The message.

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Sidearm's P.O.V: 

I wake up today actually feeling pretty refreshed. As I fix my eyes with the sunlight glaring inside my room, I notice my phone blinking. 
"Probably one of the guys wanting you to get one" I think to myself. 
Well, I was right. I missed 2 calls from Shadow and 7 texts from Speedy wanting to play some Minecraft minigames. I text back 'getting on in a few ;) xx'   
Wait.. She tweeted me again! 
"Ahh!! Sidearms favourited my tweet!! FInally senpai noticed me!! <3" 

Speedy was sooo right, she did sound happy!  I tweeted back, literally feeling the butterflies flying out of my mouth when I smiled. 
"Haha, you've been noticed! <3" 
I blushed again, I caved my face in m hands, why do I feel like this, this is so middle school life. 

Oh! She tweeted back! Wow! 
"You have no idea how much, I'm fangirling right now! I love you, Sidearms!!" 

I love you. Those three words literally dropped my stomach just enough to make me throw up yesterday's morning's breakfast. It's not that I felt repulsive that she said she loved me, I just.. thought about it. What if when I actually approach her, she'll just fangirl. I feared she'd put her fangirl feelings infront of her actual feelings and it'll feel like nothing.
I sank inside my chair. I was in the middle of replying back but I just fuzzed over that thought, I didn't tweet her back. 
I closed my eyes and felt warm all over.. what if since my youtube personality every girl I try to approach, only "loves" me for my fame but not the real me.. I touched my face, rubbed my eyes and gripped my cold hands, I'll get used to it. 
Speedy texted me again: "Side! Get on! I'm gonna record some Minigames, loved it if you joined!" 
I stared at the text, "O.k." was what my energy drained hands typed back. 

Maybe I should give her up, find someone else, who doesn't know my youtube persona. 

I sign in into skype and I launch Minecraft trying to sound more enthusiastic. 

Speedy: Great! Hey Side! 
Side: Hey Speedy. 
Shadow: Ugh, why'd you wake him up. My morning was fine without Sidearms.
Speedy: Aw Shadow, don't be a negative Nancy. 
Side: Yeah ):
Shadow: The only negative thing is going to be my K/D after a few matches with Sidearms. 
Side amd Speedy: *Laughs*

I turn on my (bare with me) recording thingy, once we played enough games, Shadow had to leave to go do some errands, once again, leaving me and Speedy alone. 

Speedy: Alright Side, that seems about good for todays video. Gonna edit this later. 
Side: Yeah. 
Speedy: Side, what's wrong? You're literally never been so distance.. Please don't tell it's Tori.
Side: I-what, n-no! She didn't do anything. 
"Not yet" is whatI thought to myself
Speedy: Then what is it? Did you do what I said?
Side: Sorta..I favourited her tweet? Atleast she knows I noticed her? 
Speedy: Did you DM her?
Side: I was, but I got nervous. 
Speedy: Oh, Side. I understand, IRL you get a bit jitterary but c'mon. 
Side: Hold on, hear me out on this one. I was thinking Speedy, what if we don't find any girls because of our youtube persona. She said she loved me, obviously not in romantic way. What if all her "I love you" Is for Sidearms not Albi. 
Speedy: Woah there, Sidearms. Where did this come from? Since when did you- I.. Sidearms,  you're worrying waaaay too much out of porportions. So what she's a fangirl, if you want to actually start and conversate with her, you BOTH have to put your relationship first. well, you know?

Speedy's voice sounded irritated. Must've been because I didn't text her. I don't think Speedy understands what I'm trying to say. I stare at my keyboard when Speedy's voice breaks my day dream. 

Speedy: Well, I'm gonna get off, Gotta do some house work and junk.
Side: Oh, well are ya'll gonna get on earlier today? 
Speedy: Of course, I might get on late, C'ya Side. 
Side: Later,. 

I really put to thought what Speedy told me. Maybe I am over thinking it.. Well I can't help it. What if she does do all those things, I'm gonna look like such a fool, but there's also the possibility she can bottle her fangirl to talk to me. 
"There's only one way to fine out" I groan to myself. 
I scroll through the tweets, this time not favouring or answering anyone else's. I frantically search for Tori's tweet again. I click her profile. Oooh, she changed her pic. Now she's not wearing glasses. Holy, she's more attractive without her glasses. I blush just by seeing her face. She's so cute.

I crack my bones and I begin to type:
"Hey Tori :) 
I'm Sidearms, obviously. Thanks for being such a great fan and all I really appriciate it! 
                                                                        -Albi :)" 
I felt so sick, like I wish I could text her more personally without fearing my information would get leaked out. I hope she read its and I hope it's good enough. 
I get out of my chair and decide to go down stairs to make myself breakfast , even when it's 12:21 pm when my phone vibrates on my desk top. 
It's Tori! 
"OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG, Hey Sidearms!!! You're welcoming me? I should welcome you for always making me laugh and  a happy person!!!!! I love you!!"

I love you. There we go again with the same 3 letter words. 
I don't why I'd feel so easy when she'd say that, but I felt more, more.. sorta relieved. 

Maybe she won't be like those other fangirls, maybe she'll forget me a youtuber and all. I smile as I stare at her picture. I click the little 'FOLLOW' button. That's when she texted me back saying "What's up, Smiley face :)" 

*Author's note: (not counting this, well yeah I guess) I typed 1000+ words. I'm pretty proud. I did 2 looong chapters in a couple of hours lol My hands are tired as heck and I fell asleep on my keyboard for a while. I didn't know how to end this, but now that I read the paragraph, It's kinda cute. Well, looks like I'm gonna do 2-3 paragraphs per day since it is spring break right now and I'm sure I'm not gonna have any plans lol 
Well, enough of me. Thanks again guys for reading! Hope you're enjoying the story so far, don't worry next chapter I'll try to  make it more cutesy and such. BTW another thing, I'm gonna have to be doing *Time Skips* or something bc I do not want to write like alot of extra details (this is a PSA bc I already have something in mind for the next chapter! Gahh- Sorry! I keep going on! Again, thanks guys! <3 

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