5th July - Oops again

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^^ this bloke looks like he's about to bash himself over the head with that hair dryer. No, seriously, you can see the genuine pain in his eyes.

Here's the alternate story that I promised to the green hair dye concept.

LokiLaufeysonIsMine6 hopefully THIS is what you imagined bro.

Word Count: 1070


Dick whined in complaint as he stood in the hair dye aisle at the local corner store. He had desperately wanted to dye his hair, just do something impulsive, but the only colour he was willing to dye it was, surprise, surprise, blue.

Unfortunately for him, this store that he was currently in was completely sold out of blue hair dye. There was not one single bottle left on the shelf. They had a few other colours, like green, purple, pink, orange. Just not blue.

Dick walked up to one of the employees who was unpacking a shipping box of some random unknown brand of toothpaste in the aisle next to the hair dye.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

The employee turned to him and smiled. "Hi, how can I help you?"

"Hi, uh you didn't have any blue hair dye left on the shelves and I was wondering if you maybe had some anywhere else?"

The man pondered for a moment. "Mm yeah no, sorry. The only stock we had was all out on the shelves, everything that we have left should already be up there. Sorry about that."

Dick's hopes sank a little. "Ah, alright thanks." He turned on his heels and stalked back to the row of the dyes.

The 24-year-old rocked back and forth on his heels whilst stuck in his own mind. He didn't want this to be a wasted trip but he couldn't be bothered going to a different store. Surely stretching out of his comfort zone a little and trying something new that he wouldn't normally do couldn't hurt?

Or maybe it could. But he would never know until he actually tried. So Dick reached out and plucked a bottle of bright green hair dye off the shelf before heading to the counter to pay.


Dick had never dyed his hair before and so he didn't realise that you were supposed to wear gloves whilst doing it. The consequence of this was that he  squeezed the green dye straight onto his hands instead of using a brush. That would surely stain later. Hey, at least he wrapped a towel around his neck so that it didn't get on his clothes.

The vigilante grimaced as he smeared the green paste through his messy black hair. He didn't particularly like the colour, but hey maybe it would look better once it was finished.

He ended up using the whole bottle, scrubbing it through his thick hair like a conditioner. He made sure all his raven locks were covered before sitting down cross-legged on the tiled bathroom floor of his and Jason's apartment.

Dick let out a frustrated sigh as he read the back of the dye box. He was supposed to leave it in for forty minutes. How was anyone supposed to wait for that long?

He laid down flat on his stomach and picked up Jason's book that sat on the stool next to the bathtub.

It was some sappy romance book that Jason enjoyed reading. Sure, Dick liked reading as well but he never was great at English in school and he didn't read for fun like Jason did.

So while Dick was waiting for his hair dye to set in, he read the first few chapters of Jason's book.

After a single chapter he had decided he didn't like the book. It was full of sappy romance and sex scenes. He had no clue as to why Jason enjoyed it so much.


Jason sat at the kitchen bench eating his breakfast, which consisted of a banana and a small bowl of Dick's favourite cereal.

He was a little confused when he heard a hair dryer going off in the bathroom. Sure, Dick washed his hair almost every other day but he never used a hair dryer. He always claimed "the heat will ruin my gorgeous curls" and "it's way better to let it dry naturally."

Jason just waved it off as a once off. He spooned the last bit of cereal from his bowl into his mouth before lifting the bowl up to his lips to drink the last few mouthfuls of milk.

Just as he was drinking it, Dick walked into the room.

Jason took one look at his boyfriend and he snorted, milk spraying out of his mouth and nose, simultaneously, creating a massive mess all over the kitchen counter.

He patted his chest, choking on the milk a little and laughing at the same time.

Dick pouted. "Jasonnn." He whined. "It's not that bad."

"Oh, oh my god!" He cackled. Jason took a deep breath trying to compose himself before breaking out in a smile again.

Dick frowned grumpily. "Stooop!" He grumbled.

"Wh-why did you dye your hair Dickie?!?"

Dick swore he saw a tear escape Jason's eyes from laughing so much.

"I'm trying to make a statement, Jay Jay."

"What, that you can look like shrek?!" He burst out laughing again.

Dick whacked Jason on the back of the head. "No! I just wanna do everything possible before I die. I wanna be cool."

"You aren't gonna die, Dickie. What, are you like having a mid-life crisis early or something? A quarter life crisis." He chuckled. "No, but actually though, please tell me that you're going to wash that out. It looks absolutely dreadful."

"No, Jay, I'm not washing it out." Dick folded his arms and closed his eyes like a little kid having a temper tantrum.

Jason scoffed at him. "You are too."

"Am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"I! Am! Not!" Dick stomped his foot on the floor and narrowed his eyes at Jason.

"Quit acting like a little kid, Dick. You're being immature. It looks bad, and I'm going to wash it out for you. No complaints, understand?"

Let's just say that argument ended with a very grumpy Dick sitting in a hot bath with a pout on his face and his arms folded (hands still stained bright green) whilst Jason washed out all of the green dye.



Gee, I hope so.


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