Don't mind the flower blanket.

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**Author's note: 

Dang, Last night Wattpad wasn't working and I was literally just about to start to work on the next chapter. 

Thank goodness everything is up and running! :) I got some work done from a Notepad app on computer, sorry for the wait!

Sidearms's POV: 

I felt his body loosen up and I couldn't help but shed a few tears. He sat himself back onto the chair and he ruffled his hair. I didn't

want to anything but I had to break the silence, this awkwardness was beginning to be agonizing. 

Sidearms: Was I really the first one to know? 

Speedy: Yeah, I didn't know how to bring it up some nigths when I'm not feeling myself. I always just slided it away, you know?

Sidearms: You know the others are coming right? 

Speedy: The crew? 

Sidearms: Yeah.

Speedy: What? R-Really?.. How'd they know I was here?

Sidearms: Well, I didn't tell them off the bat, Hova, The Deluxe Brothers and Shadow were playing CS:GO and wondered where you were at. 

The right thing on my mind was to tell them about your suprise visit, I just didn't tell them why because I didn't have a crew. 

Speedy: Very well then, that's fine. Thanks, Side. That eased off some of my burden. 

Sidearms: No biggie, man. You know I'm not very fond of love, I've never expieranc- I mean..Not until now. So it kinda came to shock that you came

to me for some aid. 

Speedy: Now? As in right now? Who is it! Wait don't even tell me, It's that girl from Twitter, huh!?

Sidearms: I-..H-haha.. 

Speedy: Tori! Oh my god, Side! That's really nice to hear, did you hit it off?

Sidearms: Well, Um. We didn't really "hit it off", She doesn't even know I like her yet, I'm actually gonna well see her soon. 

Speedy: She doesn't? Wait, see her? Like in real life? 

Sidearms: She actually begged her parents to take to (INSERT CONVENTION NAME HERE) that isn't too far from here and well I'm gonna meet her there. 

Speedy: That's so cute, Side buddy! 

Sidearms: Shh, no it's not. I'm so freaking nervous, you have no idea. 

Speedy: What's there to be nervous, Side? Just act the way you do when you talk? I mean, assume you guys skype?

Sidearms: Yeah, we do. We talk to each other on skype alot, just recently she texted me saying she got the tickets for the plane and tickets. 

I have so much butterflies as we speak. 

Speedy: You know, Side. If it won't bug ya', the crew and myself can join you. We'll be the seven wheels. 

Sidearms: seven wheels? Haha. Not too bad of an idea, dude. If it doesn't trouble anyone. 

Speedy: Nah, I think it's fine, if not all seven of us then just me. 

I was kinda relieved Speedy himself said he'd come with me instead of me having to bringing it up and asking. 

I was wondering when the entire crew is coming over and how they're going to react over Speedy's story.

**Another Author's note:

Sorry this chapter was so short! Wattpad wasn't working and I just retrived this little bit, I promise you guys tomorrow, I will update this longer and the next chapter will be better! I love you and thank you Wattpad for fixing the issues, xx :)Much love!


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