4th July - Oops

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This one is dedicated to my bestie LokiLaufeysonIsMine6 bc she is literally an Angel and gave me the AMAZING plot line for this one shot, and the next few as well.

Legit bro, you are so amazing and a very, very talented writer. It would be great if everyone would go check out their stories (especially you drarry and wolfstar fans).

I love you, Peemly bro. I hope this was sort of what you imagined when you gave me the idea lmao. If not, oh well.


What on earth is wrong with me, I can only write angst apparently 😭


Word Count: 959


Dick placed two jars of bright green hair dye down on the checkout counter in front of him.

The old lady manning the checkout looked down at the items before looking up at Dick.

"Are you alright, son?"

He gave her a pained smile. "Mhm. I just need a change, you know?"

She nodded slowly, looking more than a little concerned for the young man standing in front of her, before scanning through the two items.

"That'll be $18.99, sweetie."

Dick handed over a few cash notes to the woman.

"Would you like a bag, sweetie?"

"Uhm, no thanks."

She handed over the products and gave him his change, which consisted of a few coins.

"Thanks." He said as he took the items and change, turning to walk out the door of the small grocery store.

"Have fun." She smiled to him.


Dick stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, a small frown on his face.

He found his gaze drawn to the pots of green hair dye sitting on the sink in front of him and before he knew it, he was once again staring back at his own reflection in the mirror. Only this time his reflection showed himself with almost-neon green dye all over his hands and his entire head of hair slicked back with bright green. Oops.

Looking at himself in the mirror still, Dick started to panic. Oh, God. What had he done? He had never ever died his hair before, what had he done?

What if it never went back to his natural raven colour that he loved so much?!

"JASONNN!" Dick called out, a panicky tone to his voice.

He suddenly heard footsteps coming quickly down the hallway.

"What is it Dickie-ooooh my god."

Jason stared from the doorway in shock and horror at the green mess that was now his boyfriend's hair.

Tears started welling in Dick's eyes and Jason winced, moving in closer to the older man.

"Hey, Dickie. Shhhh. It's alright, it's okay, Bluebird. We can fix it, I can fix it. Please don't cry, baby."

He entwined his fingers with Dick's, squeezing softly and distracting his boyfriend whilst he picked up the empty pot from the sink. As Jason started reading the label, he prayed and hoped that it wasn't permanent dye. That would be almost impossible to get out of Dick's hair.

'Semi-permanent hair colour'

Jason breathed a quick sigh of relief. He held up the hair dye jar and showed it to Dick. "See? Semi-permanent. I can get it out for you, Dickie."

Dick nodded quickly.

"How long did you leave it in for?"

"I don't know." His voice wavered, still sounding on the verge of tears. "Can you please just get it out?"

Jason quickly started running the bath.

"You stay right here, I'll go get you a towel, alright?"


Dick sat in the warm water with his knees pulled in tightly against his chest. He was silently cursing himself. What was wrong with him? Why did he act so impulsively? He was never like that.

Jason sat on a stool at the edge of the bathtub and scrubbed Dick's hair thoroughly with a heavy duty shampoo. He was very much hoping that it would come out. He really didn't want any more tears from his boyfriend.

Dick's hair was black anyways, so hopefully if it did show up it wasn't very bright.

The anti-hero was losing hope by the time he had washed out both the shampoo and conditioner. A little of the dye came out, but not nearly enough.

He grimaced as he ran his fingers through the older's hair. It was a patchy dye job as well. Only some parts were actually green, and because his hair had a naturally blue undertone, it made this weird dark turquoise sort of colour. There were some patches that were still black, because he had clearly missed them whilst putting the dye through.


Once again Dick found himself staring back at his reflection in the mirror. This time, Jason was standing behind him with his hands on Dick's shoulders.

The older vigilante wiped the tears from his eyes as he stared into the mirror. He smiled. Dick's smile turned even wider before he suddenly burst out laughing, giving Jason a bit of a shock. His hair really did look ridiculous.

Dick tried to talk in between his wheezing and laughing.

"Oh god, Jay. Please never ever let me dye my own hair EVER again!"

Jason smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of Dick's cheek. "I promise, Dickhead. You really did a dreadful job."


Yeah. So that's that. I sincerely apologise.

For tomorrow's chapter I am going to use this same plot but actually make it funny, how it was originally supposed to be.

Once again, I apologise for this atrocity.

I am very sorry that I did this to you Peemly.

~Jaydick July 2021~Where stories live. Discover now