First Day

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Sorry if this fanfic isn't any good, but I'll try my best :)

It's my first day at this Manchester high school. I'd moved from down South, near London in fact, so my accent was much different from the Mancunian. I was so nervous as I approached the gates, I didn't know anyone, it was my birthday in a few days and I'd be spending it alone on the stairway or in the cubicle toilet because no one would know me. I had to keep convincing myself  'don't worry Em, this isn't your old school, I'm sure they won't touch you.' At my last school I was bullied by a group of girls, they would take my stuff inside and outside of school and throw things at me whilst shouting abuse. I didn't have a normal life, I was adopted and have never known why.

I walked through the gate and avoided eye contact with anyone. I walked into my form room,  shit I was late.

"And you are..." the teacher asked me as I opened the door.

"Em" I said, to embarrassed to use my full name.

"Well Em, go sit down please." The only seat left was next to a very handsome boy, he must've been older but not by much, with gorgeous eyes and smile. "Now everyone, just chat quietly with the person next to you." The boy next to me put his hand out.

"Robbie, Robbie Williams, and you are,.."

"Em Taylor."

"No I mean what is your actual full first name," he smirked at me and gave a little laugh.

"Ok I know it's awful but it's Emmeline."

"I knew it from the accent, it had to be a posh name, but I like it!" He smiled gently at me. He is gorgeous but way out of my league. "So Em, tell me about yourself."

"Ok, well I'm in the fourth year, moved from a posh place near London, I sing in my own time and I have a sister and a brother." I didn't look at him as I spoke, I was way too nervous and just twiddled my thumbs.

"Well you sound very interesting..." he sounded sarcastic "and parents?" Maybe he is interested.

"I'm - uurmm - adopted," I whispered.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry, I feel bad now, I'm -"

"It's fine, just please don't tell anyone." He nodded and bit his lip.

"Your birthday?"

"Friday haha," why is he so ibterested in the new girl that's only 5 foot 5 and has an accent like the queen?

"FRIDAY! Wow, that's soon, I still have time to buy you something at least."

"No don't do that, please I'll feel bad!"

"Tough," the bell went. "I'll show you to your first lesson," he carried my folder for me as I tried to understand the huge building. I kept getting looked at, "ignore all the girls by the way, for some reason they envy all the girls I talk to, which isn't many so consider yourself lucky." He winked at me.

"Look at you though, you're gorgeous, I'm not surprised!" Did I really just say that! He laughed.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow- oh wait where did you move to?"

"Chester Avenue, why?"

"Just asking, see you Em" I just waved and smiled. Maybe this school might be alright.

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