Chapter 14

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He's never been one to ask for advice.

Well, Louis's also never been one to easily accept that he needs help in the first place, especially when it comes to boys.

There never really is any need for advice when your love life consists of fleeting crushes and hot celebrities.

However, when he got home from school the day he met Harry, Louis sat down with Kristen. He guesses it was a bit strange to ask a lesbian for boy advice, but he was desperate, and she had dated boys before.

They were sat in their plush, beige sofa in front of the tv, bags of potato chips, which he likes to dunk in guacamole, scattered around them.

Louis was wearing lavender Nike running shorts and a loose, grey, long sleeved tee, with which he was fumbling with the sleeves.

"I met someone today.. His name was Harry. He was really nice and, um, he called me pretty. You know that doesn't happen all too often," Louis kept his head down but watched her from the corner of his eye.

From the tone of his voice and the way he sat there, Kristen already knew there was a 'but' to follow his story.

Those are never good.

"But Kai came by during lunch.. And- and Harry was there, too. But Kai didn't care. I don't know what to do. Harry seemed to actually like talking to me. It wasn't out of- out of pity or anything," Louis brought his knees up to his chest and lifted his head to the tv, "He almost got into a fucking fight for me today. On his first day of school. Like, you don't even know how embarrassing that was. I'm- I'm so exhausted of having everyone who likes being with me needing to act as my protective shield. And Harry's such a great guy, but I don't want him hanging around a vunerable little puppy that needs to be checked on every five fucking minutes."

Louis let out a shuddered exhale as Kristen gently rubbed his shoulder.

"I know it's hard, it always has been for you. But you're so strong and so brave. I couldn't be prouder. And now is the time when the harder decisions start coming up, now that you're older. This Harry guy, he treats you right? Respects you and all that?"

He lightly tugged on a loose strand of fringe and nodded, "I really liked being with him."

"Well then, here's what I think. I know you're insecure about starting any friendships because you've always needed someone to stand up for you. I can see that. Your best friend's been taking boxing since what, fifth grade? And he could probably beat up someone twice his age. That was no coincidence, Louis," a smile tugged at Louis' lips as he thought about the first time he met Liam, when he threatened a boy on the bus because he kept messing with his sister.

"I guess what you want now is a normal friendship, a regular, mutual level of protection. But what I think you need to realize is, in the eyes of this twisted society, you're not normal. There's always going to be someone that tries to bring you down and even though you are already such a brave, independent young person, you need that extra support to fall back on. In fact, everyone does. Personally, I don't know what would've happened if my best friend hadn't been there and protected me when Travis Stevens punched me because he caught me eating out his girlfriend."

"Kristen!" Louis exclaimed, scandalized, but laughed soon after.

"What? He was a terrible boyfriend, she came to me first, completely sober, might I add, consent is important,  and she was really hot. I was 18 and unattached. What else was I supposed to do?" she laughed along with him.

"You're crazy," Louis giggled softly and rested his head on her shoulder, "So.. What should I do now?"

Kristen wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his arm, "I say go for it. Always be wary, of course, but from what you're telling me, Harry's loyal very quickly. I know you don't want to be a burden on him. I understand that. You have a very big heart and you hate taking advantage of people. But baby, you deserve the world. And it's just the first day. Don't push him away. Who knows, he might be the one to walk you down the aisle someday."

"You've never even met him, I just met him today. How can you say that?" Louis blushed.

"Okay, I might be pushing it a bit far, but all I'm saying is if you push people away, you might be pushing away the wrong person."

"I guess you're right. I shouldn't be embarrassed. This is who I am, these are the challenges I face, and if he's not willing to put up with that, he's not worth it."

"Oh, you couldn't have said it better, honey," Kristen squeezed him into a hug, "You don't do this too often, this- this 'heart-to-heart' stuff. It's good, though. Should do it more often."

"Yeah. You give better advice than I thought," Louis chuckled, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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