10th July - Cleaning is tiring

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Here's a cute lil' fluffy chapter that was requested by McBrube

I hope ya like it.

I enjoyed writing this one :')

Also I'm absolutely scared shitless and don't think I'll ever be able to sleep again. Last night I went to a birthday party for my friend (she was turning 15) and for the party we did a torchlight tour of the old prison about an hour from where we live. Now if you don't know yet, I get scared very, very easily. This was a problem. We were literally walking through this old prison in the dark with only torches. The tour guides were telling us creepy paranormal stories and there were staff members who jumped out at us and gave everyone a heart attack. Let's just say that I definitely shed more than a few tears and screamed a lot. Like a lot, a lot. I was holding my friend's hand very tightly throughout the entire thing. I'm a little traumatised.

Word Count: 1201


Dick decided to surprise his boyfriend.

You see, Jason was gone on a mission and wouldn't be back until late at night. Meaning that Dick was home alone all day. Also meaning that Dick spontaneously decided to clean the house.

The couple were always arguing over how messy the apartment was and so Dick decided that he would finally do something about it. He even went to the store and bought a heap of cleaning products because apparently they didn't own any.

It was sweet really, Dick wanting to surprise his boyfriend with a clean home. He could already imagine the smile that he would receive on Jason's face from the gesture. That alone was worth doing it. Dick loved making Jason smile. It was probably one of his favourite things in the world.

And so Dick did just that. He spent all day cleaning each room of the apartment. Vacuuming, sweeping, picking up trash, doing the dishes. It made him feel good. A warm, happy feeling inside.

Only problem was, Dick was exhausted from patrol the night before. It had been an extra long night of stopping muggings and picking up criminals from down street alleys in Blüdhaven. His muscles ached in particular from lifting up a car off of a pedestrian that got trapped underneath in the car accident. The vigilante hadn't actually gotten to sleep until 6am.

And then of course on top of that, their neighbours were having a party that night, meaning that there was music blasting through the walls to next door all night and morning. Dick was constantly tossing and turning, shoving pillows over his head and groaning in exhaustion trying to get even a minute of sleep in over the loud noise.

Jason was lucky. He slept like a log. He never was a light sleeper like Dick. This was one thing that he was grateful for. And so because of Dick's screwed up sleep schedule, he woke up at 8am, only having had at most 30 minutes of sleep. So he was grumpy and tired. He didn't feel like cleaning the house. But he so desperately wanted to impress Jason that he forced himself to.

Surprisingly, Dick managed to clean almost every room of the apartment. He started with their bedroom, then moved on to the living room and then the kitchen. Because the man was tired, his eyelids were constantly slipping closed before he quickly opened them again. He was trying desperately to keep his eyes open, but failing miserably.

Now, it was time for him to clean the bathroom. It was the last room in the apartment that needed cleaning. Thank god. But by now it was late afternoon and Dick was finding it even more difficult to stay awake.

The 24-year-old pulled a pair of green rubber cleaning gloves over his hands. He certainly did not want toilet water covering his hands. As much as he loved Jason, he was not willing to do that.

Dick sat down next to the toilet with a toilet brush in his hands. He gripped the toilet bowl with one hand whilst scrubbing the inside with the brush in the other.

His eyelids started drooping again. This time he tried to fight it, but it was no use. His scrubs with the toilet brush slowed down before stopping altogether as he nodded off.

Dick's arms were laid across the toilet seat, rubber gloves still on his hands, with his head limply resting on his forearm. Soft snores escaped from his parted lips, signalling that the man was indeed asleep.

The toilet brush rested loosely in the grip of his right hand, the tip of the brush still submerged into the toilet water.

He had fallen asleep whilst cleaning the toilet.


Jason rubbed at his eyes tiredly as he twisted the doorknob, stepping into his and Dick's apartment. It was late at night, around midnight.

At first Jason wasn't alarmed by the fact that none of the lights were on, his boyfriend was probably just on patrol. But then Jason realised that Dick wasn't going on patrol tonight. It was his night off.

So a little concerned, the anti-hero stepped through his apartment, turning on the lights gradually as he walked through each room.

Jason noticed that the house was awfully clean. He smiled. Dick must have cleaned the house while he was away. There were still bottles of cleaning product on the kitchen bench.

He sighed as he threw his car keys down on the kitchen counter. He wanted to go to sleep. But he had to make sure that Dick was alright first.

Jason figured that Dick was probably just in the bathroom, either going to the toilet or having a shower.

So he trudged slowly to the bathroom, flipping on the light switch in the doorway of the room.

The view that Jason was greeted with brought a smile to his lips. His boyfriend was fast asleep, snoring gently whilst leaning against the toilet with rubber gloves on his hands and a toilet brush in his right one.

Jason knelt down next to his boyfriend and took the toilet brush out of his hands, laying it down on the tiles, before slowly pulling off the rubber gloves. He then picked up the older man carefully and carried him bridal style, allowing Dick to lean his head against Jason's chest.

The younger carried Dick back to their bedroom, smiling when the vigilante gripped Jason's shirt gently in his hand and started mumbling something incoherent in his sleep.

Jason then laid his boyfriend down on their bed, brushing his smooth black hair out of his face with his fingers and placing a sweet, gentle kiss to Dick's forehead.

He pulled the covers up around the older man, tucking him in to keep him warm.

Jason then slid into the bed next to his boyfriend, wrapping an arm around the older's waist in a comforting manner. He breathed a sigh of exhaustion, relaxing into the bed and listening to the deep steady breathing of Dick next to him.

The sound comforted him, allowing Jason to fall asleep easily next to his sweet and caring boyfriend.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now