Chapter 3

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When Louis Tomlinson was six years old, his dad had started going to work more often. Louis used to think it was because they were making less money since his mom was gone, but now he knows it's because work numbed his heart for a few hours more.

Because the pain would creep back if he sat in his cold, empty bedroom and stared at the wall, like he had done after the funeral.

Because his dad was gone so much, he got a babysitter.

Her name was Kristen and she lived across the street. She was really fun and loved drawing with him, and she didn't frown when Louis drew more princesses than dragons and used more pink than blue like his teacher would.

One day, she introduced him to her girlfriend who had come over to help them bake cupcakes. When she saw his lips pursed in confusion, she had explained to him that some girls like girls and some boys like boys and that it was fine. Louis thought that was pretty special.

Her name was Amelie and she was from Sweden. She had long, blonde, wispy hair and wanted to be a fashion designer so she dressed very nicely and always carried around a big designer bag filled with all sorts of beauty necessities.

One time, when Kristen and Amelie had left him watching the telly while they made dinner, Louis went to the bathroom and found Amelie's make-up bag on the counter where she had left it.

He tried to put it on like Amelie would but he kept messing up and he felt frustrated and sad because he'd never be as pretty as her.

Louis ran to her with his problem and she did his make-up for him without thinking twice and held the mirror up to his face. He smiled and hugged her happily because he looked like the princess he had always wanted to be.

The Story of a Female Boy Named Louis (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now