11th July - Love at second sight Part 1

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Alright so uh once again this is for McBrube

I know you said love at FIRST sight but I had a very good idea and I though that this kinda fit the request so?

Just read and you'll see what I mean. It's sorta love at first sight?

Word Count: 740


Dick took a swig of his beer as he sat at the stool of a bar. This was probably his third beer in one hour and he was starting to get a little tipsy.

He had gone out to drink by himself after a rough week. First, work was tough. He spent most of the week working on one case that was particularly difficult. He was on a limited time frame for the case and now he didn't have much longer to finish it.

Then patrol the last few nights had been stressful. This new 'Red Hood' criminal that was hanging around Gotham and Blüdhaven was really taking up all of the Bat family's time. He slipped right through their fingers on multiple occasions and was constantly playing games with them.

Dick was hanging on by a thread. He hadn't slept much over the past week because of the stress of work and vigilantism. So he had decided that tonight would be a night off. Go out for a drink with his non-existent friends and forget about all of his problems just for one night.

Now he found himself three drinks in at some local bar, lonely, and drowning out the loud music.

Dick glanced to the side as a guy slid onto the bar stool next to him. The guy was quite good-looking and Dick immediately felt attracted to him. He was tall, probably 6ft or more and wore a black leather biker jacket. The mysterious guy had shaggy black hair that hung messily over his face, with a small white streak in the front.

The guy noticed Dick looking at him and smirked. "Hi." He said, his smooth deep voice and piercing green eyes causing a light blush to creep across the vigilante's cheeks.

"Hey." He replied, trying to keep his tone cool. This guy seemed familiar somehow, but Dick just passed it off as him being a little too tipsy and mistaking the man for someone else.

"I'm Jason." The guy said, before taking a gulp of his own drink. He then held his hand out for a handshake. Dick complied, shaking the mysterious man's hand, a little surprised by his strong grip.


Jason raised his eyebrows, a little offended. "Sorry?" He asked. "Did I misread the situation?"

"Oh no, no! My name is Dick. You know, short for Richard." Dick added quickly, panicking a little.

"Ahh, okay. My bad... Huh, you know I used to have a brother called Dick."

"That's funny actually, I used to have a brother called Jason." He frowned a little, remembering the times from back when his younger brother was Robin and Dick was mentoring him. "You said used to. What happened?"

"Oh, you know, I moved away. We lost contact. How about you? You also said used to." Jason asked, mildly interested.

"Oh uh, he died. A while back, now." Dick turned away, a little upset by the current conversation.

"I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to- I didn't know. I'm really sorry."

"Mm. It's alright, just a bit of a sensitive subject. Can we switch the conversation?"

"Sure, sure."

Dick smiled at the taller man. "So, uh, what situation did you believe that you misread earlier?" He asked with a mischievous look on his face, the previous conversation already forgotten.

Jason laughed gently. "Is that your way of asking me if I'm interested?" He smiled, clearly enjoying himself.

The older man buried his face in his hands. "Yes..." He chuckled. "I'm so sorry, I'm a little drunk. I promise I'm not usually like this."

The anti-hero placed his hand gently over Dick's on the bar, cautiously and hesitantly, so that he could pull away easily if the gesture was unwanted. Dick looked up into Jason's eyes. Jason relaxed his hand a little more when he wasn't pushed away. "The answer is yes." He smiled unsurely. "I am interested."


I apologise deeply, but I didn't get much time to write today and I didn't finish the chapter... sooo

Yeah, uh I'm going to continue/finish this with a part 2 tomorrow.

Again, I apologise.


~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now