20th July - Tim being a nosy little shit

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Hello there.

I am taking a break from the requests for a couple days and writing my own ideas instead. Don't worry, I will still do your requests and if I don't get to them before the end of the month (holy poop only 11 days left) then I will make them in my Dick Grayson One-shots Book instead.

Title. Don't get me wrong I love Tim, but he really was just a nosy shit in this fic.

Word Count: 915


Dick was working in the batcave with Tim. Well, they weren't working together, but they were both in the batcave and both writing up mission reports.

The cave was completely silent aside from the quiet squeak of bats hanging from the ceiling every now and then.

Tim gave his older brother a quick side glance before returning to his work. It was him who broke the silence. "So, you got a new boyfriend?"

"Nope." Dick said, popping the p. He scribbled down some more words in his messy handwriting, focused on his work.

The younger scoffed, keeping his gaze on his paperwork from his last mission. "Fine. Lie to me."

The older vigilante dropped the pen onto his sheets of paper before turning in his swivel chair to his younger brother with a slightly annoyed expression on his face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing." He raised his hands up. "Just saying that I know you have a boyfriend."


Tim tapped his finger gently to his own neck with a sly grin on his face. "I don't think it was the Joker that gave you those hickeys."

Dick immediately pulled the skin-tight neck of his Nightwing uniform up higher with a red tint of embarrassment rising in his cheeks, covering the hickeys once again.

"Care to give me some insight on your relationship status?"


"Oh come on Dick, don't be like that."

"Back off Tim." Dick was stern with his tone for once. He and Jason hadn't been dating for long and they certainly weren't ready to tell anyone, let alone their family about the relationship.

After that little conversation, Tim did indeed back off and continue with his work. If he was being honest, that stern tone on Dick shocked him a little bit. Sure, Dick could be serious when he needed to, but he was never like that on something as unimportant as a new partner or a one night stand.

However, Tim was certain that he would get the information that he wanted one way or another. Hey, being curious couldn't harm anyone... could it?


For the next two days, Tim hung around Dick more often than he usually did and when he was sat in his room, he listened extra carefully to see if he could hear anything unusual coming from his brother's room right next to his own.

Two days went by and Tim was starting to lose hope that his brother was even dating anyone. His older brother had received zero phone calls, zero texts, and not a single person had come over to visit him within the past 48 hours. It was sort of sad, really. Even a loner insomniac like Tim spent more time with other people than Dick did.

Tim sat on his bed in his room, mindlessly scrolling through his Instagram feed, bored. By now he was almost certain that Dick was dating nobody. The hickeys had probably just come from a one night stand. That was the most reasonable explanation. Well, that was until Tim heard a sound.

He paused what he was doing for a moment to try and see if he would hear the soft sound again.

There it was.

Was that... giggling? Yes, Tim was sure it was giggling. Coming from Dick's room? Oh boy, maybe Dick did actually have a boyfriend?

Feeling eager and desperate to find out who this mystery man was that his eldest brother was dating, Tim tiptoed out of his bedroom and into the hallway. The teenager snuck right up to Dick's bedroom door.

Jackpot. It wasn't closed, the door was left just pulled to.

For a just a second Tim wondered if he was overstepping. His brother clearly didn't want him to know by the way that he reacted to Tim's questions. But his curiosity got the better of him.

He quietly nudged the wooden door open an inch or two, desperately pushing his face up against the gap in attempt to see what was going on inside. No luck. He could only see the bed posts at the end of the bed.

Tim pushed the door open another inch before poking his eye through again. This time he could actually see.

His eldest brother was sitting cross-legged in the middle of his bed, lips locked with- oh, yes! He was right! Dick did have a boyfriend- wait, Jason? Dick's lips were locked with Jason's... his two older brothers were making out... oh lord. That was not what he expected.

In his sudden panic, Tim managed to clumsily nudge the door open, causing Dick and Jason to jump from surprise and quickly pull away from their kiss, staring right at a wide-eyed Tim in Dick's doorway.

The teenager suddenly blurted out "You're dating Jason?!" Without really thinking.

"No, Timmy, it's uh... it's not what it looks like-" Dick quickly looked to Jason for assistance.

Jason's gaze flicked towards his boyfriend before back to his shocked brother.


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