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Robbie lived on the estate, much different from where I lived. Byt that didn't bother me, it's not about where they're from. We'd eaten our pizza and we were sitting on his bed in his room, watching Strictly Come Dancing, obviously not his choice but a girl has got to watch her favourite programme. I noticed he was staring at me.

"You have beautiful eyes," he said, I began to blush.

"One of them is blood shot, ugly little bugger, but thank you." He chuckled and put his arm around me. I leant against him.

"Learn to accept my comoliments miss Taylor because I will give them to you all the time. Now is it pj time?" He stood up and walked to his chest of drawers. "You can wear my underwear as shorts and a baggy top, fair?"

"Sounds good." He pulled out a smart pair, if that's possible and a baggy chequered shirt. He chucked them to me and grabbed some boxers for himself.

"I'll leave madame to get dressed." He left the room as I got dressed, but I had a huge decision to make. Do I wear a bra or not? I took it off, the shirt was baggy enough to hide everything. I proceeded to take my makeup off as Robbie walked through the door.

"I assumed you were done, which luckily you are." Shit I'd left my bra on the floor. He'd seen it.

"Thats not mine," I said panicked and turning bright red.

"Well funnily not mine either," he laughed and walked over it to me. "You look evem more gorgeous without makeup." He kissed me passionately for a long time, I pushed him onto the bed and we continued to kiss. I was on top of him when we heard footsteps up the stairs.

"Rob it's your mum!"

"Quick under the covers, she won't mind us both but just pretend you've fallen asleep I'll stay up." So that's what I did. I placed my head on his chest and one arm around his torso.

"Hey Rob sweetie, just saying congratulations sweetie, nan and me are proud of you. I'm at work early, so we'll celebrate tomorrow night." The door closed and I sat up.

"Em I liked laying like that, lay back down," he kissed my forehead and stroked through my brown hair until I fell asleep.

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