22nd July - injuries Part 2

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Hey, hey, hey guess what? My team won our football (AFL) game again yesterday. That's 2 games in a row. We're on a roll now. We went from 7th (second last) on the ladder to 5th in two weeks!

Ayo I'm slowly catching up on the chapters?

Word Count: 640



When he crept back through his and Jason's apartment window early in the morning, his right hip was throbbing with pain worse than before, the adrenaline starting to wear off.

Somehow he managed to stumble to the bedroom and strip out of his torn Nightwing uniform before collapsing into bed next to his sleeping boyfriend.


Dick didn't want to get up when his alarm went off at 10am. His hip was so sore and he was sure that if he even moved a muscle, he would scream in pain.

Tiredly, he turned his head to see an empty space next to him where his boyfriend was supposed to be. Oh. Jason must have gotten up earlier.

After laying there for twenty minutes, doing nothing, he decided to get up. Slowly and painfully, he sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Dick braced himself as he stood up carefully, leaning almost all of his weight onto his left foot.

He winced as he took a few steps forward, the harsh pain once again making itself known.

Dick started making his way out of the bedroom, clenching his teeth every time he stepped with his right foot. He tried desperately not to limp so that Jason wouldn't know that anything was wrong, but it turned out to be harder than he thought and he ended up limping his entire way to the kitchen.

When he got there, Jason wasn't in sight. A sharp pain erupted in Dick's hip and he groaned as quietly as he could, gripping the kitchen bench tightly in one hand and his injured hip in the other.

Quick footsteps appeared behind him and before he knew it, Jason was standing beside him, concern laced on his features. "Dickie? What's wrong? What happened?"

"Nothing, Jay. I'm alright."

Jason took a quick glance at Dick's hip, where the man's hand was still placed and cradling it firmly.

"Is it your hip again?"

As soon as he said that, Dick was quick to pull his hand away from his hip, resting it on the bench instead. "No, no. I'm okay. Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

Jason's face softened. "Dick." He reached to Dick's side, attempting to lift the shirt up a little to see said injury but his boyfriend quickly shoved his hand away before he could lift it high enough.

"Jason, I said I'm fine."

The taller man shot the older a threatening glare, causing Dick to turn his head with a slight guilty look on his face.

Once again Jason reached to Dick's hip, satisfied when his boyfriend didn't shove him away again.

He carefully lifted the shirt a little, just enough to see the start of the deep purple and black bruising of the injury. Jason frowned. He slid the waistband of Dick's sweatpants down slightly to see the rest of the bruising. It looked really bad. Worse than Jason had originally thought. Dick's whole right hip was covered with splotches of deep purple, most of the colour being almost black with a slight tinge of red in the sides.

Jason brushed his fingers against the bruises gently, causing Dick to gasp in pain and grab his boyfriend's wrist tightly, tugging it away from the injury. "Don't touch it. Please."

The anti-hero pulled the waistband back up softly and dropped Dick's shirt back down over the bruises.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now