wound so that he could take a look, but as soon as his hands got close, they were slapped away groggily by Dick.

"Let me take a look!" He hissed under his breath as to not attract attention from the restaurant employees.

Lacking the energy to deter him any longer, Dick allowed Jason to push his hand aside. Seeing the blood soaking through the patch of the shirt that was covering the bandage, the anti-hero swallowed thickly.

Jason, thinking rationally, covered the crimson stain back up with Dick's blazer, before dragging his boyfriend up onto his feet. He hooked his arm around Dick's waist, helping to keep the man upright as Jason guided him slowly across the wooden floorboards of the restaurant. He tried desperately to hold up all of Dick's weight as he dragged the older along, attempting to leave the waiters and other customers clueless to the disastrous events that were known only to the two bats in the room.

The anti-hero pushed open the door to the disabled toilet and dragged the pair of them inside, quickly locking the door behind them before helping Dick down to the bathroom floor.

The older man slumped his back against the tiled wall, panting and sweating heavily from the unforeseen sudden movement. The entire left side of his abdomen was throbbing with pain and he couldn't ignore it now. A thin sheen of uncomfortable sweat covered his face, simply from moving from their table to the bathroom.

Jason helped Dick out of his blazer, carefully sliding each of his arms out of the sleeves whilst trying not to cause the man any pain. He threw the blazer to the side, on the bathroom floor before anxiously taking a look at the blood stain that was slowly getting larger on Dick's shirt. Then the younger of the pair started undoing the buttons on Dick's button up white shirt.

"Woahh, Jay'm fl-flattered really, but'm not really'n the moooood right nowww." He slurred, words becoming more incoherent as the younger undid the last of the buttons before untucking the shirt from his pants and pulling it the rest of the way off of his arms, tossing it on top of the blazer.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now