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... there stood Gary Barlow, the guy in Take That that terriffied me. I didn't know what to do.

"Hey babe.." he was drunk and I could smell the alcohol as though he was wearing it as a cologne. I began to close the door when he slammed his hand against it and looked at me angrily.

"Leave me alone," I shouted, petrified.

"I just want to talk to you babe, I've missed you."

"Well I wish I could say the same to you." Shit he looks even more angry now.

"Why do you have to be so rude to me, you're only young, learn some manners." He started to walk into my house as I walked backwards knowing that something was going to happen. He reached out for my hand.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled as loud as I could. This drunk Gary was getting scarier and scarier. Suddenly I heard footsteps running up my driveway.

"Get off her!" I heard in a familiar Mancunian voice. I'd closed my eyes but all I heard was somone being dragged, obviously by someone very strong as Gary wasn't exactly small. The door closed and it was silent until I heard someone speak. "Miss me?" I'd opened my eyes to see Robbie.

"Oh hey." He leant in for a kiss but I gave him a friendly hug. He'd changed so much. For starters he'd grown and was now 6 ft, his hair was longer but gorgeous and he'd thinned out but muscled up. He was wearing big black doctor martens boots, tight jeans and a dark green knitted sweater (it was Mark's)

"So how have you been babe?" I looked at him, I was so angry yet he looked so beautiful.

"Don't call me babe," I walked into the living room and leant on the chair.

"Why, what's up?" He looked confused.

"Robbie you know what's up!"

"Have you cheated on me or something?" He was beginning to look angry.

"Have I cheated on you? I've been waiting to actually be contacted byyou for the past 2 months but I've heard nothing. NOTHING! You want to know how it feels, oh wait you won't because you're more important than everything and everyone. And remember that trip to London, well I went with my sister so don't try to sound inocent because I hate you!" I was crying at this point and wanted it all to be over. Robbie just looked at me and began to cry himself.

"Oh Em I..."

"You what? You forgot you had a girlfriend who loves you more than anything? Thats what I thought!" I stormed up to my room and just laid with my eyes closed, crying for hours. I didn't care if he was still in my house.

5 hours later I woke up to Robbie lying next to me with a tissue in his hand and the duvet pulled over me. I didn't know what to do. He suddenly woke up.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep I just didn't want you to be cold and..."

"Don't worry its fine." I was blunt but I loved him.

"Em will you please let me explain, I've been so tied up but I have no excuse for not calling or seeing you. But I was planning a big thing where last night I'd come round and try to make it up to you but that failed so just say if you don't want to be my girlfriend." It was silent for a minute.

"I love you Robbie and I do want to be your girlfriend but just promise me you'll try please." My hands were round his face as I sat on my knees with my eyes filling up.

"I promise Em. I love you," he too was sat on his kness and he kissed me passionately whilst holding my hips. I never want this to end.

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