18th July - i think we had a little too much fun

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It's all in the title lmao. This one is very random.

Once again had no idea what to write (I have requests, but I want to spend a good amount of time making them good and I didn't have much time to write this) so here is another very short, very odd chapter.

Also I needed to catch up a day, so that's what this is for.

I actually love this wth.

Word Count: 504


When Dick woke up, let's just say he was a little surprised to find his and Jason's bedroom a total mess.

To elaborate, there were literally birds, like actual live birds, chirping on the bed and around the room.

Feathers from torn pillows were strewn everywhere and there was a smashed lamp laying on the floor in the middle of the mess.

Not to mention there was also an unusual amount of broken glass and ceramics laying across the pillows and feathers on the floor.

Dick's eyes widened a little and he almost did a double take when a turkey walked across his bed. A literal live turkey.

Along with all of this, Dick had a pounding headache. Alright, that was probably some indication of what went on in here.

Everywhere his eyes travelled, the room just kept getting worse.

Red and blue paint splattered messily over the white walls.

One of the posts from the wooden bed broken off and being chewed on by a rabbit on the floor.

Toilet paper strung literally everywhere. Across the ceiling, all over the floor, furniture, even his own legs.

The acrobat also didn't fail to notice his boyfriend laying half-naked sideways asleep on the bed next to him. There was a large duck asleep right on Jason's bare back and a huge lump of bird poop on the younger's shoulder.

If Dick wasn't so damn confused, he would have laughed.

How did all this happen? Every time he turned his head he just kept noticing more that wasn't there the previous night and that probably shouldn't be there now.

He reached for the glass of water on his bedside cabinet before taking a swig of the liquid, soothing his dry throat. Dick spat it out everywhere not a second later. That water tasted a little... odd. He took a whiff of the drink before recognising the smell to be vodka. Oh. That's what happened.

The vigilante had absolutely no memory of the previous night whatsoever which is what made him just even more confused and concerned.

He shooed the duck off of Jason's back before shaking his boyfriend awake. Jason groaned at first, not wanting to open his eyes. Dick shook his shoulder (the poopless one of course) again, causing the younger man to lift up his head and blink his eyes tiredly.

His mouth soon fell open as he took in the mess that was his and Dick's bedroom. The anti-hero tried to think of something to say but all that he could muster was:

"What the fuck."

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now