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So if ya didn't know, ITS TIM DRAKE'S BIRTHDAY TODAY (19th).


Because it is his birthday, here is a Tim Drake birthday special. (Shocking, I know.)

It's still gonna be Jaydick tho. Obviously, this is literally a Jaydick book.

Word Count: 1088


Today was Tim's birthday. He was turning 18 (no idea how old he is actually turning so ima just use 18 cause it fits in with Jason & Dick's ages in this fic).

Dick absolutely loved birthdays. Well, everyone else's that is. He didn't particularly like his own. But he believed they were a special day to be celebrated. And so he was desperately excited to see his little brother and celebrate his 18th birthday with him.

It was a really special birthday as well because Tim was turning 18. He would no longer be a child. And this made Dick especially excited. His little brother was no longer little! He was all grown up now.

So early that morning Jason and Dick made the long drive all the way from Blüdhaven to Gotham.

Dick was almost bouncing up and down on his feet he was so excited. He and Jason stood in front of the Wayne manor door, Dick with a massive grin spread across his face. He held his hands together in front of him so he would try not to fidget out of excitement whilst Jason stood next to him with Tim's presents from them in his hands.

Not long after they knocked, the door swung open to reveal a smiling Tim Drake, happy that his brothers were finally there.

As soon as Tim appeared at the door, Dick crushed him in a hug, almost squeezing the air out of the 18-year-old's lungs. "Happy birthday Timmy!" Dick tried hard not to squeal out of excitement.

Tim suppressed a laugh, patting his older brother's back and returning the hug. He wheezed a little from the tight enclosure. "Thanks Dick... are you gonna let me breathe now?"

Dick pulled back, a smile still beaming on his face. "Sorry."

Jason then stepped up closer to the shorter former-Robin and ruffled the younger's hair, messing it up. "Happy birthday Timbo."

The youngest of the three quickly swatted Jason's hand away and smoothed his hair back down. "Jasonnn." He whined.

"I can't believe you're 18 Timmy. You're all grown up now." Dick cooed, feeling a little bit of pride for his little brother.

He reached over to Jason and plucked the gifts from his hands, handing them over to Tim and once again wishing him a happy birthday. Tim took the presents with thanks before guiding his two older brother's into the house and into the kitchen.

Alfred was working in the kitchen, adding the candles to Tim's cake with Damian watching him intently, and Bruce sat at the head of the dining table with a newspaper in his hand.

When Damian saw his favourite brother enter the room, he quickly scurried away from the butler and headed towards Dick. "Grayson." He greeted with his normal 'Damian' way of talking.

"Hey lil' D!" Dick's smile beamed wider, if that was even possible, before throwing his phone on the kitchen bench and lifting his little brother up off the floor and into his arms. The boy was a teenager by now but Dick didn't care, he still wanted hugs from the youngest Robin.

Much to Jason and Tim's surprise, Damian didn't oblige to the affection from his eldest brother, in fact he returned the hug by wrapping his arms around Dick a little awkwardly, unused to being affectionate.

"Did you miss me Dami?"

"Of course not, Grayson."

Dick smirked, hearing the hesitance in the words that his little brother spoke.

After Dick put his brother back down on the floor, Bruce got up from his chair and quickly greeted the couple.

Alfred ordered Tim to sit down at the head of the table before going around and closing all of the curtains and blinds, causing the room to become mostly dark so that he could serve the cake.

Dick excitedly set up his phone at the end of the table, leaned up against a glass before pressing the record button so that he could video the family singing happy birthday to Tim.

Bruce, Jason, Dick and Damian all gathered standing around Tim whilst Alfred lit the candles on the cake.

Jason entwined his fingers with Dick's as they all started singing.

Alfred brought the cake in from the kitchen whilst they were singing.

Tim had a bright smile on his face, happy to be spending his birthday with his family.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear-"

They all sung different names at the same time.


"Master Timothy"




Well, I mean Bruce and Damian didn't really sing, they sort of just said it but that's not important.

"Happy birthday to you!"

As Tim blew out the candles, the family members clapped happily whilst Dick insisted "Make a wish!"

The faithful butler turned the lights back on and opened the curtains and blinds back up.

Jason handed Tim a large knife to cut the chocolate cake, mumbling some sort of joke about knives into the younger's ear whilst he did it. It probably wasn't very funny because Tim just gave him a confused look after.

Then the whole family sat down at the table so that they could all enjoy the cake together.

It was nice, really. Bruce seemed less emotionally constipated for once and Alfred actually sat with them rather than cleaning something or other in the house instead.

Jason made an inappropriate joke at the table, earning him a smack to the back of the head from Dick and a light scowl from Alfred. Bruce just shook his head, not surprised at all.

Tim smiled at his family members, aside from Damian who was studying him oddly from the other side of the table. It was a little creepy. But he just ignored it. That kid was always odd.

After scolding his boyfriend for making a crude joke in front of his little brothers, Dick insisted that Tim open all of their presents. There was a reasonably-sized pile stacked at the other end of the table.

He didn't really care much for the gifts though, Tim was just happy to be spending time with all of his family together for once.

They actually felt like a real family. That was something he missed.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now