17th July - idek lol i'm bad at titles

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(It's the 18th today lol I know but I'm just posting this a day late. I'm a little behind by like a day and I keep saying that I'm gonna write 2 in one day so I get up to date but i just keep not doing it. Hopefully I will tomorrow.)

I had no idea what to write today lmao, so here's a random very short thing that I made up off the top of my head.

Word Count: 481


Dick sat cross-legged in the dark in his bedroom with his arms folded across his chest and a pout fashioned on his face like a stubborn little child that didn't get what they want.

He huffed a little, already slightly starting to forget why he was mad at Jason, but not wanting to give in and forgive him so easily. He wouldn't give his boyfriend the satisfaction of getting away with whatever the hell he was getting away with.

Jason sat comfortably on the couch in the library of the manor with a half-read book in his hand. If Bruce insist that he and Dick come and stay for the weekend, then he may as well spend the time doing something that he enjoys.

As far as he knew, Bruce and Damian weren't home. He didn't actually genuinely know but he hadn't seen them in a while and he also hadn't heard any bickering from between his two younger brothers in a while. They were physically incapable of not fighting for more than five minutes. The easiest cause of this sudden silence would be that one of them had gone out. And since Tim was a coffee-addicted teenage insomniac who never left the house, Jason assumed that Damian was the one who had left.

He did learn a few things from working with the 'world's greatest detective' over the years.

His theory was soon proved right when Tim came into the library, interrupting Jason from his book.

"Jason, where's Dick? He said that he'd help me with my homework."

"He's throwing a temper tantrum in his bedroom." The man answered, only half paying attention due to the fact that he was reading his book.


Jason sighed, putting the bookmark back in his book and placing it on the coffee table next to the chair where he was sitting. "Because I won't let him adopt a baby pig."

Tim slowly nodded unsurely before backing out of the room, his previous mission forgotten. He really didn't want to get in the way of the couple's 'problems'.


This was so random wtf I hate it.

Also I'm well aware that my a/n at the start takes up literally half the chapter but I couldn't think of anything to write today so shush.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now